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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. As used in this chapter the following words...
Section 2 - Mortgage Broker or Lender License Requirement; Exempted Entities - Section 2. No person shall act as a mortgage broker...
Section 3 - License Application; Multi-State Licensing System - Section 3. The application for a license shall be in...
Section 4 - Issuance of License by Commissioner; Notice of License Denial; Appeal - Section 4. Upon the filing of an application for a...
Section 5 - Information on License; Changes; Notice Requirements - Section 5. Each license shall state the address at which...
Section 6 - License Suspension or Revocation; Notice and Hearing - Section 6. The commissioner may suspend or revoke any license...
Section 7 - Commissioner's Order to Cease and Desist From Unlawful Act or Practice; Prior Notice and Opportunity for Hearing; Temporary Order - Section 7. (a) If the commissioner determines, after giving notice...
Section 8 - Annual Report; Examination of Business Records - Section 8. Each licensee shall annually, on or before a...
Section 9 - Civil Actions Filed by Commissioner - Section 9. The commissioner may enforce the provisions of this...
Section 10 - Penalties - Section 10. Whoever violates section 2 or any rule or...
Section 11 - Penalties; No Limitation on Civil Action; Review - Section 11. (a) Whenever the commissioner finds that any licensee...
Section 12 - Written Notice of Intention to Prohibit; Statement of Facts; Order of Prohibition; Service - Section 12. (a) Whenever the commissioner determines that any person...