Section 13. A. Notwithstanding the provisions of any retail installment sale agreement to the contrary, a buyer may pay it in full at any time before the maturity of the final installment thereof, and, if he does so, shall receive and be entitled to receive a refund credit thereon and, if the retail installment sale agreement included an amount for insurance, a further refund credit thereon for such anticipation, whether or not the maturity of the scheduled payment of the agreement was accelerated by the holder by reason of a buyer's default.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, a refund credit shall be computed on a method which is at least as favorable to the buyer as the actuarial method, so-called. If the prepayment is made other than on an installment due date it shall be deemed to have been made on the first installment due date if the prepayment is before that date, and in any other case it shall be deemed to have been made on the next preceding or next succeeding installment due date, whichever is nearer to the date of prepayment. In the event a contract has been extended and is prepaid in full during an extension period the buyer shall receive, in addition, the refund of that portion of the extension charge applicable to any unexpired months of the extension period.
C. Where the amount of credit for anticipation of payment is less than one dollar, no refund need be made.
D. On contracts payable in substantially equal successive monthly installments, commencing two or more months after the date of the contract, the computational period for refund shall commence with the date of the contract or, if the goods are delivered or services performed ten days or more after the date of the contract, the computational period shall commence with the date of delivery or performance of the services.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title IV - Certain Writs and Proceedings in Special Cases
Chapter 255d - Retail Installment Sales and Services
Section 2 - Licenses; Application; Fees; Assignment or Transfer; Multi-State Licensing System
Section 3 - Rules and Regulations; Examination of Business Records; Annual Report
Section 4 - Summoning of Licensees; Failure to Appear; Effect
Section 5 - Refusal to Issue License; Notice; Appeal; Hearing
Section 6 - Violations of This Chapter; Investigations by Commissioner
Section 7 - Suspension or Revocation of License; Grounds
Section 8 - Suspension or Revocation of License; Procedure
Section 9 - Retail Installment Sale Agreements; Form and Contents
Section 9a - Improvement of Realty; Completion of Statement
Section 10 - Prohibited Agreements
Section 10a - Discrimination Against Cash Buyers
Section 11 - Finance Charges, Computation, Rates; Multiple Agreements Prohibited
Section 11a - Merchandise Certificates or Coupons; Right to Return
Section 11b - Merchandise Certificates or Coupons; Return Statement Required
Section 12 - Receipts for Payments; Sale or Assignment of Agreement
Section 13 - Payment in Full Before Maturity; Refund Credit
Section 15 - Security Interest in Certain Goods; Prohibition
Section 16 - Extension Agreements; Form and Contents
Section 17 - Refinancing Agreements; Form and Contents
Section 19 - Statement of Account; Contents
Section 20 - Delinquency and Collection Charge; Dishonored Check Charge
Section 21 - Default; Enforcement; Notice; Accelerated Payment; Curing of Default
Section 22a - Avoidance of Chapter
Section 25 - Application of This Chapter
Section 25a - Holder of Agreement Subject to Buyer's Defenses Against Seller
Section 27 - Revolving Credit Agreement; Form and Contents
Section 28 - Instruments Indicating Payment; Mailing to Buyer
Section 29 - Violation of Certain Provisions; Effect