Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 127 - Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons
Section 119a - Release of Prisoner on Medical Parole Due to Terminal Illness or Permanent Incapacitation; Petition; Written Decision; Conditions of Parole; Appeal; Rules and Regulations; Report

Section 119A. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:—
''Medical parole plan'', a comprehensive written medical and psychosocial care plan specific to a prisoner and including, but not limited to: (i) the proposed course of treatment; (ii) the proposed site for treatment and post-treatment care; (iii) documentation that medical providers qualified to provide the medical services identified in the medical parole plan are prepared to provide such services; and (iv) the financial program in place to cover the cost of the plan for the duration of the medical parole, which shall include eligibility for enrollment in commercial insurance, Medicare or Medicaid or access to other adequate financial resources for the duration of the medical parole.
''Department'', the department of correction.
''Permanent incapacitation'', a physical or cognitive incapacitation that appears irreversible, as determined by a licensed physician, and that is so debilitating that the prisoner does not pose a public safety risk.
''Secretary'', the secretary of the executive office of public safety and security.
''Terminal illness'', a condition that appears incurable, as determined by a licensed physician, that will likely cause the death of the prisoner in not more than 18 months and that is so debilitating that the prisoner does not pose a public safety risk.
(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, a prisoner may be eligible for medical parole due to a terminal illness or permanent incapacitation pursuant to subsections (c) and (d).
(c)(1) The superintendent of a correctional facility shall consider a prisoner for medical parole upon a written petition by the prisoner, the prisoner's attorney, the prisoner's next of kin, a medical provider of the correctional facility or a member of the department's staff. The superintendent shall review the petition and develop a recommendation as to the release of the prisoner. Whether or not the superintendent recommends in favor of medical parole, the superintendent shall, not more than 21 days after receipt of the petition, transmit the petition and the recommendation to the commissioner. The superintendent shall transmit with the recommendation: (i) a medical parole plan; (ii) a written diagnosis by a physician licensed to practice medicine under section 2 of chapter 112; and (iii) an assessment of the risk for violence that the prisoner poses to society.
(2) Upon receipt of the petition and recommendation pursuant to paragraph (1), the commissioner shall notify, in writing, the district attorney for the jurisdiction where the offense resulting in the prisoner being committed to the correctional facility occurred, the prisoner, the person who petitioned for medical parole, if not the prisoner and, if applicable under chapter 258B, the victim or the victim's family that the prisoner is being considered for medical parole. The parties who receive the notice shall have an opportunity to provide written statements; provided, however, that if the prisoner was convicted and is serving a sentence under section 1 of chapter 265, the district attorney or victim's family may request a hearing.
(d)(1) A sheriff shall consider a prisoner for medical parole upon a written petition filed by the prisoner, the prisoner's attorney, the prisoner's next of kin, a medical provider of the house of correction or jail or a member of the sheriff's staff. The sheriff shall review the request and develop a recommendation as to the release of the prisoner. Whether or not the sheriff recommends in favor of medical parole, the sheriff shall, not more than 21 days after receipt of the petition, transmit the petition and the recommendation to the commissioner. The sheriff shall transmit with the petition: (i) a medical parole plan; (ii) a written diagnosis by a physician licensed to practice medicine under section 2 of chapter 112; and (iii) an assessment of the risk for violence that the prisoner poses to society.
(2) Upon receipt of the petition and recommendation pursuant to paragraph (1), the commissioner shall notify, in writing, the district attorney for the jurisdiction where the offense resulting in the prisoner being committed to the correctional facility occurred, the prisoner, the person who petitioned for medical parole, if not the prisoner and, if applicable under chapter 258B, the victim or the victim's family that the prisoner is being considered for medical parole. The parties who receive the notice shall have an opportunity to submit written statements.
(e) The commissioner shall issue a written decision not later than 45 days after receipt of a petition, which shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons for the commissioner's decision. If the commissioner determines that a prisoner is terminally ill or permanently incapacitated such that if the prisoner is released the prisoner will live and remain at liberty without violating the law and that the release will not be incompatible with the welfare of society, the prisoner shall be released on medical parole. The parole board shall impose terms and conditions for medical parole that shall apply through the date upon which the prisoner's sentence would have expired.
Not less than 24 hours before the date of a prisoner's release on medical parole, the commissioner shall notify, in writing, the district attorney for the jurisdiction where the offense resulting in the prisoner being committed to the correctional facility occurred, the department of state police, the police department in the city or town in which the prisoner shall reside and, if applicable under chapter 258B, the victim or the victim's family of the prisoner's release and the terms and conditions of the release.
(f) A prisoner granted release under this section shall be under the jurisdiction, supervision and control of the parole board, as if the prisoner had been paroled pursuant to section 130 of chapter 127. The parole board may revise, alter or amend the terms and conditions of a medical parole at any time. If a parole officer receives credible information that a prisoner has failed to comply with a condition of the prisoner's medical parole or upon discovery that the terminal illness or permanent incapacitation has improved to the extent that the prisoner would no longer be eligible for medical parole under this section, the parole officer shall immediately arrest the prisoner and bring the prisoner before the board for a hearing. If the board determines that the prisoner violated a condition of the prisoner's medical parole or that the terminal illness or permanent incapacitation has improved to the extent that the prisoner would no longer be eligible for medical parole pursuant to this section, the prisoner shall resume serving the balance of the sentence with credit given only for the duration of the prisoner's medical parole that was served in compliance with all conditions of their medical parole pursuant to subsection (e). Revocation of a prisoner's medical parole due to a change in the prisoner's medical condition shall not preclude a prisoner's eligibility for medical parole in the future or for another form of release permitted by law.
(g) A prisoner, sheriff or superintendent aggrieved by a decision denying or granting medical parole made under this section may petition for relief pursuant to section 4 of chapter 249. A decision by the court affirming or reversing the commissioner's grant or denial of medical parole shall not affect a prisoner's eligibility for any other form of release permitted by law. A decision by the court pursuant to this subsection shall not preclude a prisoner's eligibility for medical parole in the future.
(h) The secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the enforcement and administration of this section.
(i) The commissioner and the secretary shall file an annual report not later than March 1 with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives, the senate and house committees on ways and means and the joint committee on the judiciary detailing, for the prior fiscal year: (i) the number of prisoners in the custody of the department or of the sheriffs who applied for medical parole under this section and the race and ethnicity of each applicant; (ii) the number of prisoners who have been granted medical parole and the race and ethnicity of each prisoner; (iii) the nature of the illness of the applicants for medical parole; (iv) the counties to which the prisoners have been released; (v) the number of prisoners who have been denied medical parole, the reason for the denial and the race and ethnicity of each prisoner; (vi) the number of prisoners who have petitioned for medical parole more than once; (vii) the number of prisoners released who have been returned to the custody of the department or the sheriff and the reason for each prisoner's return; and (viii) the number of petitions for relief sought pursuant to subsection (g). Nothing in this report shall include personally identifiable information of the prisoners.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVIII - Prisons, Imprisonment, Paroles and Pardons

Chapter 127 - Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - County Correctional Facilities; Minimum Standards; Financial or Other Assistance

Section 1b - Inspection of County Correctional Facilities; Compliance With Minimum Standards; Report; Notice of Violations; Enforcement Procedure

Section 2 - Duty of Superintendents to Keep Records

Section 3 - Money and Property of Prisoners; Records; Custody and Return; Transmission to Court; Interest on Deposits

Section 5 - Calendar of Prisoners; Contents

Section 6 - Service of Process in Penal or Reformatory Institutions

Section 7 - Warrants, Mittimuses and Processes; Contents; Filing

Section 8 - Prison Books; Contents; Accessibility

Section 9 - Invoice Books; Contents

Section 10 - Annual Report to Commissioner of Correction

Section 12 - Removal of Unfaithful or Incompetent Officers or Employees

Section 13 - Removal of Incompetent Jailers or Keepers of Houses of Correction

Section 14 - Removal of Officers Using Intoxicating Liquor to Excess

Section 16 - Physical Examination of Inmates; Communicable Diseases; Examination for Substance Abuse Disorder

Section 16a - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses by Persons Incarcerated in Pre-Release Facilities

Section 17 - Specifications Governing Physical Examinations; Records; Statements

Section 17a - Residential Treatment Units and Secure Treatment Units for the Treatment of Mentally Ill Inmates in Need of Mental Health Services; Mental Health Training for Department of Correction Staff

Section 17b - Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder for State Detainees or Prisoners at Certain Facilities

Section 17c - Re-Entry Treatment Plan for State Detainee or Prisoner Requiring Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Section 17d - Reporting of Costs and Outcomes of Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs and Re-Entry Treatment Plans Under Secs. 17b and 17c

Section 18 - Failure to Comply With Secs. 16 and 17; Penalty

Section 19 - Physical Training of Prisoners; Director

Section 20 - Reception Center; Classification of Prisoners; Approval

Section 20a - Prisoner Classification Board

Section 20b - Pretrial Diversion Program for Certain Detainees; Classification System; Eligibility Requirements; Credits and Other Deductions From Sentence

Section 21 - Classification of Prisoners in Jails and Houses of Correction; Approval

Section 22 - Separation of Prisoners

Section 23 - Identification of Prisoners

Section 25 - Fugitives From Justice

Section 27 - District Attorney to Furnish Criminal History

Section 28 - Descriptions, Fingerprints and Criminal History; Records

Section 29 - Publication of Records; Exhibition of Records

Section 30 - Compensation to Officers; Reimbursement

Section 32 - Treatment of Prisoners

Section 32a - Treatment of Prisoner Having Gender Identity Differing From Prisoner's Sex Assigned at Birth

Section 33 - Maintenance of Order in Institutions; Enforcement of Obedience

Section 36 - Visits to Jails or Correctional Institutions; Permission

Section 36a - Conferences With Attorneys

Section 36b - Conferences With Clergy Members

Section 36c - In-Person Visitation of Inmates

Section 37 - Record of Visitors

Section 38 - Use of Gags

Section 38a - Holding Officers and Employees as Hostages

Section 38b - Assaults Upon Guards; Bodily Substances; Penalty

Section 38c - Felonies in Correctional Institutions; Notice to District Attorney

Section 38d - Notice of Transfer of Prisoner Convicted of Offense Against Officer, Guard or Correctional Institution Employee

Section 38e - Inmate Complaints; Grievance System; Grievance Resolution

Section 38f - Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies Under Sec. 38e; Court Consideration of Inmate Claims; Exceptions

Section 38g - Disposition of Court Actions Pending Upon Effectiveness of Regulations Promulgated Under Sec. 38e

Section 38h - Judicial Review of Final Decision on Grievance

Section 39 - Restrictive Housing; Use Authorized; Conditions of Confinement; Mental Health Screening and Evaluation; Promulgation of Clinical Standard

Section 39a - Restrictive Housing; Prohibitions on Placement of Certain Prisoners in Restrictive Housing

Section 39b - Restrictive Housing; Placement Reviews

Section 39c - Restrictive Housing; Training and Qualification of Correction Officers, Supervisors and Managers

Section 39d - Restrictive Housing; Reporting and Publication of Information Relating to Prisoners Held in Restrictive Housing

Section 39e - Restrictive Housing; Access to Vocational, Educational and Rehabilitative Programs

Section 39f - Restrictive Housing; Placement of Inmate With Anticipated Release Date of Less Than 120 Days; Reentry Programming for Prisoners Held in Restrictive Housing With Less Than 180 Days Until Release Date

Section 39g - Restrictive Housing; Restrictive Housing Oversight Committee

Section 39h - Restrictive Housing; Promulgation of Regulations Implementing Secs. 39 to 39h

Section 48 - Establishment and Maintenance of Education, Training and Employment Programs; Rules and Regulations

Section 48a - System of Compensation; Graduated Scale; Credits; Appropriations

Section 48b - Establishment of Young Adult Correctional Units or Designation of Correctional Officers for the Exclusive Supervision of Young Adults Placed in Care of Department or House of Correction

Section 49 - Participation of Inmates in Education, Training and Employment Programs Outside Correctional Facilities; Eligibility; Sentence Credit; Rules and Regulations; Escape, Punishment; Public Employment; Labor Dispute Restriction

Section 49a - Evaluation of Inmates for Participation in Education, Training and Employment Programs Outside Correctional Facilities; Committees; Recommendation

Section 49b - Participation of Prisoners in Work Programs at Mental Health, Developmental Services and Public Health Facilities; Restrictions

Section 49c - Employment of Prisoners of County Correctional Institutions on Municipal Properties Within County

Section 51 - Establishment and Maintenance of Industries in Correctional Institutions; Contracts for Labor

Section 52 - Supervisors and Instructors; Authority; Removal

Section 53 - Production of Articles by Prisoners

Section 54 - Annual Meetings for Determination of Styles, Designs and Qualities of Articles to Be Produced by Prisoners; Expenses

Section 55 - List of Styles, Designs and Qualities of Articles; Arbitration of Differences

Section 56 - Annual Estimates of Articles and Materials Needed in Public Offices

Section 57 - Lists of Prison-Made Articles; Requisitions From Counties, Municipalities and Public Institutions

Section 58 - Prices of Prison-Made Articles

Section 60 - Noncompliance With Sections Relative to Purchase of Articles

Section 61 - Establishment of Industries

Section 66 - Purchase of Tools and Materials for Correctional Institutions; Approval

Section 66a - Purchase of Tools and Materials for Jails and Houses of Correction; Approval

Section 67 - Sale of Prison-Made Goods; Proceeds

Section 68 - Appointment of Selling Agents; Removal

Section 69 - Report Relative to Labor of Prisoners

Section 71 - Receipts From Sale of Products, Services, or Labor of Committed Offenders; Disposition

Section 72 - Payment of Salaries and Bills for Tools, Machinery and Materials; Schedules

Section 73 - Suits on Contracts by and Against Principal Officers; Arbitration

Section 83 - Outdoor Labor of Inmates

Section 83a - Establishment of Camp for Male Prisoners for Reforestation; Approval; Hearing.

Section 83b - Removal of Prisoners to Camp; Permit to Be at Liberty; Escape

Section 83c - Escapes From Prison Camp

Section 83d - Director of Prison Camps; Offices and Positions; Appointments; Duties

Section 83e - Establishment of Camps for Prisoners Prior to Release on Parole; Transfer; Training for Release

Section 84 - Purchases or Lease of Land for Improvement by Prison Labor; Payment to County

Section 86f - Work Release Programs

Section 86g - Work Release Programs; Suffolk County

Section 86h - Public Speaking Engagements; Inmates of State Correctional Facilities

Section 86i - Public Speaking Engagements; Inmates of County Correctional Facilities

Section 87 - Correspondence of Inmates

Section 88 - Religious Services

Section 89 - Maintenance of Sabbath Schools and Schools for Instruction

Section 90 - Appropriations for Religious Instruction and Services

Section 90a - Temporary Release of Committed Offenders

Section 92 - Instruction in Jails and Houses of Correction

Section 92a - General Education Development Tests; Age Requirement; No Fee

Section 93 - Appropriations for Moral and Religious Instruction in Jails and Houses of Correction

Section 94 - Light for Reading

Section 96a - Disposition of Unclaimed Money of Former Prisoners; Claim

Section 96b - Disposition of Unclaimed Property of Former Prisoners; Sale; Proceeds

Section 97 - Transfers From and to Correctional Institutions; Approval

Section 97a - Transfer of State Prisoners to Federal Institutions; Reciprocal Agreements

Section 97b - Treaties; Transfer of Prisoners to Other Countries

Section 111a - Removal of Defective Delinquents

Section 113 - Removal of Prisoners Convicted and Sentenced by United States Court

Section 115 - Removal of Prisoners From One Jail to Another by Sheriff

Section 116 - Application of Original Sentence of Prisoner Removed or Returned

Section 117 - Placement in Hospital or Medical Facility for Medical, Dental, or Similar Professional Treatment

Section 117a - Temporary Placement of Prisoners in Hospital or Medical Facility

Section 118 - Pregnant and Postpartum Inmates; Standards of Care; Use of Restraints

Section 119 - Hospital Confinement as Term of Sentence

Section 119a - Release of Prisoner on Medical Parole Due to Terminal Illness or Permanent Incapacitation; Petition; Written Decision; Conditions of Parole; Appeal; Rules and Regulations; Report

Section 120 - Order of Removal; Transfer of Mittimuses and Processes With Prisoner

Section 121 - Execution of Order of Removal

Section 123 - Expense of Removal

Section 124 - Expense of Support of Prisoner Transferred From Correctional Institution to Jail or House of Correction

Section 125 - Expense of Support of Prisoner Transferred From One County to Another

Section 126 - Expense of Support of Prisoner Removed From Jail or House of Correction to Massachusetts Correctional Institution

Section 127 - Special State Police Officers; Powers and Duties

Section 128 - Issuance of Parole Permits

Section 129b - Confinement While Awaiting Trial; Reduction of Sentence

Section 129c - Confinement in Prison Camp; Deduction of Sentence for Good Conduct

Section 129d - Good Conduct Deductions for Participation in and Completion of Certain Programs and Activities

Section 130 - Granting of Parole Permits; Record of Decision; Jurisdiction of Parole Board Over Parolee; Terms and Conditions Including Payment of Child Support Due Under Support Order; Certificate of Termination of Sentence; Alcohol and Drug Free Ho...

Section 130a - Issuance of Certificate of Termination of Sentence

Section 130b - Parole Permits Issued for Remainder of Sentence Reduced by Good Conduct Deductions; Terms and Conditions of Parole; Information to Be Provided to Parole Board

Section 130c - Compliance Credits to Reduce Period of Time Parolee Subject to Jurisdiction of Parole Board; Rescission of Credits

Section 131 - Giving of Parolee Written Copy of Terms and Conditions of Parole

Section 131a - Notice to State and Local Police of Terms and Conditions of Parole Permits

Section 133 - Granting of Parole Permits by Board; Eligibility and Requisites

Section 133a - Eligibility for Parole; Notice and Hearing; Parole Permits; Revision of Terms and Conditions; Revocation; Arrest; Right to Counsel and Funds for Expert

Section 133b - Parole of Prisoners Declared to Be Habitual Criminals; Conditions; Revision; Revocation

Section 133c - Representation of Deceased Victims at Hearing by Family Members

Section 133d - Community Parole Supervision for Life

Section 133d1/2 - Global Positioning System Device to Be Worn by Certain Sex Offender Parolees

Section 133e - Victims of Violent Crime or Sex Offenses; Certification by Department of Criminal Justice Information Services; Testimony at Parole Hearing

Section 134 - Appearance Before Parole Board; Investigation and Hearing by Staff Members; Reports; Sentences Served in Other States

Section 135 - Furnishing Information to Parole Board; Filing Information; Statement; Contents; Availability; Duty of Clerk of Court and Probation Officer

Section 136 - Initiating Release of Prisoner; Hearing; Submission of Further Information to Board; Contents of Reports

Section 142 - Permits to Be at Liberty or Discharge of Pregnant Females

Section 143 - Discharge of Common Nightwalker From House of Correction

Section 144 - Discharge of Prisoner Committed for Non-Payment of Fine

Section 145 - Confinement of Persons for Non-Payment of Money Owed

Section 146 - Report of Confinement of Poor Prisoners; Discharge; Guardianship

Section 148 - Revocation of Permit to Be at Liberty

Section 149 - Arrest for Violation of Permit; Application of Terms of Original Sentence; Computation of Period of Confinement

Section 149a - Temporary Custody of Parolees; Warrant

Section 150 - Expiration of Term on Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday

Section 151 - Temporary Care of Infirm or Diseased Prisoner in Institution After Expiration of Sentence; Transfer to Hospital

Section 151a - Compacts With Other States Relative to the Supervision of Adult Offenders; Purpose

Section 151b - Definitions

Section 151c - Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision; Composition; Voting; Executive Committee

Section 151d - Chairman of Parole Board as Compact Administrator and State Commissioner; Appointment of State Council

Section 151e - Interstate Commission; Powers and Duties

Section 151f - By-Laws; Election of Chairperson and Executive Director; Corporate Books and Records; Civil Liabilities

Section 151g - Actions Taken by Interstate Commission; Meetings; Voting; Records

Section 151h - Rulemaking; Authority and Procedure

Section 151i - Enforcement; Dispute Resolution

Section 151j - Payment of Expenses; Annual Assessment

Section 151k - Eligibility of Compacting States; Effect of Compact Upon Adoption by Other States; Amendments

Section 151l - Withdrawal by Compacting State; Default on Obligation or Responsibility Under Compact

Section 151m - Severability; Construction

Section 151n - Effect on Other Laws; Binding Effect of Interstate Commission Actions; Advisory Opinions; Limitations on Authority

Section 152 - Pardons by Governor; Petition; Advisory Board; Hearing; Revocation of Pardon; Annual List

Section 153 - Notification to Attorney General of Petition for Pardon of State Prisoner

Section 154 - Parole Board as Advisory Board of Pardons; Powers and Duties

Section 155 - Violation of Pardon; Arrest; Notice

Section 156 - Confinement for Unexpired Term; Computation of Confinement; Discharge

Section 157 - Execution of Warrant of Pardon; Return

Section 158 - Parole Board Agents; Duties

Section 160 - Expenditures for Assistance of Released Prisoners

Section 161 - Account of Expenditures by Parole Board Agents

Section 162 - Expenditure of Institutional Funds for Welfare of Released Prisoners

Section 162a - Arsonists or Violators of Secs. 102 to 102c of Chapter 266; Notice of Release

Section 163 - Annual Report of Agents for Aiding Discharged Prisoners

Section 164 - County Commissioners; Aid to Prisoners

Section 165 - Expenditures by Superintendent or Keeper of Jail in Aid of Discharged Prisoners

Section 166 - Payment or Receipt of Money for Obtaining Pardon, Parole, Commutation of or Respite From Sentence

Section 167 - Persons Representing Applicants for Pardons, Parole or Commutation of Sentence; Statements

Section 168 - Violation of Sec. 166 or 167

Section 169 - Copy of Secs. 166 to 169; Printing on Petition for Pardon Forms