Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 21a - Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Section 13a - System Inspectors of On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems; Penalty

Section 13A. A system inspector of on-site sewage disposal systems, approved by the department of environmental protection, who performs an on-site inspection sewage disposal system under the provisions of the state environmental code, shall not recommend a specific disposal system installer, including himself, to perform any work related to the replacement, repair, alteration or design of said system; provided, however, that all system inspectors shall, at the time of inspection, provide to the property owner a list prepared by the local board of health of local disposal system installers who are approved to perform such work. Each board of health shall prepare and make available a list containing the name, address, and phone number for at least five such installers who request to be included on such list. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit a system inspector from distributing such list on which his own name shall appear; provided, however, that such inspector shall in no way distinguish his name from others on such list.
A violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 21a - Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Section 1 - Creation; Secretary; Acting Secretary; Undersecretary

Section 2 - Duties and Functions; Inter-Agency Information, Services and Plans; Filing Applications; Core Administrative Functions

Section 2a - Compromise or Settlement of Claims for Damages for Injury and for Destruction or Loss of Natural Resources; Authority of Secretary

Section 3 - Functions of Secretary; Report

Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Secretary

Section 4a - Coastal Zone Management Office

Section 4c - Ocean Management Plan; Ocean Advisory Commission; Ocean Science Advisory Council; Duties of Secretary

Section 5 - Program Review Boards; Appointment; Reports; Expenses

Section 6 - Experts and Assistants; Appointment; Qualifications; Classified Employees; Tenure

Section 7 - Departments; Commissioners, Appointment, Removal, Qualifications, Functions, Salary

Section 7b - State Geologist

Section 8 - Organization of Departments; Powers, Duties and Functions

Section 8a - Water Resources Commission; Members; Terms

Section 8b - Chairman; Duties of Commission

Section 8c - Water Supply Policy Statement; Update and Report

Section 8d - Rules and Regulations

Section 8e - Director; Staff

Section 8f - Meetings; Expenses; per Diem

Section 9 - Grants and Gifts; Expenditure; Records

Section 10a - Office of Law Enforcement; Director; Deputies; Environmental Police Officers; Rules and Regulations

Section 10b - Enforcement of Penal Laws

Section 10c - Authority of Officers

Section 10d - Uniforms; Badges; Fine for Unlawful Use

Section 10e - Entry on Private Land; Disposition of Animals

Section 10f - Rules and Regulations; Hours and Pay for Boat Based and Land Based Personnel; Assignments

Section 10g - Requests for Name and Address; Penalties for Refusal to Provide Information; Notices of Violations; Appearances and Payment of Fines; Seizure and Forfeitures

Section 10h - Fines for Categories of Violations

Section 10i - Surcharge Added on Fines for Violations Under Chapter 21a When Complaining Officer Is Environmental Police Officer or Deputy Environmental Police Officer

Section 10j - Incapacity of Environmental Police Officer Due to Injuries Sustained in Performance of Duties; Leave Without Loss of Pay

Section 11 - Boating Safety Advisory Board

Section 11a - Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Section 11b - Public Access Board; Composition; Meetings; Designation of Public Access Points; Regulations; Purchase of Equipment

Section 11c - Prohibition on Alteration or Pollution of Rivers and Streams; Scenic and Recreational Classifications; Restraint of Violations; Unreasonable Use Restriction Petitions; Uncompensated Taking Hearings; Damages

Section 12 - Rules and Regulations; Adoption; Review

Section 13 - State Environmental Code; Adoption; Preparation of Sewage Disposal Systems; Enforcement of Code

Section 13a - System Inspectors of On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems; Penalty

Section 14 - Disposal of Dredged Materials

Section 16 - Civil Administrative Penalties

Section 17 - Soil Containing Dangerous Levels of Lead; Cover and Disposal; Regulations

Section 18 - Permit Application and Compliance Assurance Fees; Timely Action Schedules; Regulations

Section 18a - Federal Safe Drinking Water Assessment; Advisory Committee

Section 19 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 19 to 19j

Section 19a - Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals

Section 19b - Regulations

Section 19c - Licensing

Section 19d - License Requirement; Regulations

Section 19e - Inspection of Known or Suspected Sites; Warrants

Section 19f - Violations; Orders Issued by Board; Notice to Department

Section 19g - Civil Administrative Penalties

Section 19h - Adjudicatory Hearings; Judicial Review

Section 19i - Jurisdiction of Superior Court

Section 19j - Violations; Penalties

Section 20 - Joint Powers Agreements; Definitions; Approval; Administration

Section 21 - Competitive Procurement of Electric Generation

Section 22 - Carbon Dioxide Cap and Trade Program

Section 23 - Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee

Section 24 - Office of the State Climatologist; Powers and Duties; Term

Section 25 - Water Infrastructure Advisory Committee; Members; Report

Section 26 - Local Seafood Marketing Program; Objectives; Steering Committee

Section 27 - Program to Facilitate Transfer of Development Rights to Protect Conservation Values and Encourage Development Through Market Incentives; Administration of Loan Program

Section 28 - Protection From Harmful Flame Retardants