Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 21a - Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Section 18a - Federal Safe Drinking Water Assessment; Advisory Committee

Section 18A. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:
''Advisory committee'', the advisory committee on administration of the federal safe drinking water assessment.
''Act'', the federal safe drinking water act, as amended from time to time, including regulations promulgated under said act.
''Assessment'', the federal safe drinking water act assessment established by this section.
''Commissioner'', the commissioner of the department of environmental protection.
''Department'', the department of environmental protection.
''End suppliers'', suppliers of water who provide water directly to users.
''Receipts'', monies received by the department which are proceeds from the assessment.
''Suppliers of water'', suppliers of water as defined in the federal safe drinking water act.
''Users'', all consumers of water, whether public or private or taxed or tax-exempt, provided by end suppliers.
''Withdrawal'', the withdrawal, purchase or pumping of water by an end supplier.
(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department is authorized and directed to establish a federal safe drinking water act assessment to assist the department in providing technical compliance assistance to and otherwise to regulate all suppliers of water pursuant to the act in the manner set forth in this section. Collection of the assessment may begin on or after July first, nineteen hundred and ninety-three. Matters relating to the rate, collection, cost, enforcement and application and other administrative features of the assessment shall be in accordance with regulations of the department adopted pursuant to section two of chapter thirty A, after consultation with the advisory committee. Such regulations, in addition to such further matters reasonably incidental to the administration of the assessment as may be determined by the department shall:
(i) provide that the assessment shall be remitted to the department by the end supplier;
(ii) set and provide for periodic revision of, the rate of assessment at a uniform level not to exceed one cent per one thousand gallons of withdrawal, such that receipts in the aggregate are reasonably related to defraying the department's direct and indirect costs for monitoring, inspections, technical assistance, reporting and enforcement activities necessary to ensure compliance with the act and any regulations of the department adopted to implement the act;
(iii) establish the timing of assessments, collection and remittances;
(iv) establish the manner in which end suppliers engaged in the distribution of water shall apportion and collect amounts necessary to defray the assessment, and their administrative costs relating thereto up to but not more than five percent of the outstanding assessment for all users for the applicable assessment period in the aggregate, from users without further action of the department of telecommunications and energy; provided, however, that each end supplier shall have the option of determining how its invoice to users shall show such defraying amounts and the frequency of invoicing;
(v) establish reasonable mechanisms for collection and enforcement including but not limited to:
(A) the imposition of penalties not to exceed five thousand dollars per day for failure of end suppliers to remit proper receipts to the department;
(B) the setting of a reasonable rate of interest, which shall not be exclusive of applicable penalties, if any, to be borne by the end supplier on overdue remittances; and
(C) the establishment of reasonable audit and reporting procedures;
(vi) establish a program providing for payments in lieu of assessments for any end supplier which cannot meter its withdrawal to the satisfaction of the department, until satisfactory metering has been installed.
Amounts payable as assessments, administrative costs and payments in lieu of assessments shall be recovered to the maximum practical extent from charges to users. Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the department of telecommunications and energy to rule on the propriety of any rates charged by any end suppliers subject to its jurisdiction; provided, however, that in making such a ruling, the department of telecommunications and energy shall consider the amount of the assessment; and, provided further, that such ruling shall not impose any condition inconsistent with the provisions of this section or any regulations adopted hereunder.
Compliance with any requirement imposed by the department of telecommunications and energy shall not exempt any end supplier from the requirements of this section or regulations adopted hereunder. The department of telecommunications and energy shall monitor the manner in which investor-owned end suppliers engaged in the distribution of water apportion and collect amounts necessary to defray the assessment and applicable administrative costs;
(vii) establish the assessment rate by October first of each year for the following fiscal year. End suppliers shall be notified by mail of the assessment rate by November first of each year. The department shall mail bills to end suppliers during the month of July of each year for that fiscal year.
(c) All receipts shall be deposited in the Safe Drinking Water Act Fund established pursuant to section two P1/2 of chapter twenty-nine, and used solely for the purposes set forth therein; provided, however, that receipts shall be used solely for administering said act and furthering its purposes. Any unexpended balance may be used to defray the amount of the assessment in future fiscal years. Regulations establishing the assessment pursuant to this section shall not be in effect in any fiscal year in which the department fails to provide from state funds, other than those collected under the terms of this section, a match of seventy-five percent of the amount of the federal grant attributable to the implementation of the act.
(d) In the event that the requirements of this section conflict with applicable federal requirements pertaining to the establishment and collection of the assessment by the department, such federal requirements shall take precedence over any conflicting requirements of this section and the department shall have the authority to establish, by regulation, and to collect such assessment in accordance with applicable federal requirements.
(e) The department shall establish an advisory committee on administration of the federal safe drinking water assessment.
The representative organizations may nominate persons for consideration and the commissioner shall appoint such persons to the advisory committee as deemed desirable in accordance with this section, which members shall serve until successors shall be appointed and qualified by the commissioner. No state employee shall be appointed to the advisory committee and no person appointed to the advisory committee shall be deemed to be a state employee for purposes of any other general or special law. Members of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement of their direct expenses of travel from their place of abode to the regular meetings of the advisory committee. The commissioner's appointees shall include one representative from each of the following categories of organizations, two of which such designated representatives who are water utility personnel shall serve, under the same terms and conditions as members of the committee established pursuant to section eighteen of chapter twenty-one A: a Massachusetts statewide water works nonprofit association, a New England regional water works nonprofit association, a nonprofit association representing rural water systems, a regional water works association, a nonprofit association representing investor-owned water companies, two statewide environmental organizations, organizations representing non-community water suppliers, the Massachusetts Municipal Association, an organization representing industry and one member who shall be appointed the commissioner. The total membership of the committee shall not exceed eleven, a majority of which shall be comprised of water utility personnel. In addition to consulting with the advisory committee prior to adoption of regulations implementing this section, the department shall review with the advisory committee the operation of the assessment program authorized by this section at least quarterly.
(f) The committee and the department shall undertake the additional responsibility to ensure that regular public service announcements are released to inform the public as to the requirements and costs associated with the act. The committee, with administrative support from the department, shall produce an annual report on the assessment program for the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on natural resources and agriculture, with a summary of all findings and action taken mailed to all end suppliers.
(g) The department shall not collect water quality annual compliance assurance fees for public water supplies.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 21a - Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Section 1 - Creation; Secretary; Acting Secretary; Undersecretary

Section 2 - Duties and Functions; Inter-Agency Information, Services and Plans; Filing Applications; Core Administrative Functions

Section 2a - Compromise or Settlement of Claims for Damages for Injury and for Destruction or Loss of Natural Resources; Authority of Secretary

Section 3 - Functions of Secretary; Report

Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Secretary

Section 4a - Coastal Zone Management Office

Section 4c - Ocean Management Plan; Ocean Advisory Commission; Ocean Science Advisory Council; Duties of Secretary

Section 5 - Program Review Boards; Appointment; Reports; Expenses

Section 6 - Experts and Assistants; Appointment; Qualifications; Classified Employees; Tenure

Section 7 - Departments; Commissioners, Appointment, Removal, Qualifications, Functions, Salary

Section 7b - State Geologist

Section 8 - Organization of Departments; Powers, Duties and Functions

Section 8a - Water Resources Commission; Members; Terms

Section 8b - Chairman; Duties of Commission

Section 8c - Water Supply Policy Statement; Update and Report

Section 8d - Rules and Regulations

Section 8e - Director; Staff

Section 8f - Meetings; Expenses; per Diem

Section 9 - Grants and Gifts; Expenditure; Records

Section 10a - Office of Law Enforcement; Director; Deputies; Environmental Police Officers; Rules and Regulations

Section 10b - Enforcement of Penal Laws

Section 10c - Authority of Officers

Section 10d - Uniforms; Badges; Fine for Unlawful Use

Section 10e - Entry on Private Land; Disposition of Animals

Section 10f - Rules and Regulations; Hours and Pay for Boat Based and Land Based Personnel; Assignments

Section 10g - Requests for Name and Address; Penalties for Refusal to Provide Information; Notices of Violations; Appearances and Payment of Fines; Seizure and Forfeitures

Section 10h - Fines for Categories of Violations

Section 10i - Surcharge Added on Fines for Violations Under Chapter 21a When Complaining Officer Is Environmental Police Officer or Deputy Environmental Police Officer

Section 10j - Incapacity of Environmental Police Officer Due to Injuries Sustained in Performance of Duties; Leave Without Loss of Pay

Section 11 - Boating Safety Advisory Board

Section 11a - Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Section 11b - Public Access Board; Composition; Meetings; Designation of Public Access Points; Regulations; Purchase of Equipment

Section 11c - Prohibition on Alteration or Pollution of Rivers and Streams; Scenic and Recreational Classifications; Restraint of Violations; Unreasonable Use Restriction Petitions; Uncompensated Taking Hearings; Damages

Section 12 - Rules and Regulations; Adoption; Review

Section 13 - State Environmental Code; Adoption; Preparation of Sewage Disposal Systems; Enforcement of Code

Section 13a - System Inspectors of On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems; Penalty

Section 14 - Disposal of Dredged Materials

Section 16 - Civil Administrative Penalties

Section 17 - Soil Containing Dangerous Levels of Lead; Cover and Disposal; Regulations

Section 18 - Permit Application and Compliance Assurance Fees; Timely Action Schedules; Regulations

Section 18a - Federal Safe Drinking Water Assessment; Advisory Committee

Section 19 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 19 to 19j

Section 19a - Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals

Section 19b - Regulations

Section 19c - Licensing

Section 19d - License Requirement; Regulations

Section 19e - Inspection of Known or Suspected Sites; Warrants

Section 19f - Violations; Orders Issued by Board; Notice to Department

Section 19g - Civil Administrative Penalties

Section 19h - Adjudicatory Hearings; Judicial Review

Section 19i - Jurisdiction of Superior Court

Section 19j - Violations; Penalties

Section 20 - Joint Powers Agreements; Definitions; Approval; Administration

Section 21 - Competitive Procurement of Electric Generation

Section 22 - Carbon Dioxide Cap and Trade Program

Section 23 - Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee

Section 24 - Office of the State Climatologist; Powers and Duties; Term

Section 25 - Water Infrastructure Advisory Committee; Members; Report

Section 26 - Local Seafood Marketing Program; Objectives; Steering Committee

Section 27 - Program to Facilitate Transfer of Development Rights to Protect Conservation Values and Encourage Development Through Market Incentives; Administration of Loan Program

Section 28 - Protection From Harmful Flame Retardants