Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8A - Juvenile Causes -- Children Other Than Cinas and Adults
Section 3-8A-33 - Citation for Violation of Certain Alcoholic Beverages Laws

(a)    A law enforcement officer authorized to make arrests shall issue a citation to a child if the officer has probable cause to believe that the child is violating:
        (1)    § 5–601 of the Criminal Law Article involving the use or possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana;
        (2)    § 10–113, § 10–114, § 10–115, or § 10–116 of the Criminal Law Article;
        (3)    § 10–132 of the Criminal Law Article;
        (4)    § 10–136 of the Criminal Law Article; or
        (5)    § 26–103 of the Education Article.
    (b)    A citation issued under this section shall be in a format prescribed by the State Court Administrator after consultation with police administrators and the Motor Vehicle Administrator. Each citation shall be signed by the issuing officer and shall contain:
        (1)    The name, address, and birth date of the child being charged with the violation;
        (2)    The name and address of the child’s parent or legal guardian;
        (3)    The statute allegedly violated;
        (4)    The time, place, and date of the violation;
        (5)    The driver’s license number of the child, if the child possesses a driver’s license;
        (6)    The registration number of the motor vehicle, motorcycle, or other vehicle, if applicable;
        (7)    The signature of the child; and
        (8)    The penalties which may be imposed under § 3-8A-19 of this subtitle.
    (c)    A copy of the citation issued under this section shall be:
        (1)    Given to the child being charged;
        (2)    Retained by the officer issuing the citation;
        (3)    Mailed within 7 days to the child’s parent or legal guardian; and
        (4)    Filed with the intake officer of the court having jurisdiction under this subtitle.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Title 3 - Courts of General Jurisdiction -- Jurisdiction/special Causes of Action

Subtitle 8A - Juvenile Causes -- Children Other Than Cinas and Adults

Section 3-8A-01 - Definitions

Section 3-8A-02 - Purposes and Construction of Subtitle

Section 3-8A-03 - Jurisdiction of Court

Section 3-8A-04 - Applicability of Subtitle 8 Provisions

Section 3-8A-05 - Determination of Jurisdiction

Section 3-8A-06 - Waiver of Jurisdiction

Section 3-8A-07 - Retention, Termination, or Waiver of Jurisdiction

Section 3-8A-08 - Venue

Section 3-8A-09 - Transfer of Proceedings

Section 3-8A-10 - Complaint; Preliminary Procedures

Section 3-8A-11 - Form of Notice of Intake Officer's Decision on Complaint

Section 3-8A-12 - Certain Information Inadmissible in Subsequent Proceedings

Section 3-8A-13 - Petition; General Procedures

Section 3-8A-14 - Taking Child Into Custody

Section 3-8A-14.1 - Taking Child Into Custody -- Arrest Warrant

Section 3-8A-15 - Detention and Shelter Care Prior to Hearing

Section 3-8A-16 - Transfer to Other Facilities

Section 3-8A-16.1 - Blood Lead Level Testing

Section 3-8A-17 - Study and Examination of Child, Etc

Section 3-8A-17.1 - Evaluation of Child's Mental Condition

Section 3-8A-17.2 - Evaluation of Child's Mental Condition -- Scope

Section 3-8A-17.3 - Evaluation of Child's Mental Condition -- Report

Section 3-8A-17.4 - Competency Hearing

Section 3-8A-17.5 - Competency Hearing -- Finding of Competency

Section 3-8A-17.6 - Competency Hearing -- Finding of Incompetency -- Competency Attainment

Section 3-8A-17.7 - Competency Hearing -- Finding of Incompetency -- Evaluations or Dismissal

Section 3-8A-17.8 - Competency Attainment Services and Reporting

Section 3-8A-17.9 - Time Limits for Dismissals

Section 3-8A-17.10 - Hearing on Other Matters

Section 3-8A-17.11 - Presumption

Section 3-8A-17.12 - Regulations

Section 3-8A-18 - Adjudication

Section 3-8A-19 - Disposition; Costs

Section 3-8A-19.1 - Peace Order Request -- Grounds

Section 3-8A-19.2 - Peace Order Request -- Hearing; Forms of Relief

Section 3-8A-19.3 - Peace Order Request -- Service

Section 3-8A-19.4 - Peace Order Request -- Modification or Rescission

Section 3-8A-19.5 - Peace Order Request -- Violations

Section 3-8A-20 - Right to Counsel

Section 3-8A-20.1 - Treatment Service Plan

Section 3-8A-21 - Emergency Medical Treatment

Section 3-8A-22 - Limitations on Place of Commitment

Section 3-8A-23 - Effect of Proceedings Under Subtitle

Section 3-8A-24 - Effective Period of Order of Commitment; Renewal of Order

Section 3-8A-25 - Progress Reports

Section 3-8A-26 - Order Controlling Conduct of Person Before Court

Section 3-8A-27 - Confidentiality of Records

Section 3-8A-27.1 - Expungement of Records

Section 3-8A-28 - Judgment of Restitution

Section 3-8A-29 - Court Ordered Payment

Section 3-8A-30 - Contributing to Certain Conditions of Child

Section 3-8A-32 - Appointment of Attorney or Advocate to Represent Child's Interest

Section 3-8A-33 - Citation for Violation of Certain Alcoholic Beverages Laws

Section 3-8A-34 - Rights of Victim or Witness of Delinquent Act

Section 3-8A-35 - Sexting as a Mitigating Factor in Certain Proceedings -- Court to Consider Sexting as Factor -- Sex Offender Registration Not Required