Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 183 - Alienation of Land
Section 1a - Instruments Not Under Seal

Section 1A. No instrument purporting to affect an interest in land shall be void because it is not sealed or does not recite a seal.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 183 - Alienation of Land

Section 1 - Acts or Ceremonies Necessary for Conveyance by Deed

Section 1a - Instruments Not Under Seal

Section 2 - Estate Conveyed by Quitclaim Deed

Section 3 - Estate Created Without Instrument in Writing

Section 4 - Effect of Recordation or Actual Notice of Deeds or Leases, or of Assignments of Rents or Profits

Section 5 - Recording of Instruments; Evidence of Delivery

Section 5a - Recording of Statements Relating to Title; Use as Evidence

Section 5b - Affidavits Relating to Title; Recording

Section 6 - Name and Address of Grantee; Recital of Consideration; Failure to Comply

Section 6a - Instruments Conveying Unregistered Land; Sufficient Description or Identification; Recording; Failure to Comply

Section 6b - Address of Property Affected

Section 6c - Residence and Address of Mortgagee or Assignee

Section 6d - Endorsement on Mortgages and Assignments of Mortgages Secured by Residential Property; Contents; Failure to Comply

Section 7 - Conveyance by Grantor Notwithstanding Disseisin or Adverse Possession; Title; Grantee's Rights

Section 8 - Statutory Forms; Alteration or Substitution; ''incorporation by Reference'' Defined

Section 9 - Rules and Definitions Relating to Deeds or Other Instruments

Section 10 - Warranty Deed

Section 11 - Quitclaim Deed

Section 12 - ''grant'' as Word of Conveyance

Section 13 - Words of Inheritance

Section 14 - Uses and Trusts

Section 15 - Easements, Privileges and Appurtenances Belonging to Granted Estate

Section 16 - ''warranty Covenants''

Section 17 - ''quitclaim Covenants'' or ''limited Covenants''

Section 18 - Mortgage Deeds

Section 19 - ''mortgage Covenants''

Section 20 - ''statutory Condition'' in Mortgages

Section 21 - ''statutory Power of Sale'' in Mortgage

Section 22 - Co-Operative Bank Mortgage

Section 23 - ''statutory Co-Operative Bank Mortgage Condition''

Section 24 - ''statutory Co-Operative Bank Power of Sale''

Section 25 - Purchase by Holder of Mortgage at Foreclosure Sale

Section 26 - Possessory Interest of Mortgagor

Section 27 - Disposition of Proceeds of Foreclosure Sale; Itemized Accounting Provided to Mortgagor

Section 28 - Assignment of Mortgage; Words of Transfer

Section 28a - Subsequent Loans From Mortgagee; Priority

Section 28b - Open-End Mortgage; Subsequent Loans From Mortgagee

Section 28c - Refinancing in the Borrower's Interest

Section 29 - Necessity of Acknowledgment of Deed; Recordation

Section 30 - Method of Making Acknowledgment

Section 31 - Acknowledgment of Married Woman

Section 32 - Letters of Attorney; Applicability of Law

Section 33 - Certificates of Authority

Section 34 - Proof of Execution of Deed by Testimony of Subscribing Witness

Section 35 - Proof of Execution by Proving Handwriting

Section 36 - Refusal of Grantor to Acknowledge; Proof of Execution by Testimony of Subscribing Witness

Section 37 - Refusal of Grantor to Acknowledge; Proof of Execution by Proving Handwriting

Section 38 - Recording of Unacknowledged Deed; Effect

Section 39 - Proof of Execution of Deed; Necessity of Subscribing Witness

Section 40 - Certificate of Proof of Execution

Section 41 - Proof of Deed Made Outside Commonwealth

Section 42 - Forms for Acknowledgments and Certificates of Authority

Section 43 - Vesting of Title or Interest by Operation of Decree in Equity

Section 44 - Effect of Recording or Registration of Copy of Decree

Section 45 - Conveyance in Fee by Person Seized as Tenant in Tail

Section 46 - Conveyance in Fee by Life Tenant and Vested Remainderman in Tail

Section 47 - Barring of Equitable Estates Tail

Section 48 - Conveyance of Equitable Fee; Entitlement to Conveyance of Outstanding Legal Estate

Section 49 - Sale and Conveyance or Mortgage by Trustee Appointed by Probate Court

Section 50 - Notice of Petition to Appoint Trustee; Appointment of Next Friend

Section 51 - Bond of Trustee; Proceeds of Sale or Mortgage

Section 52 - Sale of Land Charged With Payment of Money; Petition; Decree; Bond of Trustee

Section 53 - Effect of Deed, Bond or Other Instrument Made in Defeasance

Section 54 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 54 to 55; Method of Discharge of Mortgage

Section 54a - Defective Discharges of Mortgages Held by Entirety; Effect

Section 54b - Mortgage Discharge, Release, Assignment, Foreclosure, etc.; Execution Before Officer Entitled to Acknowledge Instruments; Effect

Section 54c - Recordation of Discharge; Effect; Discharge by Mortgage Servicer or Note Holder Who Is Not Holder of Record

Section 54d - Request for Written Payoff Statement; Time for Transmittal; Contents; Corrected Statement; Penalties; Fees

Section 55 - Discharge of Mortgage; Contents and Recording; Liability for Failure to Discharge or Negligent Discharge; Affidavits

Section 56 - Mortgage Notes; Provisions for Prepayment

Section 57 - Home Mortgage Notes; Prepayment Penalty; Effect of Taking by Eminent Domain

Section 58 - Real Estate Abutting a Way, Watercourse, Wall, Fence, or Other Monument

Section 59 - Late Charges or Penalties

Section 60 - Notes Secured by Liens, Amortization of Principal by Maturity; Conditions; Variable Rate of Amortization; Exemptions

Section 61 - Payment of Interest by Mortgagee; Request for Exemption

Section 62 - Payment of Taxes to City or Town by Mortgagee; Due Date

Section 63 - Loan Fees; Residential Property Mortgages; Disclosure

Section 63a - Revisions in Mortgage Terms; Restrictions; Fees

Section 63b - Recordation of Real Estate Mortgage Prohibited Until Proceeds of Loan Paid to Mortgagor

Section 64 - Discrimination in Residential Mortgage Loans on Basis of Location of Property

Section 65 - Acceptance of Written Memorandum as Evidence of Insurance

Section 66 - Required Insurance; Limitation

Section 67 - Reverse Mortgage Loans on Residential Property; Requirements

Section 68 - Mortgagees Licensed as Insurance Producers; Mortgage Loans Secured by Residential Real Estate; Conditions and Limitations

Section 69 - Flood Insurance; Limits on Amount of Coverage Required to Be Purchased