Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8A - Juvenile Causes -- Children Other Than Cinas and Adults
Section 3-8A-23 - Effect of Proceedings Under Subtitle

(a)    (1)    An adjudication of a child pursuant to this subtitle is not a criminal conviction for any purpose and does not impose any of the civil disabilities ordinarily imposed by a criminal conviction.
        (2)    An adjudication and disposition of a child in which the child’s driving privileges have been suspended may not affect the child’s driving record or result in a point assessment. The State Motor Vehicle Administration may not disclose information concerning or relating to a suspension under this subtitle to any insurance company or person other than the child, the child’s parent or guardian, the court, the child’s attorney, a State’s Attorney, or law enforcement agency.
        (3)    Subject to paragraph (4) of this subsection, an adjudication of a child as delinquent by reason of the child’s violation of the State vehicle laws, including a violation involving an unlawful taking or unauthorized use of a motor vehicle under § 7–105 or § 7–203 of the Criminal Law Article or § 14–102 of the Transportation Article or driving an off–highway recreational vehicle on a highway under § 13–401(b) of the Transportation Article shall be reported by the clerk of the court to the Motor Vehicle Administration, which shall assess points against the child under Title 16, Subtitle 4 of the Transportation Article, in the same manner and to the same effect as if the child had been convicted of the offense.
        (4)    (i)    An adjudication of a child as delinquent by reason of the child’s violation of § 21–902 of the Transportation Article or a finding that a child has committed a delinquent act by reason of the child’s violation of § 21–902 of the Transportation Article, without an adjudication of the child as delinquent, shall be reported by the clerk of the court to the Motor Vehicle Administration which shall suspend the child’s license to drive as provided in § 16–206(b) of the Transportation Article:
                1.    For 1 year for a first adjudication as delinquent or finding of a delinquent act for a violation of § 21–902 of the Transportation Article; and
                2.    For 2 years for a second or subsequent adjudication as delinquent or finding of a delinquent act for a violation of § 21–902 of the Transportation Article.
            (ii)    In the case of a finding, without an adjudication, that a child has violated § 21–902 of the Transportation Article, the Motor Vehicle Administration shall retain the report in accordance with § 16–117(b)(2) of the Transportation Article pertaining to records of licensees who receive a disposition of probation before judgment.
        (5)    (i)    An adjudication of a child as delinquent by reason of the child’s violation of § 13–401(b)(2), § 20–102, § 20–103, or § 21–904 of the Transportation Article or a finding that a child has committed a delinquent act by reason of the child’s violation of § 13–401(b) of the Transportation Article for driving an off–highway recreational vehicle on a highway, or of § 20–102, § 20–103, or § 21–904 of the Transportation Article, without an adjudication of the child as delinquent, shall be reported by the clerk of the court to the Motor Vehicle Administration that shall suspend the child’s license to drive as provided in § 16–206(b) of the Transportation Article:
                1.    For 6 months for a first adjudication as delinquent or finding of a delinquent act for a violation of § 13–401(b) of the Transportation Article for driving an off–highway recreational vehicle on a highway, or of § 20–102, § 20–103, or § 21–904 of the Transportation Article; and
                2.    For 1 year for a second or subsequent adjudication as delinquent or finding of a delinquent act for a violation of § 13–401(b) of the Transportation Article for driving an off–highway recreational vehicle on a highway, or of § 20–102, § 20–103, or § 21–904 of the Transportation Article.
            (ii)    In the case of a finding, without an adjudication, that a child has violated § 13–401(b) of the Transportation Article for driving an off–highway recreational vehicle on a highway, or of § 20–102, § 20–103, or § 21–904 of the Transportation Article, the Motor Vehicle Administration shall retain the report in accordance with § 16–117(b)(2) of the Transportation Article pertaining to records of licensees who receive a disposition of probation before judgment.
    (b)    An adjudication and disposition of a child pursuant to this subtitle are not admissible as evidence against the child:
        (1)    In any criminal proceeding prior to conviction;
        (2)    In any adjudicatory hearing on a petition alleging delinquency; or
        (3)    In any civil proceeding not conducted under this subtitle.
    (c)    Evidence given in a proceeding under this subtitle is not admissible against the child in any other proceeding in another court, except in a criminal proceeding where the child is charged with perjury and the evidence is relevant to that charge and is otherwise admissible.
    (d)    An adjudication or disposition of a child under this subtitle shall not disqualify the child with respect to employment in the civil service of the State or any subdivision of the State.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Title 3 - Courts of General Jurisdiction -- Jurisdiction/special Causes of Action

Subtitle 8A - Juvenile Causes -- Children Other Than Cinas and Adults

Section 3-8A-01 - Definitions

Section 3-8A-02 - Purposes and Construction of Subtitle

Section 3-8A-03 - Jurisdiction of Court

Section 3-8A-04 - Applicability of Subtitle 8 Provisions

Section 3-8A-05 - Determination of Jurisdiction

Section 3-8A-06 - Waiver of Jurisdiction

Section 3-8A-07 - Retention, Termination, or Waiver of Jurisdiction

Section 3-8A-08 - Venue

Section 3-8A-09 - Transfer of Proceedings

Section 3-8A-10 - Complaint; Preliminary Procedures

Section 3-8A-11 - Form of Notice of Intake Officer's Decision on Complaint

Section 3-8A-12 - Certain Information Inadmissible in Subsequent Proceedings

Section 3-8A-13 - Petition; General Procedures

Section 3-8A-14 - Taking Child Into Custody

Section 3-8A-14.1 - Taking Child Into Custody -- Arrest Warrant

Section 3-8A-15 - Detention and Shelter Care Prior to Hearing

Section 3-8A-16 - Transfer to Other Facilities

Section 3-8A-16.1 - Blood Lead Level Testing

Section 3-8A-17 - Study and Examination of Child, Etc

Section 3-8A-17.1 - Evaluation of Child's Mental Condition

Section 3-8A-17.2 - Evaluation of Child's Mental Condition -- Scope

Section 3-8A-17.3 - Evaluation of Child's Mental Condition -- Report

Section 3-8A-17.4 - Competency Hearing

Section 3-8A-17.5 - Competency Hearing -- Finding of Competency

Section 3-8A-17.6 - Competency Hearing -- Finding of Incompetency -- Competency Attainment

Section 3-8A-17.7 - Competency Hearing -- Finding of Incompetency -- Evaluations or Dismissal

Section 3-8A-17.8 - Competency Attainment Services and Reporting

Section 3-8A-17.9 - Time Limits for Dismissals

Section 3-8A-17.10 - Hearing on Other Matters

Section 3-8A-17.11 - Presumption

Section 3-8A-17.12 - Regulations

Section 3-8A-18 - Adjudication

Section 3-8A-19 - Disposition; Costs

Section 3-8A-19.1 - Peace Order Request -- Grounds

Section 3-8A-19.2 - Peace Order Request -- Hearing; Forms of Relief

Section 3-8A-19.3 - Peace Order Request -- Service

Section 3-8A-19.4 - Peace Order Request -- Modification or Rescission

Section 3-8A-19.5 - Peace Order Request -- Violations

Section 3-8A-20 - Right to Counsel

Section 3-8A-20.1 - Treatment Service Plan

Section 3-8A-21 - Emergency Medical Treatment

Section 3-8A-22 - Limitations on Place of Commitment

Section 3-8A-23 - Effect of Proceedings Under Subtitle

Section 3-8A-24 - Effective Period of Order of Commitment; Renewal of Order

Section 3-8A-25 - Progress Reports

Section 3-8A-26 - Order Controlling Conduct of Person Before Court

Section 3-8A-27 - Confidentiality of Records

Section 3-8A-27.1 - Expungement of Records

Section 3-8A-28 - Judgment of Restitution

Section 3-8A-29 - Court Ordered Payment

Section 3-8A-30 - Contributing to Certain Conditions of Child

Section 3-8A-32 - Appointment of Attorney or Advocate to Represent Child's Interest

Section 3-8A-33 - Citation for Violation of Certain Alcoholic Beverages Laws

Section 3-8A-34 - Rights of Victim or Witness of Delinquent Act

Section 3-8A-35 - Sexting as a Mitigating Factor in Certain Proceedings -- Court to Consider Sexting as Factor -- Sex Offender Registration Not Required