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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. In this chapter unless the context otherwise requires,...
Section 2 - Necessity of License - Section 2. No person, except a credit union, a bank...
Section 3 - Application for License; Issuance or Refusal of License; Fees; Duration of License; Multi-State Licensing System - Section 3. Each application for a license to engage in...
Section 4 - Name and Address of Licensee; Posting of License; Change of Location - Section 4. Such license shall state the name and address...
Section 5 - Revocation or Suspension of License; Grounds; Surrender of License; Effect - Section 5. The commissioner may forthwith revoke or suspend any...
Section 6 - Rules and Regulations; Examination of Business Records; Confidential Communications; Annual Report - Section 6. The commissioner may prescribe from time to time...
Section 8 - Witnesses; Summoning; Examination; Fees - Section 8. In conducting any hearing or investigation pursuant to...
Section 9 - Penalties - Section 9. Whoever violates any provision of this chapter, or...
Section 11 - License Fees of Agents or Brokers; Basis; Application; Subsidiaries - Section 11. The fee for an insurance agent or an...
Section 12 - Rebates; Prohibition; Effect of Filing of Premium Finance Agreement - Section 12. No premium finance agency, and no employee of...
Section 13 - Form of Agreement - Section 13. A premium finance agreement shall be in writing...
Section 14 - Excessive Charges - Section 14. A premium finance agency shall not, except as...
Section 14a - Group Credit Life or Accident and Health or Involuntary Unemployment Insurance Charges; Prepayment; Refunds; Death Benefits; Disclosure Statements; Violations - Section 14A. In the event the charge or any portion...
Section 15 - Delinquency, Collection and Cancellation Charges - Section 15. A premium finance agreement may provide for the...
Section 16 - Prohibited Provisions in Agreements - Section 16. No premium finance agreement shall contain any provision...
Section 17 - Payment in Absence of Notice of Assignment - Section 17. Unless the insured has notice of actual or...
Section 18 - Statement of Payments and Unpaid Amounts; Full Payment by Insured - Section 18. At any time after its execution, but not...
Section 19 - Payment in Full Before Maturity; Refund - Section 19. Notwithstanding the provisions of any premium finance agreement...
Section 21 - Cancellation of Insurance Contract; Refund of Finance Charges; Deficiency; Notice of Cancellation - Section 21. Upon the cancellation of an insurance contract the...
Section 22 - Scope and Application of Chapter - Section 22. This chapter shall not affect the inclusion of...
Section 23 - Truth-in-Lending Act; Application - Section 23. A transaction subject to the provisions of this...