Maryland Statutes
Part III - Tip Jars
Section 13-2437 - Administrative and Civil Penalties

(a)    If a person violates Part III of this subtitle, the person is subject to:
        (1)    for a first violation, suspension of the person’s tip jar license or wholesaler’s license and a civil penalty not exceeding $1,500; or
        (2)    for each subsequent violation, revocation of the person’s tip jar license or wholesaler’s license and a civil penalty not exceeding $5,000.
    (b)    In addition to the penalties under subsection (a)(2) of this section, if the person has a liquor license, the agency may recommend to the Board of License Commissioners for Washington County that the Board suspend the person’s liquor license for not less than 15 days for a subsequent violation.
    (c)    Civil penalties collected under subsection (a) of this section shall be credited to the general fund of the county.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Criminal Law

Title 13 - Gaming -- Local Provisions

Subtitle 24 - Washington County

Part III - Tip Jars

Section 13-2414 - Definitions

Section 13-2415 - Gaming Commission -- Established

Section 13-2416 - Gaming Commission -- Membership

Section 13-2417 - Gaming Commission -- Chairperson

Section 13-2418 - Gaming Commission -- Meetings; Compensation; Staff

Section 13-2419 - Gaming Commission -- Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

Section 13-2420 - Tip Jar Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2421 - Tip Jar Operations -- Application

Section 13-2422 - Tip Jar Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2423 - Tip Jar Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2424 - Tip Jar Operations -- Reporting Requirements

Section 13-2425 - Tip Jar Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2426 - Temporary License

Section 13-2427 - Wholesaler Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2428 - Wholesaler Operations -- Application

Section 13-2429 - Wholesaler Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2430 - Wholesaler Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2431 - Wholesaler Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2432 - Licensees Subject to Audit

Section 13-2433 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations

Section 13-2434 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations -- Hearings

Section 13-2435 - Washington County Gaming Fund

Section 13-2436 - Prohibited Acts

Section 13-2437 - Administrative and Civil Penalties

Section 13-2438 - Criminal Penalty

Section 13-2439 - Reports