Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 21a - Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Section 2 - Duties and Functions; Inter-Agency Information, Services and Plans; Filing Applications; Core Administrative Functions

Section 2. The office and its appropriate departments and divisions shall carry out the state environmental policy and in so doing they shall:
(1) develop policies, plans, and programs for carrying out their assigned duties;
(2) provide for the management of air, water and land resources to assure the protection and balanced utilization of such resources within the commonwealth, realizing that providing safe water to drink and clean air to breathe is a basic mandate;
(3) provide for the propagation, protection, control and management of fish, other aquatic life, wildlife, and endangered species and promote and further develop hunting, fishing, recreational and competitive marksmanship, and trapping opportunities in the commonwealth;
(4) aid in the promotion and development of the food and agricultural resources of the commonwealth to preserve agricultural lands, and insure an adequate supply of high quality farm products;
(5) provide for the regulation and management of marine and coastal fisheries and natural resources including those located in the territorial waters, the economic zone waters and the continental shelf, wetlands, estuaries, shorelines, and interior of the commonwealth;
(6) promote the perpetuation, extension, and proper management of the public and private forest lands of the commonwealth;
(7) develop statewide policies regarding the acquisition, protection, and use of areas of critical environmental concern to the commonwealth;
(8) develop and administer programs relating to recreation including the acquisition of land, development of facilities, and the provision of advisory services to municipalities and private organizations;
(9) promote the best usage of land, water, and air to optimize and preserve environmental quality by encouraging and providing for, in cooperation with other appropriate state agencies, planned industrial, commercial, recreational and community development;
(10) provide for the prevention and abatement of water, land, air, noise, and other pollution or environmental degradation;
(11) promote the preservation and enhancement of natural, scenic, historic, and aesthetic qualities in both urban and rural areas;
(12) provide for the control of insects, plant diseases, and pests, and regulate the use, and disposal of pesticides;
(13) develop programs relating to the reclamation or disposal of solid waste material and the operation of sewer and water systems;
(14) encourage the restoration and reclamation of degraded or despoiled areas, including harbors and inland and coastal waters;
(15) manage all lands and properties acquired by or assigned to them to preserve their natural beauty, wilderness, or open character or hydrological, geological, historical, scientific, wildlife management, recreational or other significance or value;
(16) assist other state and regional agencies in developing appropriate programs and policies relating to land use planning and regulation in the commonwealth;
(17) analyze and make recommendations, in cooperation with other state and regional agencies, concerning the development of energy policies and programs in the commonwealth;
(18) advise, assist, and cooperate with such other departments, agencies, authorities, officials, and institutions, including state institutions of higher learning, as may be concerned with or involved in matters under their control or supervision;
(19) encourage recycling, resource recovery and environmentally sound purchasing practices to conserve resources and reduce waste;
(20) monitor the environment to identify changes and to insure efficient and effective control practices;
(21) develop environmental data management capabilities to aid environmental planning and decision-making;
(22) encourage, support, and undertake research and development and maintain laboratory and other research facilities to produce information relating to the ecological system, pollution prevention and abatement, resource management, and other areas essential to implementing the environmental policies of the commonwealth;
(23) advise and assist local governments, private and public institutions, organizations and associations, businesses, industries, and individuals by providing and acting as a clearinghouse for environmental information, data, and other materials;
(24) promote the development of sound environmental education programs;
(25) represent and act on behalf of the commonwealth in connection with federal grant programs;
(26) keep accounts, records, personal data, enter into contracts, adjust claims, accept gifts, grants, bequests and devises, and subject to appropriation acquire real or personal property by eminent domain or otherwise;
(27) advise and assist state agencies, cities, towns, and other units of local government in the preparation of grant or loan applications with respect to any environmental protection or enhancement programs;
(28) promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out their statutory responsibilities;
(29) consistent with their statutory responsibilities, implement the coastal zone management program established pursuant to section four A.
(30) consistent with chapter 21N, oversee state agency efforts to address and diminish the impacts of climate change by coordinating state agency actions to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions limits established in chapter 21N.
In order to assist the office in the discharge of its duties, the secretary may request from any agency or political subdivision of the commonwealth any information relevant to the discharge of such duties.
An information copy of each application submitted by any state agency, including all state institutions of higher learning or any political subdivision to any public or private agency for a grant or loan with respect to any environmental protection or enhancement program, including the acquisition of land and facilities for these purposes shall be filed with the office not later than the twentieth day after submission.
As the primary agency of the commonwealth for environmental planning, the office shall utilize the services and plans of regional planning agencies, conservation districts, conservation commissions and historical commissions in fulfilling its environmental planning responsibilities.
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the secretary shall identify and consolidate administrative activities and functions common to the separate offices, departments and divisions within the office and may designate such functions as core administrative functions in order to improve administrative efficiency and preserve fiscal resources. Common functions that shall be designated core administrative functions shall include, but shall not be limited to, human resources, including payroll processing and information technology. All employees performing functions so designated shall be employed directly by the secretary, and the office shall function as a single state agency for purposes of carrying out the functions so designated.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 21a - Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Section 1 - Creation; Secretary; Acting Secretary; Undersecretary

Section 2 - Duties and Functions; Inter-Agency Information, Services and Plans; Filing Applications; Core Administrative Functions

Section 2a - Compromise or Settlement of Claims for Damages for Injury and for Destruction or Loss of Natural Resources; Authority of Secretary

Section 3 - Functions of Secretary; Report

Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Secretary

Section 4a - Coastal Zone Management Office

Section 4c - Ocean Management Plan; Ocean Advisory Commission; Ocean Science Advisory Council; Duties of Secretary

Section 5 - Program Review Boards; Appointment; Reports; Expenses

Section 6 - Experts and Assistants; Appointment; Qualifications; Classified Employees; Tenure

Section 7 - Departments; Commissioners, Appointment, Removal, Qualifications, Functions, Salary

Section 7b - State Geologist

Section 8 - Organization of Departments; Powers, Duties and Functions

Section 8a - Water Resources Commission; Members; Terms

Section 8b - Chairman; Duties of Commission

Section 8c - Water Supply Policy Statement; Update and Report

Section 8d - Rules and Regulations

Section 8e - Director; Staff

Section 8f - Meetings; Expenses; per Diem

Section 9 - Grants and Gifts; Expenditure; Records

Section 10a - Office of Law Enforcement; Director; Deputies; Environmental Police Officers; Rules and Regulations

Section 10b - Enforcement of Penal Laws

Section 10c - Authority of Officers

Section 10d - Uniforms; Badges; Fine for Unlawful Use

Section 10e - Entry on Private Land; Disposition of Animals

Section 10f - Rules and Regulations; Hours and Pay for Boat Based and Land Based Personnel; Assignments

Section 10g - Requests for Name and Address; Penalties for Refusal to Provide Information; Notices of Violations; Appearances and Payment of Fines; Seizure and Forfeitures

Section 10h - Fines for Categories of Violations

Section 10i - Surcharge Added on Fines for Violations Under Chapter 21a When Complaining Officer Is Environmental Police Officer or Deputy Environmental Police Officer

Section 10j - Incapacity of Environmental Police Officer Due to Injuries Sustained in Performance of Duties; Leave Without Loss of Pay

Section 11 - Boating Safety Advisory Board

Section 11a - Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Section 11b - Public Access Board; Composition; Meetings; Designation of Public Access Points; Regulations; Purchase of Equipment

Section 11c - Prohibition on Alteration or Pollution of Rivers and Streams; Scenic and Recreational Classifications; Restraint of Violations; Unreasonable Use Restriction Petitions; Uncompensated Taking Hearings; Damages

Section 12 - Rules and Regulations; Adoption; Review

Section 13 - State Environmental Code; Adoption; Preparation of Sewage Disposal Systems; Enforcement of Code

Section 13a - System Inspectors of On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems; Penalty

Section 14 - Disposal of Dredged Materials

Section 16 - Civil Administrative Penalties

Section 17 - Soil Containing Dangerous Levels of Lead; Cover and Disposal; Regulations

Section 18 - Permit Application and Compliance Assurance Fees; Timely Action Schedules; Regulations

Section 18a - Federal Safe Drinking Water Assessment; Advisory Committee

Section 19 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 19 to 19j

Section 19a - Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals

Section 19b - Regulations

Section 19c - Licensing

Section 19d - License Requirement; Regulations

Section 19e - Inspection of Known or Suspected Sites; Warrants

Section 19f - Violations; Orders Issued by Board; Notice to Department

Section 19g - Civil Administrative Penalties

Section 19h - Adjudicatory Hearings; Judicial Review

Section 19i - Jurisdiction of Superior Court

Section 19j - Violations; Penalties

Section 20 - Joint Powers Agreements; Definitions; Approval; Administration

Section 21 - Competitive Procurement of Electric Generation

Section 22 - Carbon Dioxide Cap and Trade Program

Section 23 - Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee

Section 24 - Office of the State Climatologist; Powers and Duties; Term

Section 25 - Water Infrastructure Advisory Committee; Members; Report

Section 26 - Local Seafood Marketing Program; Objectives; Steering Committee

Section 27 - Program to Facilitate Transfer of Development Rights to Protect Conservation Values and Encourage Development Through Market Incentives; Administration of Loan Program

Section 28 - Protection From Harmful Flame Retardants