Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board
Section 5-410 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

(a)    In addition to its own assessments and tracking of progress, required under § 5–406 of this subtitle, the Board shall contract with a public or private entity to conduct an independent evaluation of the State’s progress in implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and achieving the expected outcomes during the implementation period.
    (b)    The independent evaluation shall include an assessment of:
        (1)    The use of additional funding to meet the goals of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future;
        (2)    Progress toward the goals of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and whether the goals have been achieved; and
        (3)    Any recommendations to alter the goals or strategies employed to reach the goals, including new uses for existing funds or additional funding.
    (c)    (1)    An entity with which the Board contracts for an independent evaluation shall report its results to the Board on or before:
            (i)    October 1, 2024; and
            (ii)    October 1, 2030.
        (2)    The Board shall contract for each independent evaluation as soon as practicable.
    (d)    (1)    (i)    On or before December 1, 2024, the Board shall, using the first independent evaluation and its own judgment, report to the Governor and, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly on whether the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is being implemented as intended and achieving the expected outcomes.
            (ii)    The Board’s report shall include an assessment of the State’s progress towards:
                1.    Increasing the number of teachers achieving National Board Certification;
                2.    Providing full–day prekindergarten programs for 3– and 4–year olds in accordance with Title 7, Subtitle 1A of this article;
                3.    Improving behavioral health services in accordance with § 7–447 of this article;
                4.    Ensuring that students enrolled in public schools meet college and career standards in accordance with § 7–205.1 of this article.
            (iii)    The Board’s report shall include any legislative or structural corrections necessary to fully implement the Blueprint.
        (2)    On or before December 1, 2030, the Board shall report on the results of the final independent evaluation to the Governor and, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly.
        (3)    The Board’s reports under this subsection shall include:
            (i)    Practices being used to close achievement gaps between students of different groups listed in § 5–408(a)(2)(i) of this subtitle;
            (ii)    Progress made in closing the achievement gaps listed under item (i) of this paragraph; and
            (iii)    Assessments of student outcomes listed under § 5–408(a)(2)(ii) of this subtitle, disaggregated by race, income, ethnicity, and gender.
    (e)    (1)    The Board shall determine:
            (i)    Whether the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is working as intended;
            (ii)    What steps are necessary to continue providing a globally competitive education to the children of the State;
            (iii)    If any changes to the structure, functioning, and authority of State and local agencies responsible for education are necessary; and
            (iv)    Whether the Board should continue to monitor implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future after June 30, 2032.
        (2)    In making its determination, the Board shall examine the manner in which State and local government entities responsible for implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future have contributed to educating, training, providing learning opportunities for, and developing the careers of students and young people in the State.
        (3)    The Board shall identify ways to foster partnerships between local school systems, public schools, and institutions of higher education, and develop collaborative relationships among the entities examined under paragraph (2) of this subsection to create a world–class 21st–century education system in the State.
        (4)    The Board shall report its findings under this subsection in the report required under subsection (d)(2) of this section.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 5 - Financing

Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board

Section 5-401 - Terms Defined

Section 5-402 - Accountability and Implementation Board -- Purpose -- Duties -- Members -- Staffing -- Powers -- Governing Authorities

Section 5-403 - Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee -- Composition -- Slate of Nominees for Vacancy -- Majority Vote

Section 5-404 - Comprehensive Implementation Plan of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future -- Guidelines for Adopting Entities -- Submission of Implementation Plans -- Board Review -- Public Website -- Implementation Coordinator

Section 5-405 - Withholding of Certain Amount for Next Fiscal Year -- Release of Funds -- Responsiveness to Recommendations -- Warning by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-406 - Use of Funds Reviewed by Board -- Information From Department on Use of School-Level Expenditures -- Monitoring by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-407 - Withholding by Board of Appropriated Funds -- Notification by Board -- Withholding by Comptroller

Section 5-408 - Tracking Guidelines Developed by Board -- Data Collected by Board -- Disaggregation of Student-Level Information

Section 5-409 - Powers and Duties of Board

Section 5-410 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-411 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-412 - Cte Committee -- Expert Review Team Program -- Members -- School Visits

Section 5-413 - Annual Progress Report on Diversity of Teacher Candidates and New Teachers -- Information Included

Section 5-414 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Diversity Efforts -- Report of Results and Recommendations