Maryland Statutes
Part III - Tip Jars
Section 13-2427 - Wholesaler Operations -- License Required

(a)    A person shall be licensed by the agency as a wholesaler before the person may sell a tip jar packet for profit.
    (b)    (1)    A person is eligible for a license under this section to sell or wholesale for profit a tip jar packet if the person:
            (i)    is of good moral character;
            (ii)    except for a volunteer fire company or volunteer rescue company, has had an established place of business in the county for at least 3 years, as evidenced by the filing of personal property tax returns;
            (iii)    in the case of a volunteer fire company or volunteer rescue company, has been established in the county for at least 1 year;
            (iv)    does not owe taxes to the State, the county, or a municipal corporation in the county;
            (v)    unless authorized under paragraph (2) of this subsection, does not hold a tip jar license;
            (vi)    has not been convicted of a:
                1.    felony; or
                2.    misdemeanor involving a violation of a gambling or gaming law of the State;
            (vii)    except for a volunteer fire company or volunteer rescue company, does not hold a tip jar license or own or have in any way an interest in an entity that holds a tip jar license;
            (viii)    except for a volunteer fire company or volunteer rescue company, is not an immediate family member of a person who holds a tip jar license or owns or has in any way an interest in an entity that holds a tip jar license; and
            (ix)    is not a corporation, limited liability company, or unincorporated association in which at least one stockholder or member is a holder of a tip jar license.
        (2)    A volunteer fire company or volunteer rescue company may hold both a tip jar license and a wholesaler’s license.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Criminal Law

Title 13 - Gaming -- Local Provisions

Subtitle 24 - Washington County

Part III - Tip Jars

Section 13-2414 - Definitions

Section 13-2415 - Gaming Commission -- Established

Section 13-2416 - Gaming Commission -- Membership

Section 13-2417 - Gaming Commission -- Chairperson

Section 13-2418 - Gaming Commission -- Meetings; Compensation; Staff

Section 13-2419 - Gaming Commission -- Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

Section 13-2420 - Tip Jar Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2421 - Tip Jar Operations -- Application

Section 13-2422 - Tip Jar Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2423 - Tip Jar Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2424 - Tip Jar Operations -- Reporting Requirements

Section 13-2425 - Tip Jar Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2426 - Temporary License

Section 13-2427 - Wholesaler Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2428 - Wholesaler Operations -- Application

Section 13-2429 - Wholesaler Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2430 - Wholesaler Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2431 - Wholesaler Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2432 - Licensees Subject to Audit

Section 13-2433 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations

Section 13-2434 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations -- Hearings

Section 13-2435 - Washington County Gaming Fund

Section 13-2436 - Prohibited Acts

Section 13-2437 - Administrative and Civil Penalties

Section 13-2438 - Criminal Penalty

Section 13-2439 - Reports