Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 30a - State Administrative Procedure
Section 21 - Meeting of Public Body in Executive Session

Section 21. (a) A public body may meet in executive session only for the following purposes:
(1) To discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual. The individual to be discussed in such executive session shall be notified in writing by the public body at least 48 hours prior to the proposed executive session; provided, however, that notification may be waived upon written agreement of the parties. A public body shall hold an open session if the individual involved requests that the session be open. If an executive session is held, such individual shall have the following rights:
i. to be present at such executive session during deliberations which involve that individual;
ii. to have counsel or a representative of his own choosing present and attending for the purpose of advising the individual and not for the purpose of active participation in the executive session;
iii. to speak on his own behalf; and
iv. to cause an independent record to be created of said executive session by audio-recording or transcription, at the individual's expense.
The rights of an individual set forth in this paragraph are in addition to the rights that he may have from any other source, including, but not limited to, rights under any laws or collective bargaining agreements and the exercise or non-exercise of the individual rights under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights of the individual.
2. To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel;
3. To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares;
4. To discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, or strategies with respect thereto;
5. To investigate charges of criminal misconduct or to consider the filing of criminal complaints;
6. To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body;
7. To comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements;
8. To consider or interview applicants for employment or appointment by a preliminary screening committee if the chair declares that an open meeting will have a detrimental effect in obtaining qualified applicants; provided, however, that this clause shall not apply to any meeting, including meetings of a preliminary screening committee, to consider and interview applicants who have passed a prior preliminary screening;
9. To meet or confer with a mediator, as defined in section 23C of chapter 233, with respect to any litigation or decision on any public business within its jurisdiction involving another party, group or entity, provided that:
(i) any decision to participate in mediation shall be made in an open session and the parties, issues involved and purpose of the mediation shall be disclosed; and
(ii) no action shall be taken by any public body with respect to those issues which are the subject of the mediation without deliberation and approval for such action at an open session; or
10. to discuss trade secrets or confidential, competitively-sensitive or other proprietary information provided in the course of activities conducted by a governmental body as an energy supplier under a license granted by the department of public utilities pursuant to section 1F of chapter 164, in the course of activities conducted as a municipal aggregator under section 134 of said chapter 164 or in the course of activities conducted by a cooperative consisting of governmental entities organized pursuant to section 136 of said chapter 164, when such governmental body, municipal aggregator or cooperative determines that such disclosure will adversely affect its ability to conduct business in relation to other entities making, selling or distributing electric power and energy.
(b) A public body may meet in closed session for 1 or more of the purposes enumerated in subsection (a) provided that:
1. the body has first convened in an open session pursuant to section 21;
2. a majority of members of the body have voted to go into executive session and the vote of each member is recorded by roll call and entered into the minutes;
3. before the executive session, the chair shall state the purpose for the executive session, stating all subjects that may be revealed without compromising the purpose for which the executive session was called;
4. the chair shall publicly announce whether the open session will reconvene at the conclusion of the executive session; and
5. accurate records of the executive session shall be maintained pursuant to section 23.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title III - Laws Relating to State Officers

Chapter 30a - State Administrative Procedure

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Department of Correction; Application of Chapter

Section 1b - Department of Youth Services; Application of Chapter

Section 1c - Parole Board; Application of Chapter

Section 1d - Criminal Record Review Board; Application of Chapter

Section 2 - Regulations Requiring Hearings; Adoptions, Amendments or Repeals; Small Business Impact Statement; Emergency Regulations

Section 3 - Regulations Not Requiring Hearings; Small Business Impact Statement; Adoptions, Amendments or Repeals

Section 3a - Publication of Required Notices

Section 4 - Petitions for Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Regulations

Section 5 - Regulations; Filing; Small Business Impact Statement

Section 5a - Review of Rules and Regulations Regarding Economic Impact on Small Businesses

Section 6 - Massachusetts Register; Publication of Filed Documents and Regulations; Legal Effect; Distribution of Issues

Section 6a - Code of Massachusetts Regulations; Publication

Section 6b - Agencies to Purchase Register Issues; Public Access

Section 6c - Failure to Comply With Sec. 6b; Report

Section 6d - Expected Regulations; Publication of List

Section 6e - Failure to Comply With Sec. 6d; Report

Section 7 - Judicial Review of Regulations

Section 8 - Advisory Rulings by Agencies

Section 10 - Adjudicatory Proceedings; Appeals

Section 10a - Damage to Environment; Intervention in Adjudicatory Proceeding; Procedure

Section 11 - Adjudicatory Proceedings; Additional Requirements

Section 11b - Studies of State Boards, Commissions and Authorities; Notice to City or Town Affected

Section 11c - Hearings in Municipalities

Section 12 - Adjudicatory Proceedings; Subpoenas

Section 13 - Licenses; Revocation, etc.; Hearings; Exceptions; Student Loan Defaulters

Section 13a - Issuance and Renewal of Licenses; Social Security Number of Applicant; Information Provided to Iv–d Agency

Section 14 - Judicial Review

Section 15 - Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court; Concurrent Jurisdiction

Section 16 - Supreme Judicial Court; Powers

Section 17 - Partial Invalidity of Chapter; Effect

Section 18 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 18 to 25

Section 19 - Division of Open Government; Open Meeting Law Training; Open Meeting Law Advisory Commission; Annual Report

Section 20 - Meetings of a Public Body to Be Open to the Public; Notice of Meeting; Remote Participation; Recording and Transmission of Meeting; Removal of Persons for Disruption of Proceedings; Office Holders to Certify Receipt of Open Meeting Law a...

Section 21 - Meeting of Public Body in Executive Session

Section 22 - Minutes of Meetings

Section 23 - Enforcement of Open Meeting Law; Complaints; Hearing; Civil Action

Section 24 - Investigation by Attorney General of Violations of Open Meeting Law

Section 25 - Authority of Attorney General to Promulgate Rules and Regulations, Letter Rulings and Advisory Opinions