Maryland Statutes
Part III - Tip Jars
Section 13-2414 - Definitions

(a)    In Part III of this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
    (b)    “Agency” means the county agency that the county commissioners designate to administer Part III of this subtitle.
    (c)    “Fund” means the Washington County Gaming Fund.
    (d)    “Gaming commission” means the Washington County Gaming Commission.
    (e)    “Tip jar” means:
        (1)    a gaming device from which for consideration a number, series of numbers, or other symbol is obtained by selection of a sealed piece of paper that may entitle the purchaser to a payoff in money or otherwise, either on receipt or as the result of a subsequent announcement of a winning number, series of numbers, or other symbol; or
        (2)    any other device commonly recognized as a tip jar.
    (f)    “Tip jar license” means a license that the agency issues to operate a tip jar.
    (g)    “Tip jar packet” means a package of numbers, series of numbers, or symbols on folded or sealed pieces of paper that is designed to be sold through a tip jar and that is sufficient for a single tip jar game.
    (h)    “Wholesaler’s license” means a license that the agency issues to sell or wholesale tip jar packets for profit.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Criminal Law

Title 13 - Gaming -- Local Provisions

Subtitle 24 - Washington County

Part III - Tip Jars

Section 13-2414 - Definitions

Section 13-2415 - Gaming Commission -- Established

Section 13-2416 - Gaming Commission -- Membership

Section 13-2417 - Gaming Commission -- Chairperson

Section 13-2418 - Gaming Commission -- Meetings; Compensation; Staff

Section 13-2419 - Gaming Commission -- Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

Section 13-2420 - Tip Jar Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2421 - Tip Jar Operations -- Application

Section 13-2422 - Tip Jar Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2423 - Tip Jar Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2424 - Tip Jar Operations -- Reporting Requirements

Section 13-2425 - Tip Jar Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2426 - Temporary License

Section 13-2427 - Wholesaler Operations -- License Required

Section 13-2428 - Wholesaler Operations -- Application

Section 13-2429 - Wholesaler Operations -- Issuance

Section 13-2430 - Wholesaler Operations -- Licensed Operations

Section 13-2431 - Wholesaler Operations -- Term; Transfer Prohibited

Section 13-2432 - Licensees Subject to Audit

Section 13-2433 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations

Section 13-2434 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, Revocations -- Hearings

Section 13-2435 - Washington County Gaming Fund

Section 13-2436 - Prohibited Acts

Section 13-2437 - Administrative and Civil Penalties

Section 13-2438 - Criminal Penalty

Section 13-2439 - Reports