Massachusetts General Laws
Article V - Protection of Persons Under Disability and Their Property
Section 5-209 - Powers, Duties, Rights and Immunities of Guardian of Minor; Limitations

Section 5–209. [Powers, Duties, Rights and Immunities of Guardian of Minor; Limitations.]
(a) A guardian of a ward has the powers and responsibilities of a parent regarding the ward's support, care, education, health and welfare. A guardian shall act at all times in the ward's best interest and exercise reasonable care, diligence and prudence.
(b) In particular and without qualifying the foregoing, a guardian of a ward or incapacitated person shall:
(1) if consistent with the terms of any order by a court of competent jurisdiction take custody of the person of the ward or incapacitated person and establish his place of abode within or without the commonwealth;
(2) become or remain personally acquainted with the ward or incapacitated person and maintain sufficient contact with the person to know of his capacities, limitations, needs, opportunities, and physical and mental health;
(3) take reasonable care of the personal effects and commence protective proceedings if necessary to protect other property of the ward or incapacitated person;
(4) apply any available money of the ward or incapacitated person to his current needs for support, care, education health and welfare; provided that if any person has a legal duty to support a minor and has sufficient funds, the minor's funds are not to be used to discharge the legal obligation of support without prior order of the court unless the court determines that the minor's funds may be used for support;
(5) conserve any excess money of the person for his future needs, but if a conservator has been appointed for the estate of the ward or incapacitated person, the guardian, at least quarterly, shall pay to the conservator money of the ward or incapacitated person to be conserved for his future needs; and
(6) report the condition of the ward or protected person and of his estate that has been subject to the guardian's possession or control, as ordered by the court on petition of any person interested in the respondent's welfare or as required by court rule, but not less than annually.
(c) A guardian of a ward or incapacitated person may:
(1) apply for and receive money for the support of the ward or incapacitated person otherwise payable to his parent, guardian, or custodian for his support under the terms of any statutory benefit or insurance system or any private contract, devise, trust, conservatorship, or custodianship;
(2) if no conservator for the estate of the ward or incapacitated person has been appointed, institute proceedings, including administrative proceedings, or take other appropriate action to compel the performance by any person of a duty to support the ward or incapacitated person or to pay sums for his benefit;
(3) if consistent with the terms of any order by a court of competent jurisdiction and sections 5–306A and 5–309, consent to medical or other professional care, treatment, or advice for the ward or incapacitated person without liability by reason of the consent for injury to the ward or incapacitated person resulting from the negligence or acts of third persons unless a parent would have been liable in the circumstances;
(4) consent or refuse to consent to the marriage, divorce or adoption of the ward or incapacitated person;
(5) if reasonable under all of the circumstances, delegate to the ward or incapacitated person certain responsibilities for decisions affecting his well-being; and
(6) utilize the services of agencies and individuals to provide necessary and desirable social and protective services of different types appropriate to such person including, but not limited to, counseling services, advocacy services, legal services, and other aid as the guardian deems to be in the interest of such person.
(d) A guardian is entitled to reasonable compensation for services as guardian and to reimbursement for room, board and clothing personally provided to the ward or incapacitated person, but only as approved by order of the court and only from the person's estate. If a conservator, other than the guardian or one who is affiliated with the guardian, has been appointed for the estate of the person, reasonable compensation and reimbursement to the guardian may be approved and paid by the conservator without order of the court controlling the guardian.
(e) A guardian need not use the guardian's personal funds for the ward or incapacitated person's expenses. A guardian is not liable to a third person for acts of the respondent solely by reason of the relationship.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title II - Descent and Distribution, Wills, Estates of Deceased Persons and Absentees, Guardianship, Conservatorship and Trusts

Chapter 190b - Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code

Article V - Protection of Persons Under Disability and Their Property

Section 4-401 - Effect of Adjudication for or Against Personal Representative

Section 5-101 - Definitions and Inclusions

Section 5-102 - Facility of Payment or Delivery

Section 5-103 - Delegation of Powers by Parent or Guardian

Section 5-105 - Venue

Section 5-106 - Appointment of Counsel; Guardian Ad Litem

Section 5-107 - Protection of Minors

Section 5-201 - Appointment and Status of Guardian of Minor

Section 5-202 - Parental or Guardian Appointment of Guardian for Minor

Section 5-203 - Objection by Minor Fourteen or Older to Parental Appointment

Section 5-204 - Court Appointment of Guardian of Minor; Conditions for Appointment; Temporary Guardian

Section 5-206 - Procedure for Court Appointment of Guardian of Minor

Section 5-207 - Court Appointment of Guardian of Minor; Qualifications; Priority of Minor's Nominee

Section 5-208 - Bond; Consent to Service by Acceptance of Appointment; Notice

Section 5-209 - Powers, Duties, Rights and Immunities of Guardian of Minor; Limitations

Section 5-210 - Termination of Appointment of Guardian; General

Section 5-212 - Resignation, Removal, and Other Post-Appointment Proceedings

Section 5-301 - Nomination of Guardian for Incapacitated Person by Will or Other Writing

Section 5-303 - Procedure for Court Appointment of a Guardian of an Incapacitated Person

Section 5-304 - Notice in Guardianship or Conservatorship Proceeding

Section 5-305 - Who May Be Guardian; Parties

Section 5-306 - Findings; Order of Appointment

Section 5-307 - Bond; Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction

Section 5-308 - Emergency Orders; Temporary Guardians

Section 5-309 - Powers, Duties, Rights and Immunities of Guardians, Limitations

Section 5-310 - Termination of Guardianship for Incapacitated Person

Section 5-311 - Removal or Resignation of Guardian; Termination of Incapacity

Section 5-313 - Religious Freedom of Incapacitated Person

Section 5-401 - Management of Estate

Section 5-402 - Protective Proceedings; Jurisdiction of Business Affairs of Protected Persons

Section 5-404 - Original Petition for Appointment or Protective Order

Section 5-405 - Notice

Section 5-407 - Findings; Order of Appointment; Permissible Court Orders

Section 5-408 - Protective Arrangements and Single Transactions Authorized

Section 5-409 - Who May Be Appointed Conservator; Penalties

Section 5-410 - Bond

Section 5-411 - Terms and Requirements of Bonds

Section 5-412 - Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction

Section 5-413 - Compensation and Expenses

Section 5-415 - Petitions for Orders Subsequent to Appointment

Section 5-416 - General Duty of Conservator; Plan

Section 5-417 - Inventory and Records

Section 5-418 - Accounts

Section 5-419 - Conservators; Title by Appointment

Section 5-420 - Recording of Conservator's Letters

Section 5-421 - Sale, Encumbrance, or Transaction Involving Conflict of Interest Voidable; Exceptions

Section 5-422 - Persons Dealing With Conservators; Protection

Section 5-423 - Powers of Conservator in Administration

Section 5-424 - Distributive Duties and Powers of Conservator

Section 5-425 - Enlargement or Limitation of Powers of Conservator

Section 5-426 - Preservation of Estate Plan; Right to Examine

Section 5-427 - Claims Against Protected Person

Section 5-428 - Personal Liability of Conservator

Section 5-429 - Removal or Resignation of Conservator; Termination of Disability; Termination of Proceedings

Section 5-430 - Payment of Debt and Delivery of Property to Foreign Conservator Without Local Proceedings

Section 5-431 - Foreign Conservator; Proof of Authority; Bond; Powers

Section 5-501 - Definition

Section 5-502 - Durable Power of Attorney Not Affected by Lapse of Time, Disability or Incapacity

Section 5-503 - Relation of Attorney in Fact to Court-Appointed Fiduciary

Section 5-504 - Power of Attorney Not Revoked Until Notice

Section 5-505 - Proof of Continuance of Durable and Other Powers of Attorney by Affidavit

Section 5-506 - Enforcement

Section 5-507 - Protection; Third Parties

Section 5-306a - Substituted Judgment

Section 5-412a - Emergency Orders; Temporary Conservators

Section 5-423a - Delegation