Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 161a - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Section 30 - Arbitrator; Requirements

Section 30. The single arbitrator, whether agreed upon by the parties or selected by the board of conciliation and arbitration, shall be a legal resident of the commonwealth and shall be experienced in state and local finance.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 161a - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Creation of Authority; Powers; Liability for Debts and Obligations; Service of Process

Section 3 - Additional Powers of Authority

Section 4 - Separate Units of Mass Transportation Facilities and Equipment; Establishment; Lease Arrangements

Section 5 - Limitations, Conditions, Obligations and Duties of Authority

Section 5b - Disposal of Stolen, Lost or Abandoned Property

Section 6 - Ballot Question for Cities and Towns Regarding Issue of Joining Transportation Area

Section 7 - Board of Directors

Section 7a - Advisory Board

Section 8 - Financial Assistance From Commonwealth

Section 9 - Financial Assistance From Cities and Towns

Section 10 - Financial Assistance From the Federal Government

Section 11 - Board Policies to Increase Revenues and to Improve Operating Efficiency; Net Operating Investment per Passenger Mile Ratio

Section 12 - Temporary Notes; Trust Agreements

Section 13 - Authorization for Authority to Issue Bonds; Purposes of Bonds

Section 14 - Bonds Secured by Trust Agreement Between Authority and Corporate Trustee

Section 15 - Bonds and Notes Issued by Authority; Securities

Section 16 - Rights of Holders of Bonds

Section 17 - Issuance of Interest Bearing or Discounted Notes; Bond Anticipation Notes

Section 18 - Insufficiency of Funds; Payments by Commonwealth

Section 19 - Stabilization Fund; Fare Stability Fund

Section 20 - Annual Itemized Budget; Supplementary Budget

Section 21 - Allocation of Annual Revenues in Excess of Expenses

Section 22 - Remedy of Private Mass Transportation Company Against Authority for Relief From Effects of Authority's Operations; Procedures

Section 23 - Biennial Report by State Auditor

Section 24 - Exemption From Taxation

Section 25 - Directors; Authority to Bargain Collectively With Labor Organizations; Restrictions

Section 26 - State Labor Relations Law; Applicability; Non-Members; Limitations of Exclusive Representative's Duty of Fair Representation; Grievances

Section 27 - Deceased Employees; Payment of Wages to Nominated Beneficiaries

Section 28 - Submission of Dispute Over Terms of Collective Bargaining Agreement to Arbitration

Section 29 - Mediation; Report; Selection of Arbitrator

Section 30 - Arbitrator; Requirements

Section 31 - Factors for Determining Arbitration Awards

Section 32 - Arbitration Awards; Written Opinions

Section 33 - Employee Deferred Compensation Program

Section 34 - Ira Plan; Employee Contributions

Section 35 - Plans for Group, General or Blanket Hospital, Medical, Dental or Other Health Insurance; Employee Share of Monthly Premium; Retirees Under the Age of 65

Section 36 - Retired Members or Deceased Members of Retirement System; Compensation for Work Related Injury; Effect on Retirement Allowances, Pensions, Etc.

Section 37 - Proclamation of State of Emergency; Powers of Governor; Operation of Facilities

Section 38 - Liability; Board Supervision of Investigation, Settlement and Defense of All Claims

Section 39 - Regulatory Powers and Duties in Conflict With Regulatory Powers and Duties of Department of Telecommunications and Energy

Section 40 - Electric Utility Services; Procurement

Section 41 - Electric Utility Business; Public Interest Factors

Section 42 - Notice of Violation of Public Smoking Law; Fine; Arrest

Section 43 - Liability Policy for Passenger Rail Services

Section 44 - Entry Onto Lands, Waters and Premises for Purpose of Making Surveys, Soundings, Test Pits, Borings, Drillings or Examinations; Notice; Reimbursement for Damage

Section 45 - Sale of Prepaid Monthly Transit Passes

Section 46 - Parking of Motor Vehicles in Terminals, Stations, Garages, Yards, Shops, Parking Lots and Parking Garages Owned or Operated by Authority; Posted Bus Stops Operated by Authority; Rules and Regulations

Section 47 - Cities, Towns and Other Communities; Contracts With Private Bus Carriers for Local Service

Section 48 - Regional Transit Authority; Control of Services, Operations, Finances, Facilities or Related Appurtenances

Section 49 - Applicability of Chapter 258 to Certain Agreements Between Authority and Freight Railroads

Section 50 - Retirement Information to Be Made Available for All Current, Former and Future Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Employees and Retirees

Section 51 - Display Acknowledging the Contributions of Rosa Parks to the Civil Rights Movement on Buses Operated by Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

Section 52 - Rights by Prescription or Adverse Possession in Lands Held in Name of the Authority