Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 119 - Protection and Care of Children, and Proceedings Against Them
Section 55a - Delinquent Children; Jury Trials; Discovery Orders; Jury-Waived Trials; Appointment of Stenographer

Section 55A. Trial of a child complained of as a delinquent child or indicted as a youthful offender in a division of the juvenile court department shall be by a jury, unless the child files a written waiver and consent to be tried by the court without a jury. Such waiver shall not be received unless the child is represented by counsel or has filed, through his parent or guardian, a written waiver of counsel. No decision on such waiver shall be received until after the completion of a pretrial conference and a hearing on the results of such conference and until after the disposition of any pretrial discovery motions and compliance with any order of the court pursuant to said motions. Such waiver shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of section six of chapter two hundred and sixty-three; provided, however, that defense counsel shall execute a certificate signed by said counsel indicating that he has made all the necessary explanations and determinations regarding such waiver. The form of such certificates shall be prescribed by the chief justice for the juvenile court department.
In the juvenile court department upon the motion of a child consistent with criminal procedure, or upon the court's own motion, the judge shall issue an order of discovery requiring the prosecutor to provide in writing any information to which the child is entitled and also requiring that the child be permitted to discover, inspect, and copy any material and relevant evidence, documents, statements or persons, or reports of physical or mental examinations of any person or of scientific tests or experiments, within the possession, custody, or control of the prosecutor or persons under his direction and control. Upon motion of the child the judge shall order the production by the commonwealth of the names and addresses of the prospective witnesses and the production by the probation department of the record of prior convictions of any such witnesses. The commonwealth shall be entitled to reciprocal discovery as set forth in Rule 14 (a) (1) (3) of the Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Trial by jury in the juvenile court department shall be in those jury sessions designated in accordance with section fifty-six. Where the child has properly filed a waiver and consented to be tried without a jury, as hereinbefore provided, trial shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to jury-waived trials in the superior court; provided, however, that at the option of the child, the trial may be before a judge who has not rejected an agreed upon recommendation or disposition request made by the child pursuant to the provisions of section fifty-five B. Review in such cases may be had directly by the appeals court, by appeal, report or otherwise in the same manner provided for trials of criminal cases in the superior court.
The justice presiding over such jury-waived trial in the juvenile court department shall have and exercise all of the powers which a justice sitting in the superior court department has and may exercise in the trial and disposition of criminal cases including the power to report questions of law to the appeals court.
The justice presiding at such jury-waived session in the juvenile court department shall, upon the request of the child, appoint a stenographer; provided, however, that where the child claims indigence, such appointment is determined to be reasonably necessary in accordance with the provisions of sections twenty-seven A to twenty-seven G, inclusive, of chapter two hundred and sixty-one. Such stenographer shall be sworn, and shall take stenographic notes of all the testimony given at the trial, and shall provide the parties thereto with a transcript of his notes or any part thereof taken at the trial or hearing for which he shall be paid by the party requesting it at the rate fixed by the chief justice of the juvenile court department; provided, however, that such rate shall not exceed the rate provided pursuant to section eighty-eight of chapter two hundred and twenty-one. Said chief justice may make regulations not inconsistent with law relative to the assignments, duties and services of stenographers appointed for sessions in his department and any other matter relative to stenographers. The compensation and expenses of a stenographer shall be paid by the commonwealth.
The request for the appointment of a stenographer to preserve the testimony at a trial in the juvenile court department shall be given to the clerk of the court by the child in writing no later than forty-eight hours prior to the proceeding for which the stenographer has been requested. The child shall file with such request an affidavit of indigence and request for payment by the commonwealth of the cost of the transcript and the court shall hold a hearing on such request prior to appointing a stenographer, in those cases where the child alleges that he will be unable to pay said cost. Said hearing shall be governed by the provisions of sections twenty-seven A to twenty-seven G, inclusive, of chapter two hundred and sixty-one, and the cost of such transcript shall be considered an extra cost as provided therein. If the court is unable, for any reason, to provide a stenographer, the proceedings may be recorded by electronic means. The original recording of proceedings in the juvenile court department made with a recording device under the exclusive control of the court shall be the official record of such proceedings. Said record or a copy of all or a part thereof, certified by the presiding justice or his designee, to be an accurate electronic reproduction of said record or part thereof, or a typewritten transcript of all or part of said record or copy thereof, certified to be accurate by the court or by the preparer of said transcript, or stipulated to by the parties, shall be admissible in any court as evidence of testimony given wherever proof of such testimony is otherwise competent. The child may request payment by the commonwealth of the cost of said transcript subject to the same provisions regarding a transcript of a stenographer as provided hereinbefore.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 119 - Protection and Care of Children, and Proceedings Against Them

Section 1 - Declaration of Policy; Purpose

Section 21 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 21 to 51h

Section 21a - Admissibility of Evidence; Qualified Experts

Section 22 - Visitation of Family Foster Homes; Removal of Child; Discharge of Child to Parent or Legal Guardian

Section 23 - Responsibility of Department to Provide Foster Care for Children; Placement With Relatives; Funeral Expenses; Child Profile Form; Extension of Support of Child Until 22 Years of Age; Assignment of Support Rights; Assistance to Foster Car...

Section 23a - Children Born to Inmates of Correctional Institutions or Jails; Care and Custody

Section 23b - Services to Unwed Mothers

Section 24 - Procedure to Commit Child to Custody or Other Disposition; Notice and Summons; Emergency Order Transferring Custody; Investigation; Abandoned Children

Section 25 - Hearing; Custody of Child

Section 26 - Procedure at Hearing; Order of Commitment; Petition to Dispense With Parental Consent to Adoption; Reimbursement of Commonwealth; Petition for Review

Section 26a - Registration of Interest for Foster Care Placement; Criminal Record Review; Fingerprint-Based Checks; Grounds for Rejection

Section 26b - Grandparent Visitation; Sibling Visitation; Appeal of Decision to Deny Visitation

Section 26c - Summary of Foster Care Providers' Employment

Section 27 - Appeals; Procedure; Notice of Right of Appeal; Time Limits

Section 28 - Orders for Payment of Support; Who May Bring Action; Expiration of Order or Judgment

Section 29 - Right to Counsel; Notice of Right; Court Appointed Counsel

Section 29a - Legal Fees of Minors in Criminal Proceedings; Liability of Parents

Section 29b - Determination of Future Status of Committed Children; Orders; Permanency Hearings; Appeals

Section 29c - Judicial Certification of Need to Remove Child From Home

Section 29d - Notice of Hearing

Section 32 - Placement of Children in Private Families; Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Standards; Individualized Health Care Plan

Section 33 - Placement of Children in Family Home Care

Section 33b - Placement in Family Home Care of Juvenile Who Has or May Have Committed a Sexual Offense or Arson

Section 33c - Congregate Care Program; Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

Section 34 - Transportation of Children in Patrol Wagons

Section 35 - Furnishing Parent or Guardian Information as to Child; Permission to Visit; Notice; Parents Convicted of First Degree Murder

Section 36 - Bringing Child Into Commonwealth With View to Adoption, Guardianship, Custody or Care; Permit; Application; Bond

Section 37 - Rules and Regulations of Department

Section 38 - Closed Hearings; Publication of Names

Section 38a - Petitions for Order to Not Resuscitate or to Withdraw Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment; Required Recommendations; Appeals

Section 39 - Abandonment of Infant Under Age of Ten

Section 391/2 - Placement of a Newborn Into Foster Care

Section 39d - Visitation Rights to Certain Grandparents of Unmarried Minor Children; Place to File Petition

Section 39e - Petitions Seeking Determination That Child Is in Need of Services; Jurisdiction; Standing

Section 39f - Children in Need of Services; Right to Counsel; Determination of Indigency; Assessment of Costs

Section 39g - Hearing; Determination of Child Requiring Assistance

Section 39h - Custodial Protection of Child; Notification and Placement; Bail; Detention; Right of Appeal

Section 39i - Children in Need of Services; Appeal; Rights and Procedures

Section 39k - Child Welfare Service Needs of Sexually Exploited Children

Section 39l - Children in Violation of Prohibition Against Common Night Walking or Common Streetwalking; Petition for Care and Protection; Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem; Stay of Juvenile Delinquency or Criminal Proceedings; Failure of Child to Com...

Section 39m - Dependency Proceedings for Abused, Neglected and Abandoned Children; Determination of Child's Best Interest; Petition for Special Findings

Section 51a - Reporting of Suspected Abuse or Neglect; Mandated Reporters; Collection of Physical Evidence; Penalties; Content of Reports; Liability; Privileged Communication

Section 51b - Investigation of Report of Abuse Filed Under Sec. 51a; Removal of Child; Transmission and Filing of Written Reports; Notice to District Attorney; Disclosure of Information by Mandated Reporter

Section 51c - Custody of Injured Child Pending Transfer to Department or Pending Hearing

Section 51d - Powers and Duties of Area Directors; Multi-Disciplinary Service Teams

Section 51e - Reports of Injured Children; Files; Confidentiality; Penalties

Section 51f - Central Registry of Information; Confidentiality; Penalties

Section 51g - Severability of Secs. 51a to 51f

Section 51h - Protective Alerts; Transport of Child to Another State or Country

Section 52 - Delinquent Children; Definitions

Section 53 - Delinquent Children; Liberal Construction; Nature of Proceedings

Section 54 - Delinquent Children; Complaint; Indictment; Examination of Complainant

Section 54a - Delinquent Children; Diversion of Child to Program of Community Supervision or Other Rehabilitative Services; Assessment of Suitability for Diversion; Determination of Eligibility; Diversion of Child by District Attorney; Subsequent Off...

Section 55 - Delinquent Children; Summoning of Parent or Guardian

Section 55a - Delinquent Children; Jury Trials; Discovery Orders; Jury-Waived Trials; Appointment of Stenographer

Section 55b - Delinquent Children; Plea; Disposition Request; Pretrial Motions

Section 56 - Delinquent Children; Adjournments; Jury Sessions; Appointment of Stenographer

Section 57 - Delinquent Children; Investigation by Probation Officer; Record of Performance; Reports

Section 58 - Adjudication as Delinquent Child or Youthful Offender

Section 58b - Delinquent Children; Motor Vehicle Violations; Disposition; Admissibility of Adjudication and Disposition as Evidence in Other Proceedings

Section 59 - Delinquent Children; Violation of Terms of Probation

Section 60 - Delinquent Children; Admissibility of Adjudication in Subsequent Proceeding; Disqualification for Public Service

Section 60a - Inspection of Records in Youthful Offender and Delinquency Cases

Section 62 - Delinquent Children; Restitution or Reparation by Child to Injured Person

Section 63 - Inducing or Abetting Delinquency of Child

Section 63a - Delinquent Children; Aiding and Abetting Violation of Juvenile Court Order; Concealing or Harboring Child; Penalties; Defenses

Section 64 - Delinquent Children; Powers of Commissioner of Probation; Annual Report

Section 65 - Juvenile Sessions; Presence of Minors; Exclusion of Public

Section 66 - Detention of Child in Police Station; Commitment to Jail, House of Correction or State Farm

Section 67 - Notice of Arrest of Child; Release Upon Promise of Child's Appearance in Court; Detention

Section 68 - Commitment of Children Held for Examination or Trial

Section 68a - Diagnostic Study by Department of Youth Services; Report and Recommendations

Section 68b - Special Foster Homes; Detention Homes; Alternate Placements of Child

Section 68c - Diagnostic Services by Department of Youth Services

Section 69 - Information and Reports of Superintendents of Schools and Teachers

Section 69a - Information of Probation Officers, Police and School Authorities

Section 70 - Summoning of Parent or Guardian During Case

Section 71 - Failure to Appear on Summons; Capias

Section 72 - Continuance of Jurisdiction of Courts in Juvenile Sessions

Section 72a - Proceedings Upon Apprehension After Nineteenth Birthday

Section 72b - Persons Between the Ages of Fourteen and Eighteen Convicted of Murder; Penalties

Section 74 - Limitations on Criminal Proceedings Against Children

Section 84 - Warrant of Commitment to Department of Youth Services

Section 85 - Department Employees Reporting Animal Cruelty, Abuse or Neglect; Immunity From Liability

Section 86 - Use of Restraints During Court Proceedings

Section 87 - Placement of Juvenile in Secure Detention Facility or Secure Correctional Facility or in Any Institution in Which Juvenile Has Contact With Adult Inmates

Section 88 - Participation in Community-Based Restorative Justice Program

Section 89 - Juvenile Justice Policy and Data Board