Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Limitations
Section 5-105 - Assault, Libel, or Slander

An action for assault, libel, or slander shall be filed within one year from the date it accrues.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Title 5 - Limitations, Prohibited Actions, and Immunities

Subtitle 1 - Limitations

Section 5-101 - Three-Year Limitation in General

Section 5-102 - Specialties

Section 5-103 - Adverse Possession; Common-Law Doctrine of Prescription and Other Limitations Unaffected

Section 5-104 - Public Officer's Bond

Section 5-105 - Assault, Libel, or Slander

Section 5-106 - Prosecution for Misdemeanors; Manslaughter by Automobile, Motorboat, etc.; Homicide by Motor Vehicle

Section 5-107 - Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures

Section 5-108 - Injury to Person or Property Occurring After Completion of Improvement to Realty

Section 5-109 - Actions Against Health Care Providers

Section 5-110 - Actions Under Public Information Act

Section 5-111 - Contempt Proceeding for Failure to Pay Child or Spousal Support

Section 5-112 - Actions for Errors in Survey of Land

Section 5-113 - Limitation on Actions for Damages From Occupational Disease

Section 5-114 - Setback Line Restrictions

Section 5-115 - Product Liability Arising in a Foreign Jurisdiction

Section 5-116 - Breast Implants

Section 5-117 - Actions Arising From Alleged Sexual Abuse

Section 5-118 - Filing Complaint With Maryland Insurance Commission

Section 5-119 - Limitation on Refiling Claim Dismissed Without Prejudice

Section 5-120 - Action for Violation of Collective Bargaining Agreement or Breach by of Duty of Fair Representation

Section 5-121 - Action Against Mortgage Servicer for Damages Arising Out of Unfair, Abusive, or Deceptive Trade Practices