Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Interest and Usury
Section 12-109 - Interest on Escrow Accounts; Statement of Balance

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Escrow account” means an expense or escrow account which tends to protect the security of a loan by the accumulation of funds for the payment of taxes, insurance premiums, water and sewer facilities assessments, or other expenses.
        (3)    “Lending institution” means a bank, savings bank, or savings and loan association doing business in Maryland.
        (4)    (i)    “Water and sewer facilities assessment” means a fee or charge that is:
                1.    Assessed on an owner of residential real property that is served by public water or wastewater facilities for which deferred water or sewer charges have been established by a recorded covenant or declaration to cover or defray the cost of installing or maintaining during construction all or part of the public water or wastewater facilities constructed by the developer; and
                2.    Paid to the lienholder of the lien recorded on the residential real property for public water and wastewater facilities.
            (ii)    “Water and sewer facilities assessment” includes a front foot benefit fee or charge.
    (b)    (1)    A lending institution which lends money secured by a first mortgage or first deed of trust on any interest in residential real property and creates or is the assignee of an escrow account in connection with that loan shall pay interest to the borrower on the funds in the escrow account at an annual rate not less than the weekly average yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year, as published by the Federal Reserve in “Selected Interest Rates (Daily) – H.15”, as of the first business day of the calendar year.
        (2)    Interest on these funds shall be:
            (i)    Adjusted, if applicable, as of the first day of each calendar year to reflect the rate to be paid during that year, as determined under paragraph (1) of this subsection;
            (ii)    Computed on the average monthly balance in the escrow account; and
            (iii)    Paid annually to the borrower by crediting the escrow account with the amount of interest due.
        (3)    The lending institution shall annually provide the borrower with a statement of the escrow balance.
    (c)    The provisions of this section do not apply to a lending institution which provides for the payment of taxes, insurance, water and sewer facilities assessments, or other expenses under the direct reduction method by which these expenses, when paid by the lender, are added to the outstanding principal balance of the loan.
    (d)    This section does not apply if the loan is purchased by an out–of–state lender through the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Government National Mortgage Association, or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and the out–of–state lender as a condition of purchase elects to service the loan. However, this section shall apply if the out–of–state lender sells the loan to a Maryland lender or places the loan with a Maryland lender for servicing.
    (e)    On request of a borrower, a lending institution that lends money secured by a first mortgage or first deed of trust on any interest in residential real property may, at the option of the lending institution, create an escrow account in connection with that loan solely for the payment of water and sewer facilities assessments.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Commercial Law

Title 12 - Credit Regulations

Subtitle 1 - Interest and Usury

Section 12-101 - Definitions

Section 12-101.1 - Applicable Provisions Governing Loans

Section 12-102 - General Legal Rate of Interest

Section 12-103 - Other Permitted Rates of Interest; Licensing Requirements

Section 12-104 - Interest Not Considered Usurious

Section 12-105 - Charges Not Considered Interest

Section 12-106 - Statements to Be Furnished by Lender

Section 12-106.1 - Requiring False Statement That Loan Is Commercial Loan

Section 12-107 - Computing Interest Rate if Charge Assessed at Inception of Loan

Section 12-108 - Points Prohibited; Exceptions; Charges Which Lenders May Impose

Section 12-109 - Interest on Escrow Accounts; Statement of Balance

Section 12-109.1 - Use of Escrow Account Funds for Certain Purposes Prohibited

Section 12-109.2 - Management of Escrow Accounts; Lender's Bankruptcy; Fees and Charges

Section 12-110 - Effect of Assignment on Usurious Loan or Contract

Section 12-111 - Limitation of Actions

Section 12-112 - Usury Not Available Against Bona Fide Assignee

Section 12-113 - Discrimination Prohibited

Section 12-114 - Penalties

Section 12-114.1 - Covered Loan Prohibitions

Section 12-115 - Repossession of Goods Securing Loan

Section 12-116 - Refinancing of Loan at Higher Rate

Section 12-117 - Compliance With 14-1302

Section 12-118 - Change in Rate of Interest or Finance Charge During Term of Obligation

Section 12-119 - Real Property Closing Costs

Section 12-120 - When Borrower Required to Pay for Services of Lender's Attorney

Section 12-121 - Lender's Inspection Fees

Section 12-122 - Violations

Section 12-123 - Insurance Binders

Section 12-124 - Property Insurance Coverage

Section 12-124.1 - Homeowner Equity Protection

Section 12-125 - Financing Agreements

Section 12-126 - Prepayment of Outstanding Unpaid Indebtedness

Section 12-127 - Lender to Consider Homeowner's Ability to Repay Loan