Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 119 - Protection and Care of Children, and Proceedings Against Them
Section 88 - Participation in Community-Based Restorative Justice Program

Section 88. A child against whom a complaint is brought pursuant to this chapter may participate in a community-based restorative justice program pursuant to chapter 276B.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 119 - Protection and Care of Children, and Proceedings Against Them

Section 1 - Declaration of Policy; Purpose

Section 21 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 21 to 51h

Section 21a - Admissibility of Evidence; Qualified Experts

Section 22 - Visitation of Family Foster Homes; Removal of Child; Discharge of Child to Parent or Legal Guardian

Section 23 - Responsibility of Department to Provide Foster Care for Children; Placement With Relatives; Funeral Expenses; Child Profile Form; Extension of Support of Child Until 22 Years of Age; Assignment of Support Rights; Assistance to Foster Car...

Section 23a - Children Born to Inmates of Correctional Institutions or Jails; Care and Custody

Section 23b - Services to Unwed Mothers

Section 24 - Procedure to Commit Child to Custody or Other Disposition; Notice and Summons; Emergency Order Transferring Custody; Investigation; Abandoned Children

Section 25 - Hearing; Custody of Child

Section 26 - Procedure at Hearing; Order of Commitment; Petition to Dispense With Parental Consent to Adoption; Reimbursement of Commonwealth; Petition for Review

Section 26a - Registration of Interest for Foster Care Placement; Criminal Record Review; Fingerprint-Based Checks; Grounds for Rejection

Section 26b - Grandparent Visitation; Sibling Visitation; Appeal of Decision to Deny Visitation

Section 26c - Summary of Foster Care Providers' Employment

Section 27 - Appeals; Procedure; Notice of Right of Appeal; Time Limits

Section 28 - Orders for Payment of Support; Who May Bring Action; Expiration of Order or Judgment

Section 29 - Right to Counsel; Notice of Right; Court Appointed Counsel

Section 29a - Legal Fees of Minors in Criminal Proceedings; Liability of Parents

Section 29b - Determination of Future Status of Committed Children; Orders; Permanency Hearings; Appeals

Section 29c - Judicial Certification of Need to Remove Child From Home

Section 29d - Notice of Hearing

Section 32 - Placement of Children in Private Families; Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Standards; Individualized Health Care Plan

Section 33 - Placement of Children in Family Home Care

Section 33b - Placement in Family Home Care of Juvenile Who Has or May Have Committed a Sexual Offense or Arson

Section 33c - Congregate Care Program; Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

Section 34 - Transportation of Children in Patrol Wagons

Section 35 - Furnishing Parent or Guardian Information as to Child; Permission to Visit; Notice; Parents Convicted of First Degree Murder

Section 36 - Bringing Child Into Commonwealth With View to Adoption, Guardianship, Custody or Care; Permit; Application; Bond

Section 37 - Rules and Regulations of Department

Section 38 - Closed Hearings; Publication of Names

Section 38a - Petitions for Order to Not Resuscitate or to Withdraw Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment; Required Recommendations; Appeals

Section 39 - Abandonment of Infant Under Age of Ten

Section 391/2 - Placement of a Newborn Into Foster Care

Section 39d - Visitation Rights to Certain Grandparents of Unmarried Minor Children; Place to File Petition

Section 39e - Petitions Seeking Determination That Child Is in Need of Services; Jurisdiction; Standing

Section 39f - Children in Need of Services; Right to Counsel; Determination of Indigency; Assessment of Costs

Section 39g - Hearing; Determination of Child Requiring Assistance

Section 39h - Custodial Protection of Child; Notification and Placement; Bail; Detention; Right of Appeal

Section 39i - Children in Need of Services; Appeal; Rights and Procedures

Section 39k - Child Welfare Service Needs of Sexually Exploited Children

Section 39l - Children in Violation of Prohibition Against Common Night Walking or Common Streetwalking; Petition for Care and Protection; Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem; Stay of Juvenile Delinquency or Criminal Proceedings; Failure of Child to Com...

Section 39m - Dependency Proceedings for Abused, Neglected and Abandoned Children; Determination of Child's Best Interest; Petition for Special Findings

Section 51a - Reporting of Suspected Abuse or Neglect; Mandated Reporters; Collection of Physical Evidence; Penalties; Content of Reports; Liability; Privileged Communication

Section 51b - Investigation of Report of Abuse Filed Under Sec. 51a; Removal of Child; Transmission and Filing of Written Reports; Notice to District Attorney; Disclosure of Information by Mandated Reporter

Section 51c - Custody of Injured Child Pending Transfer to Department or Pending Hearing

Section 51d - Powers and Duties of Area Directors; Multi-Disciplinary Service Teams

Section 51e - Reports of Injured Children; Files; Confidentiality; Penalties

Section 51f - Central Registry of Information; Confidentiality; Penalties

Section 51g - Severability of Secs. 51a to 51f

Section 51h - Protective Alerts; Transport of Child to Another State or Country

Section 52 - Delinquent Children; Definitions

Section 53 - Delinquent Children; Liberal Construction; Nature of Proceedings

Section 54 - Delinquent Children; Complaint; Indictment; Examination of Complainant

Section 54a - Delinquent Children; Diversion of Child to Program of Community Supervision or Other Rehabilitative Services; Assessment of Suitability for Diversion; Determination of Eligibility; Diversion of Child by District Attorney; Subsequent Off...

Section 55 - Delinquent Children; Summoning of Parent or Guardian

Section 55a - Delinquent Children; Jury Trials; Discovery Orders; Jury-Waived Trials; Appointment of Stenographer

Section 55b - Delinquent Children; Plea; Disposition Request; Pretrial Motions

Section 56 - Delinquent Children; Adjournments; Jury Sessions; Appointment of Stenographer

Section 57 - Delinquent Children; Investigation by Probation Officer; Record of Performance; Reports

Section 58 - Adjudication as Delinquent Child or Youthful Offender

Section 58b - Delinquent Children; Motor Vehicle Violations; Disposition; Admissibility of Adjudication and Disposition as Evidence in Other Proceedings

Section 59 - Delinquent Children; Violation of Terms of Probation

Section 60 - Delinquent Children; Admissibility of Adjudication in Subsequent Proceeding; Disqualification for Public Service

Section 60a - Inspection of Records in Youthful Offender and Delinquency Cases

Section 62 - Delinquent Children; Restitution or Reparation by Child to Injured Person

Section 63 - Inducing or Abetting Delinquency of Child

Section 63a - Delinquent Children; Aiding and Abetting Violation of Juvenile Court Order; Concealing or Harboring Child; Penalties; Defenses

Section 64 - Delinquent Children; Powers of Commissioner of Probation; Annual Report

Section 65 - Juvenile Sessions; Presence of Minors; Exclusion of Public

Section 66 - Detention of Child in Police Station; Commitment to Jail, House of Correction or State Farm

Section 67 - Notice of Arrest of Child; Release Upon Promise of Child's Appearance in Court; Detention

Section 68 - Commitment of Children Held for Examination or Trial

Section 68a - Diagnostic Study by Department of Youth Services; Report and Recommendations

Section 68b - Special Foster Homes; Detention Homes; Alternate Placements of Child

Section 68c - Diagnostic Services by Department of Youth Services

Section 69 - Information and Reports of Superintendents of Schools and Teachers

Section 69a - Information of Probation Officers, Police and School Authorities

Section 70 - Summoning of Parent or Guardian During Case

Section 71 - Failure to Appear on Summons; Capias

Section 72 - Continuance of Jurisdiction of Courts in Juvenile Sessions

Section 72a - Proceedings Upon Apprehension After Nineteenth Birthday

Section 72b - Persons Between the Ages of Fourteen and Eighteen Convicted of Murder; Penalties

Section 74 - Limitations on Criminal Proceedings Against Children

Section 84 - Warrant of Commitment to Department of Youth Services

Section 85 - Department Employees Reporting Animal Cruelty, Abuse or Neglect; Immunity From Liability

Section 86 - Use of Restraints During Court Proceedings

Section 87 - Placement of Juvenile in Secure Detention Facility or Secure Correctional Facility or in Any Institution in Which Juvenile Has Contact With Adult Inmates

Section 88 - Participation in Community-Based Restorative Justice Program

Section 89 - Juvenile Justice Policy and Data Board