Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board
Section 5-408 - Tracking Guidelines Developed by Board -- Data Collected by Board -- Disaggregation of Student-Level Information

(a)    In order to meet its obligation to track whether the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is progressing according to plan, the Board shall:
        (1)    Develop guidelines for the submission of reports by:
            (i)    The Department;
            (ii)    Local school systems; and
            (iii)    Public schools;
        (2)    Using reports submitted in accordance with item (1) of this subsection and the Board’s ongoing monitoring as a guide, gather and analyze disaggregated data, in accordance with subsection (c) of this section, to measure progress made on the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future by examining:
            (i)    The effects on student performance over time, with specific emphasis on closing achievement gaps between student groups of different:
                1.    Race;
                2.    Ethnicity;
                3.    Disability status;
                4.    Household income;
                5.    Linguistic status; and
                6.    Any other student group characteristics that feature achievement gaps as determined by the Board; and
            (ii)    Student outcomes, such as:
                1.    Absenteeism;
                2.    Disciplinary action;
                3.    Enrichment opportunities; and
                4.    Meaningful family involvement;
        (3)    Monitor and review the performance of each teacher preparation program at an institution of higher education and alternative teacher preparation program;
        (4)    Monitor changes in the concentration of students eligible for free and reduced price meals within public schools and local school systems;
        (5)    Examine the school–level diversity of public school staff and student bodies;
        (6)    Monitor and review the placement and concentration of students in particular racial, ethnic, linguistic, economic, and disability status groups assigned to:
            (i)    Novice teachers;
            (ii)    Teachers providing instruction in fields in which they lack expertise;
            (iii)    Substitute teachers who teach the same class for more than 1 week; and
            (iv)    Effective teachers, including teachers at levels three and four of the career ladder established under Title 6, Subtitle 10 of this article;
        (7)    Monitor and review the progress of community schools receiving grants under § 5–223 of this article;
        (8)    Monitor public schools and local school systems to ensure that sufficient numbers of teachers are participating in the career ladder and achieving National Board Certification, as provided in Title 6, Subtitle 10 of this article;
        (9)    Examine the racial, ethnic, disability–status, and income makeup of full–day prekindergarten students, disaggregated by providers, and monitor whether the mix of public and private prekindergarten providers is effectively meeting the needs of families; and
        (10)    Approve the plans for deployment of Expert Review Teams submitted by the Department and the Career and Technical Education Committee under §§ 5–411 and 5–412 of this subtitle.
    (b)    (1)    In gathering and analyzing data to complete its duties under this subtitle, the Board may collect data from any relevant entities.
        (2)    If additional data is needed for the Board to complete its duties, the Board may request that other appropriate government agencies aid in the collection of data.
        (3)    Unless otherwise prohibited by law, a government agency shall provide the Board with any requested data.
        (4)    Unless otherwise prohibited by law, a government agency whose aid the Board has requested under this subsection shall regularly collect the requested data and provide it to the Board.
    (c)    The Board shall work with the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center to collect and analyze data necessary to carry out the Board’s responsibilities under this subtitle and may direct the Center to provide:
        (1)    A researcher designated by the Board access to the data in the Maryland Longitudinal Data System in accordance with the procedures for staff authorization and data access established by the Maryland Longitudinal Data System governing board;
        (2)    Aggregate data tables; or
        (3)    Research or evaluation.
    (d)    Any student–level information reported to or by the Board shall be disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, family income level, linguistic status, and disability status.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 5 - Financing

Subtitle 4 - Accountability and Implementation Board

Section 5-401 - Terms Defined

Section 5-402 - Accountability and Implementation Board -- Purpose -- Duties -- Members -- Staffing -- Powers -- Governing Authorities

Section 5-403 - Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee -- Composition -- Slate of Nominees for Vacancy -- Majority Vote

Section 5-404 - Comprehensive Implementation Plan of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future -- Guidelines for Adopting Entities -- Submission of Implementation Plans -- Board Review -- Public Website -- Implementation Coordinator

Section 5-405 - Withholding of Certain Amount for Next Fiscal Year -- Release of Funds -- Responsiveness to Recommendations -- Warning by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-406 - Use of Funds Reviewed by Board -- Information From Department on Use of School-Level Expenditures -- Monitoring by Board -- Appeals Process

Section 5-407 - Withholding by Board of Appropriated Funds -- Notification by Board -- Withholding by Comptroller

Section 5-408 - Tracking Guidelines Developed by Board -- Data Collected by Board -- Disaggregation of Student-Level Information

Section 5-409 - Powers and Duties of Board

Section 5-410 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-411 - Contracting by Board With Independent Evaluators -- Assessment -- Results Report -- Board Report on Achievement of Outcomes -- Board Determinations

Section 5-412 - Cte Committee -- Expert Review Team Program -- Members -- School Visits

Section 5-413 - Annual Progress Report on Diversity of Teacher Candidates and New Teachers -- Information Included

Section 5-414 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Diversity Efforts -- Report of Results and Recommendations