Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 183 - Alienation of Land
Section 64 - Discrimination in Residential Mortgage Loans on Basis of Location of Property

Section 64. No mortgagee shall discriminate, on a basis that is arbitrary or unsupported by a reasonable analysis of the lending risks associated with a residential mortgage transaction, in the granting, withholding, extending, modifying or renewing, or in the fixing of the rates, terms, conditions or provisions of any residential mortgage loan or in any written application therefor on residential real property located in the commonwealth of four or fewer separate households occupied or to be occupied in whole or in part by the applicant, that is within the reasonable service area of such mortgagee, on the basis such property is located in a specific neighborhood or geographical area; provided, however, that it shall not be a violation of this section if the residential mortgage loan is made pursuant to a specific public or private program, the purpose of which is to increase the availability of mortgage loans within a specific neighborhood or geographical area. Nor shall any mortgagee use lending or underwriting standards, policies, systems or practices, that discriminate in practice or that discriminate in effect, on a basis that is arbitrary or unsupported by a reasonable analysis of the lending risks associated with a residential mortgage transaction. The preceding sentence shall not preclude a mortgagee from:
(a) requiring reasonable and uniformly applied application fees,
(b) utilizing income standards which are reasonable in relation to the amount of the loan requested and which shall be disclosed to each prospective applicant, or
(c) uniformly refusing to accept applications because of a lack of lendable funds.
Nor shall any mortgagee make any oral or written statement, in advertising or otherwise, to applicants or prospective applicants that would discourage in an arbitrary manner or in a manner that is unsupported by a reasonable analysis of the lending risks associated with a residential mortgage transaction, a reasonable person from making or pursuing an application.
The mortgagee shall inform each applicant in writing of the specific reasons for any adverse action on the application for such mortgage loan or for an extension, modification, or renewal of such loan. If the reason for any adverse action taken by a mortgagee is based in whole or in part on the location or condition of the collateral property, the mortgagee shall inform the applicant in writing of the estimated market value of the subject property on which it relied and the lending standards which it used in taking such adverse action. A mortgagee shall not be liable to any seller or agent of the seller of such property on account of the disclosure of the market value of such property estimated according to a reasonable appraisal rendered to the lender as part of the application process.
For the purposes of this section, adverse action shall mean refusal either to grant financing at the terms and for the amount requested or to make a counter offer acceptable to the applicant.
Nothing contained in this section shall preclude a mortgagee from considering sound underwriting practices and the credit-worthiness of the applicant in the contemplation of any such loan. Such practices shall include the following:
(a) the willingness and the financial ability of the borrower to repay the loan;
(b) the market value of any real estate proposed as security for any loan;
(c) diversification of the mortgagee's investment portfolio; and
(d) the exercise of judgement and care under the circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their affairs.
Any person claiming to have been aggrieved as a result of a violation of this section may bring a civil action in the district court, or housing court where applicable, of the county in which the particular mortgagee involved is located; provided, however, that a person must first exhaust his administrative remedies through the appropriate mortgage review board established pursuant to section fourteen A of chapter one hundred and sixty-seven.
Upon a finding that a mortgagee has committed a violation of this section, the court may award actual damages or punitive damages in the amount of five thousand dollars, whichever is greater, but in no event less than two thousand five hundred dollars, and may, in its discretion, award court costs and attorney's fees.
If the court finds as a fact that any person claiming to have been aggrieved by this section has intentionally misrepresented a material fact in the mortgage application or if the court finds as a fact that the suit is frivolous, the court may award actual damages or punitive damages in the amount of five hundred dollars, whichever is greater, to the mortgagee, and may in its discretion award court costs and attorney's fees.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 183 - Alienation of Land

Section 1 - Acts or Ceremonies Necessary for Conveyance by Deed

Section 1a - Instruments Not Under Seal

Section 2 - Estate Conveyed by Quitclaim Deed

Section 3 - Estate Created Without Instrument in Writing

Section 4 - Effect of Recordation or Actual Notice of Deeds or Leases, or of Assignments of Rents or Profits

Section 5 - Recording of Instruments; Evidence of Delivery

Section 5a - Recording of Statements Relating to Title; Use as Evidence

Section 5b - Affidavits Relating to Title; Recording

Section 6 - Name and Address of Grantee; Recital of Consideration; Failure to Comply

Section 6a - Instruments Conveying Unregistered Land; Sufficient Description or Identification; Recording; Failure to Comply

Section 6b - Address of Property Affected

Section 6c - Residence and Address of Mortgagee or Assignee

Section 6d - Endorsement on Mortgages and Assignments of Mortgages Secured by Residential Property; Contents; Failure to Comply

Section 7 - Conveyance by Grantor Notwithstanding Disseisin or Adverse Possession; Title; Grantee's Rights

Section 8 - Statutory Forms; Alteration or Substitution; ''incorporation by Reference'' Defined

Section 9 - Rules and Definitions Relating to Deeds or Other Instruments

Section 10 - Warranty Deed

Section 11 - Quitclaim Deed

Section 12 - ''grant'' as Word of Conveyance

Section 13 - Words of Inheritance

Section 14 - Uses and Trusts

Section 15 - Easements, Privileges and Appurtenances Belonging to Granted Estate

Section 16 - ''warranty Covenants''

Section 17 - ''quitclaim Covenants'' or ''limited Covenants''

Section 18 - Mortgage Deeds

Section 19 - ''mortgage Covenants''

Section 20 - ''statutory Condition'' in Mortgages

Section 21 - ''statutory Power of Sale'' in Mortgage

Section 22 - Co-Operative Bank Mortgage

Section 23 - ''statutory Co-Operative Bank Mortgage Condition''

Section 24 - ''statutory Co-Operative Bank Power of Sale''

Section 25 - Purchase by Holder of Mortgage at Foreclosure Sale

Section 26 - Possessory Interest of Mortgagor

Section 27 - Disposition of Proceeds of Foreclosure Sale; Itemized Accounting Provided to Mortgagor

Section 28 - Assignment of Mortgage; Words of Transfer

Section 28a - Subsequent Loans From Mortgagee; Priority

Section 28b - Open-End Mortgage; Subsequent Loans From Mortgagee

Section 28c - Refinancing in the Borrower's Interest

Section 29 - Necessity of Acknowledgment of Deed; Recordation

Section 30 - Method of Making Acknowledgment

Section 31 - Acknowledgment of Married Woman

Section 32 - Letters of Attorney; Applicability of Law

Section 33 - Certificates of Authority

Section 34 - Proof of Execution of Deed by Testimony of Subscribing Witness

Section 35 - Proof of Execution by Proving Handwriting

Section 36 - Refusal of Grantor to Acknowledge; Proof of Execution by Testimony of Subscribing Witness

Section 37 - Refusal of Grantor to Acknowledge; Proof of Execution by Proving Handwriting

Section 38 - Recording of Unacknowledged Deed; Effect

Section 39 - Proof of Execution of Deed; Necessity of Subscribing Witness

Section 40 - Certificate of Proof of Execution

Section 41 - Proof of Deed Made Outside Commonwealth

Section 42 - Forms for Acknowledgments and Certificates of Authority

Section 43 - Vesting of Title or Interest by Operation of Decree in Equity

Section 44 - Effect of Recording or Registration of Copy of Decree

Section 45 - Conveyance in Fee by Person Seized as Tenant in Tail

Section 46 - Conveyance in Fee by Life Tenant and Vested Remainderman in Tail

Section 47 - Barring of Equitable Estates Tail

Section 48 - Conveyance of Equitable Fee; Entitlement to Conveyance of Outstanding Legal Estate

Section 49 - Sale and Conveyance or Mortgage by Trustee Appointed by Probate Court

Section 50 - Notice of Petition to Appoint Trustee; Appointment of Next Friend

Section 51 - Bond of Trustee; Proceeds of Sale or Mortgage

Section 52 - Sale of Land Charged With Payment of Money; Petition; Decree; Bond of Trustee

Section 53 - Effect of Deed, Bond or Other Instrument Made in Defeasance

Section 54 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 54 to 55; Method of Discharge of Mortgage

Section 54a - Defective Discharges of Mortgages Held by Entirety; Effect

Section 54b - Mortgage Discharge, Release, Assignment, Foreclosure, etc.; Execution Before Officer Entitled to Acknowledge Instruments; Effect

Section 54c - Recordation of Discharge; Effect; Discharge by Mortgage Servicer or Note Holder Who Is Not Holder of Record

Section 54d - Request for Written Payoff Statement; Time for Transmittal; Contents; Corrected Statement; Penalties; Fees

Section 55 - Discharge of Mortgage; Contents and Recording; Liability for Failure to Discharge or Negligent Discharge; Affidavits

Section 56 - Mortgage Notes; Provisions for Prepayment

Section 57 - Home Mortgage Notes; Prepayment Penalty; Effect of Taking by Eminent Domain

Section 58 - Real Estate Abutting a Way, Watercourse, Wall, Fence, or Other Monument

Section 59 - Late Charges or Penalties

Section 60 - Notes Secured by Liens, Amortization of Principal by Maturity; Conditions; Variable Rate of Amortization; Exemptions

Section 61 - Payment of Interest by Mortgagee; Request for Exemption

Section 62 - Payment of Taxes to City or Town by Mortgagee; Due Date

Section 63 - Loan Fees; Residential Property Mortgages; Disclosure

Section 63a - Revisions in Mortgage Terms; Restrictions; Fees

Section 63b - Recordation of Real Estate Mortgage Prohibited Until Proceeds of Loan Paid to Mortgagor

Section 64 - Discrimination in Residential Mortgage Loans on Basis of Location of Property

Section 65 - Acceptance of Written Memorandum as Evidence of Insurance

Section 66 - Required Insurance; Limitation

Section 67 - Reverse Mortgage Loans on Residential Property; Requirements

Section 68 - Mortgagees Licensed as Insurance Producers; Mortgage Loans Secured by Residential Real Estate; Conditions and Limitations

Section 69 - Flood Insurance; Limits on Amount of Coverage Required to Be Purchased