Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Limitations
Section 5-117 - Actions Arising From Alleged Sexual Abuse

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Alleged perpetrator” means the individual alleged to have committed the specific incident or incidents of sexual abuse that serve as the basis of an action under this section.
        (3)    “Sexual abuse” has the meaning stated in § 5–701 of the Family Law Article.
    (b)    An action for damages arising out of an alleged incident or incidents of sexual abuse that occurred while the victim was a minor shall be filed:
        (1)    At any time before the victim reaches the age of majority; or
        (2)    Subject to subsections (c) and (d) of this section, within the later of:
            (i)    20 years after the date that the victim reaches the age of majority; or
            (ii)    3 years after the date that the defendant is convicted of a crime relating to the alleged incident or incidents under:
                1.    § 3–602 of the Criminal Law Article; or
                2.    The laws of another state or the United States that would be a crime under § 3–602 of the Criminal Law Article.
    (c)    In an action brought under this section more than 7 years after the victim reaches the age of majority, damages may be awarded against a person or governmental entity that is not the alleged perpetrator of the sexual abuse only if:
        (1)    The person or governmental entity owed a duty of care to the victim;
        (2)    The person or governmental entity employed the alleged perpetrator or exercised some degree of responsibility or control over the alleged perpetrator; and
        (3)    There is a finding of gross negligence on the part of the person or governmental entity.
    (d)    In no event may an action for damages arising out of an alleged incident or incidents of sexual abuse that occurred while the victim was a minor be filed against a person or governmental entity that is not the alleged perpetrator more than 20 years after the date on which the victim reaches the age of majority.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Title 5 - Limitations, Prohibited Actions, and Immunities

Subtitle 1 - Limitations

Section 5-101 - Three-Year Limitation in General

Section 5-102 - Specialties

Section 5-103 - Adverse Possession; Common-Law Doctrine of Prescription and Other Limitations Unaffected

Section 5-104 - Public Officer's Bond

Section 5-105 - Assault, Libel, or Slander

Section 5-106 - Prosecution for Misdemeanors; Manslaughter by Automobile, Motorboat, etc.; Homicide by Motor Vehicle

Section 5-107 - Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures

Section 5-108 - Injury to Person or Property Occurring After Completion of Improvement to Realty

Section 5-109 - Actions Against Health Care Providers

Section 5-110 - Actions Under Public Information Act

Section 5-111 - Contempt Proceeding for Failure to Pay Child or Spousal Support

Section 5-112 - Actions for Errors in Survey of Land

Section 5-113 - Limitation on Actions for Damages From Occupational Disease

Section 5-114 - Setback Line Restrictions

Section 5-115 - Product Liability Arising in a Foreign Jurisdiction

Section 5-116 - Breast Implants

Section 5-117 - Actions Arising From Alleged Sexual Abuse

Section 5-118 - Filing Complaint With Maryland Insurance Commission

Section 5-119 - Limitation on Refiling Claim Dismissed Without Prejudice

Section 5-120 - Action for Violation of Collective Bargaining Agreement or Breach by of Duty of Fair Representation

Section 5-121 - Action Against Mortgage Servicer for Damages Arising Out of Unfair, Abusive, or Deceptive Trade Practices