Massachusetts General Laws
Article V - Protection of Persons Under Disability and Their Property
Section 5-423 - Powers of Conservator in Administration

Section 5–423. [Powers of Conservator in Administration.]
(a) Subject to limitation provided in section 5–425, a conservator has all of the powers conferred in this section and any additional powers conferred by law.
(b) A conservator without court authorization or confirmation, may invest and reinvest funds of the estate as would a trustee.
(c) A conservator, acting reasonably in efforts to accomplish the purpose of the appointment, may act without court authorization or confirmation, to
(1) collect, hold, and retain assets of the estate including land in this or another state, until judging that disposition of the assets should be made, and the assets may be retained even though they include an asset in which the conservator is personally interested;
(2) receive additions to the estate;
(3) continue or participate in the operation of any business or other enterprise;
(4) acquire an undivided interest in an estate asset in which the conservator, in any fiduciary capacity, holds an undivided interest;
(5) invest and reinvest estate assets in accordance with subsection (b);
(6) deposit estate funds in a state or federally insured financial institution, including one operated by the conservator, not in excess of $100,000, or such other amount as is protected by federal or state insurance, in any single institution;
(7) dispose of tangible and intangible personal property for cash or on credit, at public or private sale;
(8) subject to court approval, acquire estate assets, including land in this or another state at public or private sale, and lease, manage, develop, improve, exchange, change the character of, or abandon an estate asset;
(9) subject to court approval, make repairs or alterations in buildings or other structures; demolish any structures; and raze existing or erect new party walls or buildings;
(10) subject to court approval, subdivide, develop, or dedicate land to public use; make or obtain the vacation of plats and adjust boundaries; adjust differences in valuation by giving or receiving considerations; and dedicate easements to public use without consideration;
(11) subject to court approval, enter for any purpose into a lease as lessor or lessee or renew for a term within or extending beyond the term of the conservatorship;
(12) subject to court approval, enter into a lease or arrangement for exploration and removal of minerals or other natural resources or enter into a pooling or unitization agreement;
(13) subject to court approval, grant an option involving disposition of an estate asset and take an option for the acquisition of any asset;
(14) vote a security, in person or by general or limited proxy;
(15) pay calls, assessments, and any other sums chargeable or accruing against or on account of securities;
(16) sell or exercise stock-subscription or conversion rights;
(17) consent, directly or through a committee or other agent, to the reorganization, consolidation, merger, dissolution, or liquidation of a corporation or other business enterprise;
(18) hold a security in the name of a nominee or in other form without disclosure of the conservatorship so that title to the security may pass by delivery, but the conservator is liable for any act of the nominee in connection with the stock so held;
(19) insure the assets of the estate against damage or loss and the conservator against liability with respect to third persons;
(20) borrow money to be repaid from estate assets or otherwise; advance money for the protection of the estate or the protected person and for all expenses, losses, and liability sustained in the administration of the estate or because of the holding or ownership of any estate assets, for which the conservator has a lien on the estate as against the protected person for advances so made;
(21) pay or contest any claim; settle a claim by or against the estate or the protected person by compromise, arbitration, or otherwise; and release, in whole or in part, any claim belonging to the estate to the extent the claim is uncollectible;
(22) pay taxes, assessments, compensation of the conservator, and other expenses incurred in the collection, care, administration, and protection of the estate;
(23) allocate items of income or expense to either estate income or principal, as provided by law, including creation of reserves out of income for depreciation, obsolescence, or amortization, or for depletion in mineral or timber properties;
(24) pay any sum distributable to a protected person or individual who is dependent on the protected person by paying the sum to the distributee or by paying the sum for the use of the distributee:
(A) to the guardian of the distributee;
(B) to a distributee's custodian under the uniform transfers to minors act or custodial trustee under the uniform custodial trust act; or
(C) if there is no guardian, custodian or custodial trustee, to a relative or other person having custody of the distributee;
(25) employ persons, including attorneys, auditors, investment advisors, or agents, even though they are associated with the conservator, to advise or assist in the performance of administrative duties; act upon their recommendation without independent investigation;
(26) commence, prosecute or defend actions, claims, or proceedings in any jurisdiction for the protection of estate assets and of the conservator in the performance of fiduciary duties;
(27) make funeral and burial arrangements and enter into pre-paid funeral contracts;
(28) resign the office of fiduciary held by the protected or incapacitated or person pursuant to any court appointment or written instrument; and
(29) execute and deliver all instruments that will accomplish or facilitate the exercise of the powers vested in the conservator.
(d) A conservator may not sell, mortgage or grant options in real estate, except as provided in chapter 202.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title II - Descent and Distribution, Wills, Estates of Deceased Persons and Absentees, Guardianship, Conservatorship and Trusts

Chapter 190b - Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code

Article V - Protection of Persons Under Disability and Their Property

Section 4-401 - Effect of Adjudication for or Against Personal Representative

Section 5-101 - Definitions and Inclusions

Section 5-102 - Facility of Payment or Delivery

Section 5-103 - Delegation of Powers by Parent or Guardian

Section 5-105 - Venue

Section 5-106 - Appointment of Counsel; Guardian Ad Litem

Section 5-107 - Protection of Minors

Section 5-201 - Appointment and Status of Guardian of Minor

Section 5-202 - Parental or Guardian Appointment of Guardian for Minor

Section 5-203 - Objection by Minor Fourteen or Older to Parental Appointment

Section 5-204 - Court Appointment of Guardian of Minor; Conditions for Appointment; Temporary Guardian

Section 5-206 - Procedure for Court Appointment of Guardian of Minor

Section 5-207 - Court Appointment of Guardian of Minor; Qualifications; Priority of Minor's Nominee

Section 5-208 - Bond; Consent to Service by Acceptance of Appointment; Notice

Section 5-209 - Powers, Duties, Rights and Immunities of Guardian of Minor; Limitations

Section 5-210 - Termination of Appointment of Guardian; General

Section 5-212 - Resignation, Removal, and Other Post-Appointment Proceedings

Section 5-301 - Nomination of Guardian for Incapacitated Person by Will or Other Writing

Section 5-303 - Procedure for Court Appointment of a Guardian of an Incapacitated Person

Section 5-304 - Notice in Guardianship or Conservatorship Proceeding

Section 5-305 - Who May Be Guardian; Parties

Section 5-306 - Findings; Order of Appointment

Section 5-307 - Bond; Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction

Section 5-308 - Emergency Orders; Temporary Guardians

Section 5-309 - Powers, Duties, Rights and Immunities of Guardians, Limitations

Section 5-310 - Termination of Guardianship for Incapacitated Person

Section 5-311 - Removal or Resignation of Guardian; Termination of Incapacity

Section 5-313 - Religious Freedom of Incapacitated Person

Section 5-401 - Management of Estate

Section 5-402 - Protective Proceedings; Jurisdiction of Business Affairs of Protected Persons

Section 5-404 - Original Petition for Appointment or Protective Order

Section 5-405 - Notice

Section 5-407 - Findings; Order of Appointment; Permissible Court Orders

Section 5-408 - Protective Arrangements and Single Transactions Authorized

Section 5-409 - Who May Be Appointed Conservator; Penalties

Section 5-410 - Bond

Section 5-411 - Terms and Requirements of Bonds

Section 5-412 - Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction

Section 5-413 - Compensation and Expenses

Section 5-415 - Petitions for Orders Subsequent to Appointment

Section 5-416 - General Duty of Conservator; Plan

Section 5-417 - Inventory and Records

Section 5-418 - Accounts

Section 5-419 - Conservators; Title by Appointment

Section 5-420 - Recording of Conservator's Letters

Section 5-421 - Sale, Encumbrance, or Transaction Involving Conflict of Interest Voidable; Exceptions

Section 5-422 - Persons Dealing With Conservators; Protection

Section 5-423 - Powers of Conservator in Administration

Section 5-424 - Distributive Duties and Powers of Conservator

Section 5-425 - Enlargement or Limitation of Powers of Conservator

Section 5-426 - Preservation of Estate Plan; Right to Examine

Section 5-427 - Claims Against Protected Person

Section 5-428 - Personal Liability of Conservator

Section 5-429 - Removal or Resignation of Conservator; Termination of Disability; Termination of Proceedings

Section 5-430 - Payment of Debt and Delivery of Property to Foreign Conservator Without Local Proceedings

Section 5-431 - Foreign Conservator; Proof of Authority; Bond; Powers

Section 5-501 - Definition

Section 5-502 - Durable Power of Attorney Not Affected by Lapse of Time, Disability or Incapacity

Section 5-503 - Relation of Attorney in Fact to Court-Appointed Fiduciary

Section 5-504 - Power of Attorney Not Revoked Until Notice

Section 5-505 - Proof of Continuance of Durable and Other Powers of Attorney by Affidavit

Section 5-506 - Enforcement

Section 5-507 - Protection; Third Parties

Section 5-306a - Substituted Judgment

Section 5-412a - Emergency Orders; Temporary Conservators

Section 5-423a - Delegation