Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board
Section 5-403 - Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee -- Composition -- Slate of Nominees for Vacancy -- Majority Vote

(a)    There is an Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee.
    (b)    (1)    The Nominating Committee is composed of six members.
        (2)    (i)    The Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Delegates each shall appoint two members to the Nominating Committee.
            (ii)    If two of the three individuals required to appoint members to the Nominating Committee under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph have each appointed two members, the remaining individual shall appoint two members to the Nominating Committee within 30 days after the date on which the most recent appointment of a member to the Nominating Committee was made.
            (iii)    If the third individual required to appoint members to the Nominating Committee does not appoint the remaining two members to the Nominating Committee within the time period required under subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, subsection (d) of this section no longer applies.
        (3)    The term of a member is 5 years.
        (4)    The Nominating Committee shall consist of individuals who:
            (i)    Collectively reflect, to the extent practicable, the geographic, racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity of the State; and
            (ii)    Have collective knowledge of:
                1.    Education policy for early childhood education through postsecondary education;
                2.    Education strategies used by top–performing state and national systems in the world;
                3.    Systemic changes in complex organizations; and
                4.    Financial auditing and accounting.
    (c)    (1)    On initial establishment and when there is a vacancy on the Board, the Nominating Committee shall nominate a slate of nominees to fill the vacancy.
        (2)    (i)    For the initial establishment of the Board, the slate of nominees shall contain at least nine individuals to meet the Board qualifications listed in § 5–402(d) of this subtitle.
            (ii)    For a vacancy, the slate of nominees shall contain at least two individuals for each vacant position on the Board.
    (d)    Except as provided in subsection (b)(2)(iii) of this section, nominations for the Board made by the Nominating Committee shall be decided by a majority vote, provided that at least one vote cast in the majority is a vote cast by each of a member appointed by the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 5 - Financing

Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board

Section 5-401 - Terms Defined

Section 5-402 - Accountability and Implementation Board -- Purpose -- Duties -- Members -- Staffing -- Powers -- Governing Authorities

Section 5-403 - Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee -- Composition -- Slate of Nominees for Vacancy -- Majority Vote

Section 5-404 - Comprehensive Implementation Plan of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future -- Guidelines for Adopting Entities -- Submission of Implementation Plans -- Board Review -- Public Website -- Implementation Coordinator

Section 5-405 - Withholding of Certain Amount for Next Fiscal Year -- Release of Funds -- Responsiveness to Recommendations -- Warning by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-406 - Use of Funds Reviewed by Board -- Information From Department on Use of School-Level Expenditures -- Monitoring by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-407 - Withholding by Board of Appropriated Funds -- Notification by Board -- Withholding by Comptroller

Section 5-408 - Tracking Guidelines Developed by Board -- Data Collected by Board -- Disaggregation of Student-Level Information

Section 5-409 - Powers and Duties of Board

Section 5-410 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-411 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-412 - Cte Committee -- Expert Review Team Program -- Members -- School Visits

Section 5-413 - Annual Progress Report on Diversity of Teacher Candidates and New Teachers -- Information Included

Section 5-414 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Diversity Efforts -- Report of Results and Recommendations