Section 49. (a) The board shall adopt written applicants' criteria for selection of semifinalists and finalists based upon information obtained under section 48 for each project. The criteria shall include:
(i) prior similar experience;
(ii) past performance on public and private projects;
(iii) financial stability;
(iv) identity and qualifications of the consultants who will work with the applicant on the project; and
(v) any other criteria that the board considers relevant for any project, including evidence of the applicant's ability to advance the commonwealth's goals under section 6.
(b) Semifinalists may be chosen for each project.
The board shall select at least 3 finalists from among all the applicants, or from the semifinalists selected under this section, and in doing so may require all the applicants or the semifinalists to:
(i) appear for an interview before the board;
(ii) present a written proposal to the board; or
(iii) participate in a design competition held by the board.
(c) The board shall transmit a list of the chosen finalists to the commissioner. No person or firm debarred pursuant to section 44C of chapter 149 or disqualified pursuant to section 47 shall be so included as a finalist. The board shall transmit to the commissioner all material made or received relating to such recommendation.
The list shall rank the finalists in order of qualification and include a record of the final vote of the board on the selection; and include a written statement explaining the board's reasons for its choice and its ranking of the finalists.
(d) The board may delegate its powers and duties under subsection (b) of section 47, subsections (c) and (d) of section 48, subsections (a) and (b) of section 50 and sections 51 and 52 to panels of less than all the board members. A panel of not less than 6 members shall be required for selection of designers and interior designers under this section, 4 of whom shall be architects or engineers, including at least 1 architect and 1 engineer on that panel.
(e) For the purposes of chapter 268A and subject to the penalties therein, no member of the board shall participate in the selection of a designer or interior designer as a finalist or semifinalist for any project if the member or any member of his immediate family:
(i) has a direct or indirect financial interest in the award of the design contract to any applicant;
(ii) is currently employed by, or is a consultant to or under contract to an applicant.
(iii) is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning future employment or contracting with any applicant; or
(iv) has an ownership interest in, or is an officer or director of, any applicant.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth
Chapter 7c - Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
Section 1 - Definitions Applicable to This Chapter and Chapter 29
Section 3 - Coordination of Capital Facility Project Plans and Programs
Section 7 - Court Facilities Acquisition, Control, Disposition, etc.; Director of Court Facilities
Section 10 - Advisory Council on Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
Section 11 - Office of Programming; Director of Programming
Section 12 - Duties and Responsibilities of Director of Programming
Section 13 - Office of Project Management; Director of Project Management
Section 14 - Duties and Responsibilities of Director of Project Management
Section 17 - Change Orders or Other Contract Modifications
Section 18 - Request for Change Order; Approval or Disapproval; Appeal
Section 21 - General Principles Applicable to Equitable Adjustments
Section 22 - Resident Engineers
Section 23 - Acceptance of Federal Funds or Assistance
Section 25 - Control of Supervision of Projects by the Director of Facilities Management
Section 28 - Duties and Responsibilities of Director of Facilities Management
Section 30 - Evaluation of Energy Consumption of Buildings and Their Major Energy Using Systems
Section 34 - Procedure for the Disposition of Real Property by Sale, Rental or Otherwise
Section 35a - Termination of Lease for Nonappropriation or Nonallotment; Renegotiation of Lease
Section 40 - Rules and Regulations for the Acquisition, Utilization and Disposition of Real Property
Section 42 - Reporting of Lease or Any Agreement for Tenancy at Will or Other Rental of Space
Section 45 - Designer Selection Board
Section 46 - Jurisdiction of Designer Selection Board; Exemptions From Jurisdiction
Section 47 - Public Notice Requirements for Contracts for Design Services
Section 49 - Selection of Semifinalists and Finalists; Criteria for Selection; Disqualification of Board Member From Participation in Selection of Designer or Interior Designer
Section 52 - Appointment of Designer or Interior Designer for Continued or Extended Services
Section 53 - Expedited Selection Procedures Upon Declaration of Emergency Situation
Section 54 - Adoption of Written Selection Procedure Prior to Award of Contract for Design Services
Section 57 - Adoption of Procedures and Regulations to Implement Secs. 44 to 58
Section 59 - Study or Program Required Prior to Contracting for Design or Construction Services
Section 62 - Contingency Funds or Accounts
Section 63 - Capital Facility Planning Fund
Section 64 - Long-Range Capital Facilities Development Plans
Section 65 - Required Content of Long-Range Capital Facilities Development Plans
Section 69 - Design and Construction Contingency Reserve Account
Section 70 - Emergency Repair Reserve Account
Section 72 - Annual Reporting by Commissioner to Governor and General Court