Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 7 - Executive Office for Administration and Finance
Section 4d - Employees; Assistants and Technical Personnel

Section 4D. Except as otherwise provided by law, the secretary shall appoint all employees of the executive office for administration and finance. Unless otherwise provided by law, all such appointments shall be made in accordance with chapter 31; provided, however, that in staffing at any time said office, the secretary may, without regard to chapter 31 but subject to the approval of the governor, appoint such experts and other assistants in said office as the secretary shall deem necessary; provided, that no person while holding any such appointment shall be subject to section 9A of chapter 30. The secretary may, without regard to section 45 of chapter 30 or chapter 31, but subject to approval of the governor, appoint no more than 2 assistant secretaries. Each such assistant secretary shall be a person of ability and experience, shall devote the assistant secretary's entire time to the duties of the assistant secretary's office and shall receive such salary as the secretary shall determine, with the approval of the governor; provided, that such salary shall not exceed the salary of the secretary as set forth in section 4 this section.
Subject to appropriation, the secretary may appoint and remove such additional assistants, technical consultants and other persons and may engage such technical and other assistance, as the work of said office may require. The secretary may expend such sums of money for expenses, including travelling expenses of officers and employees serving in said office, as may be appropriated for such expenses.
Every person appointed to any supervisory position in the said office, whether or not such position shall be classified under chapter thirty-one, shall be a person with experience and skill in the field of the functions of such position. So far as practicable in the judgment of the commissioner, appointments to supervisory positions not so classified shall be made by promoting employees of the commonwealth serving in positions so classified; and in every such instance, and in every instance of an employee so promoted from a position in which at the time of promotion he shall have tenure by reason of section nine A of chapter thirty of the General Laws, upon termination of his service in such unclassified supervisory position, the employee shall, if he shall so request, be restored to the classified position from which he shall have been promoted, or to a position equivalent thereto in salary grade in the same state agency, without impairment of his civil service status or his tenure by reason of said section nine A or loss of the seniority, retirement and other rights to which uninterrupted service in the classified position would have entitled him; provided, however, that if his service in such unclassified supervisory position shall have been terminated for cause, his right to be so restored shall be determined by the civil service commission in accordance with the standards applied by the said commission in administering chapter thirty-one.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 7 - Executive Office for Administration and Finance

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Establishment of Office

Section 3 - Principal Agency of Executive Department; Purposes

Section 3b - Determination of Charges and Fees for State Personnel or Agency Services, Private Use of State-Owned Property, Meals Served in State Institutions and Other Public Functions

Section 3d - Supervision of State Printing by State Purchasing Agent

Section 3e - Reports; Annual Printing; Electronic Form

Section 3f - Copies of Agency Publications; Retention; Electronic Availability

Section 4 - Secretary of Administration and Finance; Appointment; Salary; Powers and Duties; Budget Director

Section 4a - Departments and Divisions

Section 4d - Employees; Assistants and Technical Personnel

Section 4e - Production of Agency Records in Connection With Investigations

Section 4f1/2 - Commonwealth Performance, Accountability and Transparency Trust

Section 4g - Agencies Within Executive Office for Administration and Finance

Section 4h - Division of Administrative Law Appeals; Chief Administrative Magistrate

Section 4i - Civil Service Commission; Members; Chairman; Appointment; Tenure; Political Party Restriction; Compensation

Section 4j - Divisions Within the Human Resources Division; Commissioners, Directors, etc.; Duties and Functions; Tenure

Section 4k - Municipal Personnel Advisory Board; Members; Election, etc.; Rules and Regulations

Section 4l - Operational Services Division; Duties

Section 4m - Veterans' Services Department; Commissioner; Duties

Section 4n - Commissioner's Expenses

Section 4o - Deputy Commissioner; Appointment

Section 4p - Extended Illness Leave Bank; Executive Branch Employees

Section 4q - Website Forms; Grant Program Applications

Section 4r - Caseload and Economic Forecasting Office; Functions; Advisory Board; Data Collection and Analysis; Required Caseload Forecasts; Reporting

Section 5 - First Deputy Commissioner of Administration

Section 6f - Coordinator of Flexible Hours Employment Within Human Resources Division; Plans or Programs; Report

Section 7 - Annual Report to Governor

Section 7a - Agreement for Fire Protection of Commonwealth's Institutions

Section 8 - Reports on Estimates by State Departments, Officers, etc., to Budget Director

Section 9 - Requested Special Examination on Matters of Management or Finances

Section 9a - State Passenger Vehicles and Light Duty Pickup Trucks; Regulations Governing Use; Report; Personal Use Prohibited; Purchase of Hybrid or Alternative Fuel Vehicles; Acquisition; Annual Report

Section 10 - Special Examinations and Reports on Matters Affecting Management or Finances

Section 11 - Hearings on Management or Finances; Witnesses; Production of Records, Depositions, etc.; Penalties

Section 14c - Development and Operation of Searchable Website; Contents

Section 15 - State Purchasing Agent; Examination of Printing Bills

Section 22 - Purchase of Supplies and Equipment; Rules and Regulations; Duties of State Purchasing Agent

Section 22a - Collective Purchasing by Commonwealth and Political Subdivisions

Section 22b - Collective Purchasing by Political Subdivisions

Section 22b1/2 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 22c to 22f

Section 22c - Procurement by State of Goods or Services From Persons With an Office or Facility in Northern Ireland; Certification; Bids

Section 22d - Purchase of Medical Supplies by State Agencies

Section 22e - Contracts Entered in Violation of Secs. 22c and 22d

Section 22f - Authorization to Promulgate Regulations

Section 22g - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 22h to 22m

Section 22h - Procurement of Goods or Services From Bidders or Offerors on Restricted Purchase List

Section 22i - Purchase of Medical Supplies by State Agencies

Section 22j - Restricted Purchase List; Persons Doing Business With Burma (Myanmar)

Section 22k - Promulgation of Regulations

Section 22l - Void Contracts

Section 22m - Annual Report of Compliance

Section 22n - Bureau of Purchased Services; Responsibilities; Pricing Methods; Appeals; Audits; Rules and Regulations

Section 22o - Preferential Procurement of Products or Services Within the Commonwealth

Section 23 - Removal; Noncompliance of Officers

Section 23a - Applicability of Approved Rules, Regulations or Orders

Section 23b - Preference for Products Grown in or Produced From Products Grown in Commonwealth

Section 25 - Advice to State Institutions Making Suitable Products for State Entities

Section 25a - Transfer of Supplies Between State Agencies; Approval of Amount Purchased

Section 26 - Advisory Standardization Board

Section 27 - Furnishing Paper to Reformatory by Purchasing Agent

Section 27a - Travel-Related Services; Purchase Coordination

Section 28 - Personnel Administration; Research; Technical Advisors; Rules and Regulations

Section 28a - Training and Educational Programs; Officers and Employees; Managers; Judges and Court Personnel; Agreements

Section 28b - Employee Assistance Program

Section 29 - Expenditures for Documents; Approval; Filing; Sales

Section 30 - Public Record of State Officials and Employees; Salaries; Publication

Section 31a - Suggestion Awards Board; Function; Prizes

Section 38a - American Indian Skeletal Remains; Preservation; Excavation; Analysis

Section 49 - Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission; Members; Executive Director

Section 50 - Commissioner of Public Employee Retirement; Powers and Duties; Investment Advisory Unit

Section 52 - Privatization Contracts; Need to Regulate

Section 53 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 52 to 55

Section 54 - Statement of Services; Wage Rates; Health Insurance; Hiring of Former Agency Employees; Cost Estimate; Bids; Certification to State Auditor

Section 55 - Objection by State Auditor; Review

Section 56 - Payments by State in Support of or in Opposition to an Employee Organization; Prohibition

Section 57 - Statement of Policy Promoting Minority, Women and Veterans Businesses

Section 58 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 59 to 61

Section 58a - Supplier Diversity Office

Section 59 - Executive Director of Supplier Diversity Office

Section 61 - Powers and Duties of Supplier Diversity Office

Section 62 - Annual Report on Capital Projects; Contents