Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 127 - Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons
Section 143 - Discharge of Common Nightwalker From House of Correction

Section 143. The county commissioners, or, in Boston, the penal institutions commissioner, subject to the approval of a justice of the court which imposed the sentence, after six months from the time of sentence, may discharge a person sentenced to the house of correction, upon a conviction under the provisions of section sixty-two of chapter two hundred and seventy-two of being a common nightwalker, if they are satisfied that the prisoner has reformed.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVIII - Prisons, Imprisonment, Paroles and Pardons

Chapter 127 - Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - County Correctional Facilities; Minimum Standards; Financial or Other Assistance

Section 1b - Inspection of County Correctional Facilities; Compliance With Minimum Standards; Report; Notice of Violations; Enforcement Procedure

Section 2 - Duty of Superintendents to Keep Records

Section 3 - Money and Property of Prisoners; Records; Custody and Return; Transmission to Court; Interest on Deposits

Section 5 - Calendar of Prisoners; Contents

Section 6 - Service of Process in Penal or Reformatory Institutions

Section 7 - Warrants, Mittimuses and Processes; Contents; Filing

Section 8 - Prison Books; Contents; Accessibility

Section 9 - Invoice Books; Contents

Section 10 - Annual Report to Commissioner of Correction

Section 12 - Removal of Unfaithful or Incompetent Officers or Employees

Section 13 - Removal of Incompetent Jailers or Keepers of Houses of Correction

Section 14 - Removal of Officers Using Intoxicating Liquor to Excess

Section 16 - Physical Examination of Inmates; Communicable Diseases; Examination for Substance Abuse Disorder

Section 16a - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses by Persons Incarcerated in Pre-Release Facilities

Section 17 - Specifications Governing Physical Examinations; Records; Statements

Section 17a - Residential Treatment Units and Secure Treatment Units for the Treatment of Mentally Ill Inmates in Need of Mental Health Services; Mental Health Training for Department of Correction Staff

Section 17b - Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder for State Detainees or Prisoners at Certain Facilities

Section 17c - Re-Entry Treatment Plan for State Detainee or Prisoner Requiring Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Section 17d - Reporting of Costs and Outcomes of Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs and Re-Entry Treatment Plans Under Secs. 17b and 17c

Section 18 - Failure to Comply With Secs. 16 and 17; Penalty

Section 19 - Physical Training of Prisoners; Director

Section 20 - Reception Center; Classification of Prisoners; Approval

Section 20a - Prisoner Classification Board

Section 20b - Pretrial Diversion Program for Certain Detainees; Classification System; Eligibility Requirements; Credits and Other Deductions From Sentence

Section 21 - Classification of Prisoners in Jails and Houses of Correction; Approval

Section 22 - Separation of Prisoners

Section 23 - Identification of Prisoners

Section 25 - Fugitives From Justice

Section 27 - District Attorney to Furnish Criminal History

Section 28 - Descriptions, Fingerprints and Criminal History; Records

Section 29 - Publication of Records; Exhibition of Records

Section 30 - Compensation to Officers; Reimbursement

Section 32 - Treatment of Prisoners

Section 32a - Treatment of Prisoner Having Gender Identity Differing From Prisoner's Sex Assigned at Birth

Section 33 - Maintenance of Order in Institutions; Enforcement of Obedience

Section 36 - Visits to Jails or Correctional Institutions; Permission

Section 36a - Conferences With Attorneys

Section 36b - Conferences With Clergy Members

Section 36c - In-Person Visitation of Inmates

Section 37 - Record of Visitors

Section 38 - Use of Gags

Section 38a - Holding Officers and Employees as Hostages

Section 38b - Assaults Upon Guards; Bodily Substances; Penalty

Section 38c - Felonies in Correctional Institutions; Notice to District Attorney

Section 38d - Notice of Transfer of Prisoner Convicted of Offense Against Officer, Guard or Correctional Institution Employee

Section 38e - Inmate Complaints; Grievance System; Grievance Resolution

Section 38f - Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies Under Sec. 38e; Court Consideration of Inmate Claims; Exceptions

Section 38g - Disposition of Court Actions Pending Upon Effectiveness of Regulations Promulgated Under Sec. 38e

Section 38h - Judicial Review of Final Decision on Grievance

Section 39 - Restrictive Housing; Use Authorized; Conditions of Confinement; Mental Health Screening and Evaluation; Promulgation of Clinical Standard

Section 39a - Restrictive Housing; Prohibitions on Placement of Certain Prisoners in Restrictive Housing

Section 39b - Restrictive Housing; Placement Reviews

Section 39c - Restrictive Housing; Training and Qualification of Correction Officers, Supervisors and Managers

Section 39d - Restrictive Housing; Reporting and Publication of Information Relating to Prisoners Held in Restrictive Housing

Section 39e - Restrictive Housing; Access to Vocational, Educational and Rehabilitative Programs

Section 39f - Restrictive Housing; Placement of Inmate With Anticipated Release Date of Less Than 120 Days; Reentry Programming for Prisoners Held in Restrictive Housing With Less Than 180 Days Until Release Date

Section 39g - Restrictive Housing; Restrictive Housing Oversight Committee

Section 39h - Restrictive Housing; Promulgation of Regulations Implementing Secs. 39 to 39h

Section 48 - Establishment and Maintenance of Education, Training and Employment Programs; Rules and Regulations

Section 48a - System of Compensation; Graduated Scale; Credits; Appropriations

Section 48b - Establishment of Young Adult Correctional Units or Designation of Correctional Officers for the Exclusive Supervision of Young Adults Placed in Care of Department or House of Correction

Section 49 - Participation of Inmates in Education, Training and Employment Programs Outside Correctional Facilities; Eligibility; Sentence Credit; Rules and Regulations; Escape, Punishment; Public Employment; Labor Dispute Restriction

Section 49a - Evaluation of Inmates for Participation in Education, Training and Employment Programs Outside Correctional Facilities; Committees; Recommendation

Section 49b - Participation of Prisoners in Work Programs at Mental Health, Developmental Services and Public Health Facilities; Restrictions

Section 49c - Employment of Prisoners of County Correctional Institutions on Municipal Properties Within County

Section 51 - Establishment and Maintenance of Industries in Correctional Institutions; Contracts for Labor

Section 52 - Supervisors and Instructors; Authority; Removal

Section 53 - Production of Articles by Prisoners

Section 54 - Annual Meetings for Determination of Styles, Designs and Qualities of Articles to Be Produced by Prisoners; Expenses

Section 55 - List of Styles, Designs and Qualities of Articles; Arbitration of Differences

Section 56 - Annual Estimates of Articles and Materials Needed in Public Offices

Section 57 - Lists of Prison-Made Articles; Requisitions From Counties, Municipalities and Public Institutions

Section 58 - Prices of Prison-Made Articles

Section 60 - Noncompliance With Sections Relative to Purchase of Articles

Section 61 - Establishment of Industries

Section 66 - Purchase of Tools and Materials for Correctional Institutions; Approval

Section 66a - Purchase of Tools and Materials for Jails and Houses of Correction; Approval

Section 67 - Sale of Prison-Made Goods; Proceeds

Section 68 - Appointment of Selling Agents; Removal

Section 69 - Report Relative to Labor of Prisoners

Section 71 - Receipts From Sale of Products, Services, or Labor of Committed Offenders; Disposition

Section 72 - Payment of Salaries and Bills for Tools, Machinery and Materials; Schedules

Section 73 - Suits on Contracts by and Against Principal Officers; Arbitration

Section 83 - Outdoor Labor of Inmates

Section 83a - Establishment of Camp for Male Prisoners for Reforestation; Approval; Hearing.

Section 83b - Removal of Prisoners to Camp; Permit to Be at Liberty; Escape

Section 83c - Escapes From Prison Camp

Section 83d - Director of Prison Camps; Offices and Positions; Appointments; Duties

Section 83e - Establishment of Camps for Prisoners Prior to Release on Parole; Transfer; Training for Release

Section 84 - Purchases or Lease of Land for Improvement by Prison Labor; Payment to County

Section 86f - Work Release Programs

Section 86g - Work Release Programs; Suffolk County

Section 86h - Public Speaking Engagements; Inmates of State Correctional Facilities

Section 86i - Public Speaking Engagements; Inmates of County Correctional Facilities

Section 87 - Correspondence of Inmates

Section 88 - Religious Services

Section 89 - Maintenance of Sabbath Schools and Schools for Instruction

Section 90 - Appropriations for Religious Instruction and Services

Section 90a - Temporary Release of Committed Offenders

Section 92 - Instruction in Jails and Houses of Correction

Section 92a - General Education Development Tests; Age Requirement; No Fee

Section 93 - Appropriations for Moral and Religious Instruction in Jails and Houses of Correction

Section 94 - Light for Reading

Section 96a - Disposition of Unclaimed Money of Former Prisoners; Claim

Section 96b - Disposition of Unclaimed Property of Former Prisoners; Sale; Proceeds

Section 97 - Transfers From and to Correctional Institutions; Approval

Section 97a - Transfer of State Prisoners to Federal Institutions; Reciprocal Agreements

Section 97b - Treaties; Transfer of Prisoners to Other Countries

Section 111a - Removal of Defective Delinquents

Section 113 - Removal of Prisoners Convicted and Sentenced by United States Court

Section 115 - Removal of Prisoners From One Jail to Another by Sheriff

Section 116 - Application of Original Sentence of Prisoner Removed or Returned

Section 117 - Placement in Hospital or Medical Facility for Medical, Dental, or Similar Professional Treatment

Section 117a - Temporary Placement of Prisoners in Hospital or Medical Facility

Section 118 - Pregnant and Postpartum Inmates; Standards of Care; Use of Restraints

Section 119 - Hospital Confinement as Term of Sentence

Section 119a - Release of Prisoner on Medical Parole Due to Terminal Illness or Permanent Incapacitation; Petition; Written Decision; Conditions of Parole; Appeal; Rules and Regulations; Report

Section 120 - Order of Removal; Transfer of Mittimuses and Processes With Prisoner

Section 121 - Execution of Order of Removal

Section 123 - Expense of Removal

Section 124 - Expense of Support of Prisoner Transferred From Correctional Institution to Jail or House of Correction

Section 125 - Expense of Support of Prisoner Transferred From One County to Another

Section 126 - Expense of Support of Prisoner Removed From Jail or House of Correction to Massachusetts Correctional Institution

Section 127 - Special State Police Officers; Powers and Duties

Section 128 - Issuance of Parole Permits

Section 129b - Confinement While Awaiting Trial; Reduction of Sentence

Section 129c - Confinement in Prison Camp; Deduction of Sentence for Good Conduct

Section 129d - Good Conduct Deductions for Participation in and Completion of Certain Programs and Activities

Section 130 - Granting of Parole Permits; Record of Decision; Jurisdiction of Parole Board Over Parolee; Terms and Conditions Including Payment of Child Support Due Under Support Order; Certificate of Termination of Sentence; Alcohol and Drug Free Ho...

Section 130a - Issuance of Certificate of Termination of Sentence

Section 130b - Parole Permits Issued for Remainder of Sentence Reduced by Good Conduct Deductions; Terms and Conditions of Parole; Information to Be Provided to Parole Board

Section 130c - Compliance Credits to Reduce Period of Time Parolee Subject to Jurisdiction of Parole Board; Rescission of Credits

Section 131 - Giving of Parolee Written Copy of Terms and Conditions of Parole

Section 131a - Notice to State and Local Police of Terms and Conditions of Parole Permits

Section 133 - Granting of Parole Permits by Board; Eligibility and Requisites

Section 133a - Eligibility for Parole; Notice and Hearing; Parole Permits; Revision of Terms and Conditions; Revocation; Arrest; Right to Counsel and Funds for Expert

Section 133b - Parole of Prisoners Declared to Be Habitual Criminals; Conditions; Revision; Revocation

Section 133c - Representation of Deceased Victims at Hearing by Family Members

Section 133d - Community Parole Supervision for Life

Section 133d1/2 - Global Positioning System Device to Be Worn by Certain Sex Offender Parolees

Section 133e - Victims of Violent Crime or Sex Offenses; Certification by Department of Criminal Justice Information Services; Testimony at Parole Hearing

Section 134 - Appearance Before Parole Board; Investigation and Hearing by Staff Members; Reports; Sentences Served in Other States

Section 135 - Furnishing Information to Parole Board; Filing Information; Statement; Contents; Availability; Duty of Clerk of Court and Probation Officer

Section 136 - Initiating Release of Prisoner; Hearing; Submission of Further Information to Board; Contents of Reports

Section 142 - Permits to Be at Liberty or Discharge of Pregnant Females

Section 143 - Discharge of Common Nightwalker From House of Correction

Section 144 - Discharge of Prisoner Committed for Non-Payment of Fine

Section 145 - Confinement of Persons for Non-Payment of Money Owed

Section 146 - Report of Confinement of Poor Prisoners; Discharge; Guardianship

Section 148 - Revocation of Permit to Be at Liberty

Section 149 - Arrest for Violation of Permit; Application of Terms of Original Sentence; Computation of Period of Confinement

Section 149a - Temporary Custody of Parolees; Warrant

Section 150 - Expiration of Term on Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday

Section 151 - Temporary Care of Infirm or Diseased Prisoner in Institution After Expiration of Sentence; Transfer to Hospital

Section 151a - Compacts With Other States Relative to the Supervision of Adult Offenders; Purpose

Section 151b - Definitions

Section 151c - Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision; Composition; Voting; Executive Committee

Section 151d - Chairman of Parole Board as Compact Administrator and State Commissioner; Appointment of State Council

Section 151e - Interstate Commission; Powers and Duties

Section 151f - By-Laws; Election of Chairperson and Executive Director; Corporate Books and Records; Civil Liabilities

Section 151g - Actions Taken by Interstate Commission; Meetings; Voting; Records

Section 151h - Rulemaking; Authority and Procedure

Section 151i - Enforcement; Dispute Resolution

Section 151j - Payment of Expenses; Annual Assessment

Section 151k - Eligibility of Compacting States; Effect of Compact Upon Adoption by Other States; Amendments

Section 151l - Withdrawal by Compacting State; Default on Obligation or Responsibility Under Compact

Section 151m - Severability; Construction

Section 151n - Effect on Other Laws; Binding Effect of Interstate Commission Actions; Advisory Opinions; Limitations on Authority

Section 152 - Pardons by Governor; Petition; Advisory Board; Hearing; Revocation of Pardon; Annual List

Section 153 - Notification to Attorney General of Petition for Pardon of State Prisoner

Section 154 - Parole Board as Advisory Board of Pardons; Powers and Duties

Section 155 - Violation of Pardon; Arrest; Notice

Section 156 - Confinement for Unexpired Term; Computation of Confinement; Discharge

Section 157 - Execution of Warrant of Pardon; Return

Section 158 - Parole Board Agents; Duties

Section 160 - Expenditures for Assistance of Released Prisoners

Section 161 - Account of Expenditures by Parole Board Agents

Section 162 - Expenditure of Institutional Funds for Welfare of Released Prisoners

Section 162a - Arsonists or Violators of Secs. 102 to 102c of Chapter 266; Notice of Release

Section 163 - Annual Report of Agents for Aiding Discharged Prisoners

Section 164 - County Commissioners; Aid to Prisoners

Section 165 - Expenditures by Superintendent or Keeper of Jail in Aid of Discharged Prisoners

Section 166 - Payment or Receipt of Money for Obtaining Pardon, Parole, Commutation of or Respite From Sentence

Section 167 - Persons Representing Applicants for Pardons, Parole or Commutation of Sentence; Statements

Section 168 - Violation of Sec. 166 or 167

Section 169 - Copy of Secs. 166 to 169; Printing on Petition for Pardon Forms