Maryland Statutes
Part III - Tip Jars
Section 13-2419 - Gaming Commission -- Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

(a)    (1)    The county commissioners shall adopt regulations to carry out Part III of this subtitle.
        (2)    The agency may recommend to the county commissioners regulations or guidelines concerning the administration of Part III of this subtitle.
    (b)    The county commissioners shall make available for public inspection:
        (1)    audit reports completed under § 13-2432(a) of this subtitle; and
        (2)    in accordance with regulations of the county commissioners, tip jar reports submitted under § 13-2424 of this subtitle.
    (c)    By regulation, the county commissioners may require:
        (1)    an applicant for a tip jar license or wholesaler’s license or an individual involved in the operation of a tip jar to be fingerprinted for purposes of a criminal history records check; and
        (2)    the agency to obtain a criminal history records check in accordance with subsection (d) of this section.
    (d)    (1)    If the county commissioners direct the agency to obtain criminal history records checks, the agency shall apply to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services for a State criminal history records check for each:
            (i)    applicant for a tip jar license or wholesaler’s license; and
            (ii)    individual involved in the operation of a tip jar.
        (2)    As part of the application for a criminal history records check, the agency shall submit to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository:
            (i)    a complete set of the applicant’s or individual’s legible fingerprints on forms approved by the director of the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository; and
            (ii)    the fee authorized under § 10-221(b)(7) of the Criminal Procedure Article.
        (3)    The Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository shall provide the requested information in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 2 of the Criminal Procedure Article.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Criminal Law

Title 13 - Gaming -- Local Provisions

Subtitle 24 - Washington County

Part III - Tip Jars

Section 13-2414 - Definitions

Section 13-2415 - Gaming Commission -- Established

Section 13-2416 - Gaming Commission -- Membership

Section 13-2417 - Gaming Commission -- Chairperson

Section 13-2418 - Gaming Commission -- Meetings; Compensation; Staff

Section 13-2419 - Gaming Commission -- Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

Section 13-2420 - Tip Jar Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2421 - Tip Jar Operations -- Application

Section 13-2422 - Tip Jar Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2423 - Tip Jar Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2424 - Tip Jar Operations -- Reporting Requirements

Section 13-2425 - Tip Jar Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2426 - Temporary License

Section 13-2427 - Wholesaler Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2428 - Wholesaler Operations -- Application

Section 13-2429 - Wholesaler Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2430 - Wholesaler Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2431 - Wholesaler Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2432 - Licensees Subject to Audit

Section 13-2433 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations

Section 13-2434 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations -- Hearings

Section 13-2435 - Washington County Gaming Fund

Section 13-2436 - Prohibited Acts

Section 13-2437 - Administrative and Civil Penalties

Section 13-2438 - Criminal Penalty

Section 13-2439 - Reports