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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,...
Section 2 - Licenses; Application; Fees; Assignment or Transfer; Multi-State Licensing System - Section 2. No person, other than a bank as defined...
Section 3 - Rules and Regulations; Examination of Business Records; Annual Report - Section 3. The commissioner may prescribe from time to time...
Section 4 - Summoning of Licensees; Failure to Appear; Effect - Section 4. The commissioner, or such of his assistants as...
Section 5 - Refusal to Issue License; Notice; Appeal; Hearing - Section 5. If the commissioner refuses to issue a license,...
Section 6 - Violations of This Chapter; Investigations by Commissioner - Section 6. The commissioner, if he has reason to believe...
Section 7 - Suspension or Revocation of License; Grounds - Section 7. A license may be suspended or revoked by...
Section 8 - Suspension or Revocation of License; Procedure - Section 8. No license shall be suspended or revoked except...
Section 9 - Retail Installment Sale Agreements; Form and Contents - Section 9. A. The printed terms of every retail installment...
Section 9a - Improvement of Realty; Completion of Statement - Section 9A. In any transaction involving the modernization, rehabilitation, repair,...
Section 10 - Prohibited Agreements - Section 10. No seller, sales finance company or holder shall...
Section 10a - Discrimination Against Cash Buyers - Section 10A. No retail establishment offering goods and services for...
Section 11 - Finance Charges, Computation, Rates; Multiple Agreements Prohibited - Section 11. A. No fee, expense or other charge whatsoever...
Section 11a - Merchandise Certificates or Coupons; Right to Return - Section 11A. The buyer shall have the right to return...
Section 11b - Merchandise Certificates or Coupons; Return Statement Required - Section 11B. Any written agreement for the purchase of a...
Section 12 - Receipts for Payments; Sale or Assignment of Agreement - Section 12. A. When any payment is made on account...
Section 13 - Payment in Full Before Maturity; Refund Credit - Section 13. A. Notwithstanding the provisions of any retail installment...
Section 14 - Cancellation of Agreement by Buyer; Notice; Refund of Deposits; Reclamation of Goods by Seller - Section 14. A. The buyer shall have the right to...
Section 15 - Security Interest in Certain Goods; Prohibition - Section 15. No retail installment sale agreement shall provide for...
Section 16 - Extension Agreements; Form and Contents - A. A holder may by agreement with the buyer extend...
Section 17 - Refinancing Agreements; Form and Contents - Section 17. A. A holder may by agreement with the...
Section 18 - Subsequent Add-on Purchases; Consolidated Agreement; Payments; Termination of Security Interest - Section 18. A. If a buyer purchases goods or services...
Section 18a - Modification of Agreement or Extension of Credit Prohibited; Exceptions; Notice to Buyer; Violations - Section 18A. (1) No retail installment sale agreement may be...
Section 19 - Statement of Account; Contents - Section 19. A. Within six months after the execution of...
Section 20 - Delinquency and Collection Charge; Dishonored Check Charge - Section 20. The holder of a retail installment sale agreement...
Section 21 - Default; Enforcement; Notice; Accelerated Payment; Curing of Default - Section 21. (a) An agreement of the parties in a...
Section 22 - Repossession of Collateral on Default; Hearing; Redemption; Disposition; Deficiency; Insurance Proceeds; Determination - Section 22. (a) Subject to the provisions of this section...
Section 22a - Avoidance of Chapter - Section 22A. No seller shall directly or indirectly in connection...
Section 24 - Waiver - Section 24. No act, agreement or statement of any buyer...
Section 25 - Application of This Chapter - Section 25. Any holder of a retail installment sale agreement,...
Section 25a - Holder of Agreement Subject to Buyer's Defenses Against Seller - Section 25A. The holder of a retail installment sale agreement,...
Section 26 - Insurance - Section 26. A. Where a seller or sales finance company...
Section 27 - Revolving Credit Agreement; Form and Contents - Section 27. A. Every revolving credit agreement shall contain the...
Section 28 - Instruments Indicating Payment; Mailing to Buyer - Section 28. After payment of all sums for which the...
Section 29 - Violation of Certain Provisions; Effect - Section 29. A. The violation of sections nine, ten, eleven,...
Section 30 - Penalties - Section 30. Whoever violates any provision of this chapter shall...
Section 31 - Truth-in-Lending Act; Application - Section 31. A transaction subject to the provisions of this...
Section 32 - Delivery of Notice - Section 32. Any notice required to be given under this...