Section 26. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, the provisions of section 5 of chapter 150A shall so far as apt apply to the authority and its employees, excepting directors, executives and those confidential employees representing the authority and dealing with employee organizations. Nothing in this section shall be construed as conferring upon the employees of the authority the right to strike, nor as detracting from the obligations of the authority and the employees to submit all grievances and other disputes to arbitration.
The exclusive representative may act for and negotiate agreements covering all employees in the unit and shall be responsible for representing the interests of all such employees without discrimination and without regard to employee organization membership. The exclusive representative may require a non-member to pay for the reasonable costs and fees, including arbitrator fees and related attorney fees, for grieving or arbitrating a matter arising under an agreement negotiated pursuant to this section and brought at the non-member's request. The exclusive representative may require non-members to pay anticipated costs and fees prior to a grievance or arbitration hearing. Failure to pay costs and fees shall relieve the exclusive representative of further responsibility to the non-member regarding the matter.
An exclusive representative's duty of fair representation to a public employee who is in the bargaining unit shall be limited to the negotiation and enforcement of the terms of agreements with the authority. The laws of the commonwealth shall not prohibit an employee organization from providing only to its members legal, economic or job-related services or benefits outside of the collective bargaining agreement.
An employee may present a grievance to the authority and have the grievance heard without intervention by the exclusive representative of the employee organization representing the employee; provided, however, that the exclusive representative is afforded the opportunity to be present at conferences and that any adjustment made shall not be inconsistent with the terms of an agreement then in effect between the authority and the exclusive representative.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Chapter 161a - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Section 2 - Creation of Authority; Powers; Liability for Debts and Obligations; Service of Process
Section 3 - Additional Powers of Authority
Section 5 - Limitations, Conditions, Obligations and Duties of Authority
Section 5b - Disposal of Stolen, Lost or Abandoned Property
Section 6 - Ballot Question for Cities and Towns Regarding Issue of Joining Transportation Area
Section 7 - Board of Directors
Section 8 - Financial Assistance From Commonwealth
Section 9 - Financial Assistance From Cities and Towns
Section 10 - Financial Assistance From the Federal Government
Section 12 - Temporary Notes; Trust Agreements
Section 13 - Authorization for Authority to Issue Bonds; Purposes of Bonds
Section 14 - Bonds Secured by Trust Agreement Between Authority and Corporate Trustee
Section 15 - Bonds and Notes Issued by Authority; Securities
Section 16 - Rights of Holders of Bonds
Section 17 - Issuance of Interest Bearing or Discounted Notes; Bond Anticipation Notes
Section 18 - Insufficiency of Funds; Payments by Commonwealth
Section 19 - Stabilization Fund; Fare Stability Fund
Section 20 - Annual Itemized Budget; Supplementary Budget
Section 21 - Allocation of Annual Revenues in Excess of Expenses
Section 23 - Biennial Report by State Auditor
Section 24 - Exemption From Taxation
Section 25 - Directors; Authority to Bargain Collectively With Labor Organizations; Restrictions
Section 26 - State Labor Relations Law; Applicability; Non-Members; Limitations of Exclusive Representative's Duty of Fair Representation; Grievances
Section 27 - Deceased Employees; Payment of Wages to Nominated Beneficiaries
Section 28 - Submission of Dispute Over Terms of Collective Bargaining Agreement to Arbitration
Section 29 - Mediation; Report; Selection of Arbitrator
Section 30 - Arbitrator; Requirements
Section 31 - Factors for Determining Arbitration Awards
Section 32 - Arbitration Awards; Written Opinions
Section 33 - Employee Deferred Compensation Program
Section 34 - Ira Plan; Employee Contributions
Section 37 - Proclamation of State of Emergency; Powers of Governor; Operation of Facilities
Section 38 - Liability; Board Supervision of Investigation, Settlement and Defense of All Claims
Section 40 - Electric Utility Services; Procurement
Section 41 - Electric Utility Business; Public Interest Factors
Section 42 - Notice of Violation of Public Smoking Law; Fine; Arrest
Section 43 - Liability Policy for Passenger Rail Services
Section 45 - Sale of Prepaid Monthly Transit Passes
Section 52 - Rights by Prescription or Adverse Possession in Lands Held in Name of the Authority