Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board
Section 5-412 - Cte Committee -- Expert Review Team Program -- Members -- School Visits

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “CTE Committee” means the Career and Technical Education Committee established under § 21–207 of this article.
        (3)    “Program” means the CTE Expert Review Team Program.
    (b)    (1)    The CTE Committee shall establish, administer, and supervise a CTE Expert Review Team Program for schools with career and technical education programs and pathways.
        (2)    Subject to the provisions of this subsection, the program will have the same purpose, structure, training, and reporting requirements as the Expert Review Team Program established by the Department under § 5–411 of this subtitle.
        (3)    (i)    The CTE Committee shall select the members of CTE Expert Review Teams in the Program.
            (ii)    The CTE Committee shall select CTE Expert Review Team members who, to the extent practicable, reflect the geographic, racial, ethnic, linguistic, and gender diversity of the population of the public school students, from the following groups:
                1.    Highly regarded career and technical education teachers who are represented by teachers’ organizations that, for purposes of collective bargaining, represent a majority of teachers in the State or in a local school system;
                2.    School leaders;
                3.    Employers;
                4.    Trade unions; and
                5.    Apprenticeship and internship sponsors.
        (4)    During a school visit, a CTE Expert Review Team shall conduct interviews, observe classes, and use other data to:
            (i)    Determine whether student progress is insufficient toward successful completion of the CTE pathway; and
            (ii)    Develop recommendations, measures, and strategies to address the issues identified by the CTE Expert Review Team.
        (5)    After a CTE Expert Review Team issues a report, the school, the county board, the employers, and apprenticeship or internship sponsors shall:
            (i)    Review the report and recommendations; and
            (ii)    If necessary, submit a plan to the CTE Committee addressing the recommendations in the report.
        (6)    (i)    Beginning on July 1, 2022, and ending July 1, 2031, the CTE Committee shall develop and submit to the Board, for approval, a plan to deploy the CTE Expert Review Teams in the following school year.
            (ii)    Subject to the Board’s approval, the CTE Committee shall schedule CTE Expert Review Team school visits in a manner designed to provide the CTE Committee and the Department with sufficient information to make informed decisions on the release of school funds conditioned on student performance, including adequate time for a school to respond to an Expert Review Team’s report and recommendations before decisions are made regarding the retaining of school funds.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 5 - Financing

Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board

Section 5-401 - Terms Defined

Section 5-402 - Accountability and Implementation Board -- Purpose -- Duties -- Members -- Staffing -- Powers -- Governing Authorities

Section 5-403 - Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee -- Composition -- Slate of Nominees for Vacancy -- Majority Vote

Section 5-404 - Comprehensive Implementation Plan of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future -- Guidelines for Adopting Entities -- Submission of Implementation Plans -- Board Review -- Public Website -- Implementation Coordinator

Section 5-405 - Withholding of Certain Amount for Next Fiscal Year -- Release of Funds -- Responsiveness to Recommendations -- Warning by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-406 - Use of Funds Reviewed by Board -- Information From Department on Use of School-Level Expenditures -- Monitoring by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-407 - Withholding by Board of Appropriated Funds -- Notification by Board -- Withholding by Comptroller

Section 5-408 - Tracking Guidelines Developed by Board -- Data Collected by Board -- Disaggregation of Student-Level Information

Section 5-409 - Powers and Duties of Board

Section 5-410 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-411 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-412 - Cte Committee -- Expert Review Team Program -- Members -- School Visits

Section 5-413 - Annual Progress Report on Diversity of Teacher Candidates and New Teachers -- Information Included

Section 5-414 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Diversity Efforts -- Report of Results and Recommendations