Kansas Statutes
Article 2 - Drivers' Licenses
8-296 Farm permit; requirements; procedure.

8-296. Farm permit; requirements; procedure. (a) Any person who is less than 17 years of age but is at least 14 years of age and who resides upon a farm in this state or is employed for compensation upon a farm in this state may apply to the division of vehicles for a farm permit authorizing such person, while possessing the permit, to operate any motor vehicle in class C, as designated in K.S.A. 8-234b, and amendments thereto.
(b) (1) A farm permit shall entitle the licensee, who is at least 14 years of age, but less than 16 years of age, to operate the appropriate motor vehicles at any time:
(A) While going to or from or in connection with any farm job, employment or other farm-related work;
(B) on days while school is in session, over the most direct and accessible route between the licensee's residence and school of enrollment for the purpose of school attendance; or
(C) when the licensee is operating a passenger car at any time when accompanied by an adult who is the holder of a valid commercial driver's license, class A, B or C driver's license and who is actually occupying a seat beside the driver.
(2) For a period of six months, a farm permit shall entitle the licensee who is at least 16 years of age to operate the appropriate motor vehicles at any time:
(A) From 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.;
(B) while going to or from or in connection with any farm job, employment or other farm-related work; or
(C) while going to or from authorized school activities;
(D) while going directly to or from any religious worship service held by a religious organization; or
(E) when the licensee is operating a passenger car at any time when accompanied by an adult who is the holder of a valid commercial driver's license, class A, B or C driver's license and who is actually occupying a seat beside the driver.
After such six-month period, if the licensee has complied with the provisions of this section, such farm permit shall entitle the licensee to operate the appropriate motor vehicles at any time without the restrictions required by this section.
(c) A farm permit shall be issued only if:
(1) The applicant can prove that such applicant resides or works on a farm;
(2) the applicant has successfully completed the examination requirements in K.S.A. 8-235d, and amendments thereto; and
(3) the applicant submits the signed affidavit of either a parent or guardian, stating that the applicant lives on a farm or, if the applicant does not live on a farm but works on a farm, the applicant submits the signed affidavit of the applicant's employer and parent or guardian, attesting to such employment.
(d) Any licensee issued a farm permit under this section:
(1) Who is less than 16 years of age shall not operate any motor vehicle with nonsibling minor passengers; or
(2) who is at least 16 years of age, for a period of six months after reaching 16 years of age, shall not operate any motor vehicle with more than one passenger who is less than 18 years of age and who is not a member of the licensee's immediate family.
Any conviction for violating this subsection shall be construed as a moving traffic violation for the purpose of K.S.A. 8-255, and amendments thereto.
(e) Any licensee issued a farm permit under this section shall not operate a wireless communication device while driving a motor vehicle, except that a licensee may operate a wireless communication device while driving a motor vehicle to report illegal activity or to summons medical or other emergency help.
(f) As used in this section, "farm" means any parcel of land larger than 20 acres which is used in agricultural operations.
(g) (1) A farm permit issued under this section is subject to suspension or revocation in the same manner as any other driver's license.
(2) A farm permit shall be suspended in accordance with K.S.A. 8-291, and amendments thereto, for any violation of restrictions under this section.
(3) The division shall suspend the farm permit upon receiving satisfactory evidence that the licensee has been involved in two or more accidents chargeable to the licensee and such suspended license shall not be reinstated for one year.
(h) Any licensee issued a farm permit under this section shall provide prior to reaching 16 years of age, a signed affidavit of either a parent or guardian, stating that the applicant has completed at least 50 hours of adult supervised driving with at least 10 of those hours being at night. The adult supervised driving required by this paragraph shall be conducted by an adult who is at least 21 years of age and is the holder of a valid commercial driver's license, class A, B or C driver's license.
Evidence of failure of any licensee who was required to complete the 50 hours of adult supervised driving under this subsection shall not be admissible in any action for the purpose of determining any aspect of comparative negligence or mitigation of damages.
(i) Any licensee issued a farm permit under this section who: (1) Is under the age of 16 years and is convicted of two or more moving traffic violations committed on separate occasions shall not be eligible to receive a driver's license which is not restricted in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(1), until the person reaches 17 years of age; (2) is at least 16 years of age, but less than 17 years of age and is convicted of two or more moving traffic violations committed on separate occasions shall not be eligible to receive a driver's license which is not restricted in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2), until the person reaches 18 years of age; or (3) fails to provide the affidavit required under subsection (h), shall not be eligible to receive a driver's license which is not restricted in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(1), until the person provides such affidavit to the division or the person reaches 17 years of age, whichever occurs first.
History: L. 1993, ch. 154, § 1; L. 1994, ch. 302, § 2; L. 1999, ch. 125, § 17; L. 2009, ch. 34, § 8; L. 2010, ch. 146, § 4; May 27.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 8 - Automobiles And Other Vehicles

Article 2 - Drivers' Licenses

8-222 Liability of owner for damages caused by negligence of minors under age of sixteen.

8-234a Definitions.

8-234b Classes of drivers' licenses; applications for original licenses; examinations; rules and regulations.

8-234d Motor vehicle drivers' license act; scope and effect of certain sections.

8-235 Licenses required; city license, when; appeal from denial of license; penalty; motorized bicycle driver's license.

8-235b Findings of department upon receipt of application; issuance of license, when.

8-235c Findings of division; when examination required; exception.

8-235d Applications for licenses other than renewals; examinations; locations; issuance of license; requirements for applicant under age of eighteen years.

8-235e Application for driver's license, instructional permit or nondriver's identification card constitutes consent to selective service registration.

8-236 Persons exempt from license.

8-237 Persons to whom license not issued.

8-238 Operators of school buses; operators of vehicles transporting persons or certain property for compensation; age restrictions.

8-239 Instruction permits for persons 17 years of age and older; conditions and requirements.

8-240 Drivers' licenses and instruction permits; application for; requirements; examination tests; reexamination; drivers' records; fees; late application penalties; electronic online renewal.

8-241 Licensee must submit to examination, when; examination and reinstatement fees; disposition of moneys; notice; restriction, suspension or revocation of license, when; license with DUI-IID designation, requirements, fees.

8-243 Issuance of licenses; contents; signature; photograph, exception; fee; anatomical gift; distinguishable license for deaf and hard of hearing; distinguishable number for registered offenders; veterans; persons needing assistance with cognition.

8-244 Licenses to be carried and delivered upon demand; defense.

8-245 Restrictions on licensees; suspension or revocation; misdemeanor.

8-246 Replacement drivers' licenses.

8-247 Expiration of licenses; annual renewal for registered offenders; notice; renewal of license; reexamination; additional examinations; seizure disorders; extension of license when out-of-state; anatomical gift; state organ and tissue registry.

8-248 Notice of change of address or name.

8-249 Records to be kept by division; rules and regulations.

8-250 Authority of division to cancel license; surrender of license.

8-251 Suspending or revoking privileges of nonresidents; reporting convictions and bond or collateral forfeitures.

8-252 Suspension or revocation of resident's license upon conviction in another state; period of suspension or revocation; return of license after suspension; granting new license after revocation; exceptions.

8-252a Suspension or revocation of driving privileges of nonresident or unlicensed person.

8-253 Duty of court to require surrender of license upon revocation; report of convictions and adjudications; records; forms; notice of disposition of appeals.

8-254 Mandatory revocation of driver's license by division of vehicles; exceptions for court imposed restrictions.

8-255 Restriction, suspension or revocation of driving privileges by division of vehicles; grounds; procedure for restriction, suspension or revocation; driver improvement clinics; reinstatement fee.

8-255b Medical advisory board; appointment; procedure; advisory opinions; limiting tort liability.

8-255c No duty to report information to division or medical advisory board; nonliability for reports of information; information to be kept confidential.

8-256 Period of suspension or revocation.

8-256a Application of act to certain persons.

8-257 Surrender of license; division authorized to destroy; application.

8-258 No operation under foreign license during suspension or revocation in this state.

8-259 Cancellation, suspension, revocation or denial of license by division; judicial review.

8-260 Unlawful use of driver's license or nondriver's identification card; other unlawful acts relating thereto.

8-261a Making false affidavit perjury.

8-262 Driving while license canceled, suspended or revoked; penalty; extension of time of suspension or revocation; ignition interlock device restriction.

8-263 Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.

8-264 Permitting unauthorized person to drive.

8-265 Employing persons to operate vehicle; proper class of license required.

8-266 Renting motor vehicle to another; record.

8-266b Drivers' manual.

8-267 Disposition and use of moneys; state safety fund, motorcycle safety fund, truck driver training fund, photo fee fund, hazmat fee fund, state highway fund, division of vehicles operating fund and correctional services special revenue fund.

8-268 Penalties for violations.

8-268a Invalidity of part.

8-269 Uniformity of interpretation.

8-270 Effect of noncompliance.

8-271 Title of act.

8-272 State safety fund, motorcycle safety fund and truck driver training fund; entitlements; certification of amounts; distribution; proration of insufficient appropriations; motorcycle safety courses and instructors; vocational education school, tr...

8-273 Drivers' training school license act; definitions.

8-274 Same; license to operate.

8-275 Same; qualifications to operate school.

8-276 Drivers' training schools; qualifications for instructor of school.

8-277 Same; issuance of certificate, when; expiration; renewal of licenses.

8-278 Same; rules and regulations by state board.

8-279 Same; cancellation, suspension, revocation or refusal to issue license, when.

8-280 Same; disposition of moneys.

8-281 Same; penalty for violations.

8-282 Same; act inapplicable to certain schools.

8-283 Same; citation of act.

8-284 Public policy of state.

8-285 "Habitual violator" defined; other definitions.

8-286 Habitual violator; revocation of driving privileges.

8-287 Habitual violator; penalty.

8-288 Same; restriction of driver's license; exception.

8-291 Violation of restrictions on driver's license or permit; misdemeanor; penalties.

8-292 Court imposition of driving privilege restrictions; duration; procedure; violation; penalty.

8-293 Driver's license; nonissuance of new or replacement license; exception.

8-294 Instruction permit for commercial class motor vehicles or class A or class B motor vehicles.

8-295 Vision standards for drivers' licenses.

8-296 Farm permit; requirements; procedure.

8-297 Continuation of driving privileges for certain drivers' licenses.

8-298 Voluntary surrender of driver's license.

8-299 Photo fee fund; expenditures.

8-2,100 Instruction permits; conditions, restrictions and requirements; under 17 years of age.

8-2,101 Restricted license; conditions, restrictions and requirements.

8-2,102 Cody's law.

8-2,125 Uniform commercial driver's license act; citation of act; effective date.

8-2,126 Same; purpose of act.

8-2,127 Uniform commercial driver's license act; vehicles exempt from act.

8-2,128 Same; definitions.

8-2,129 Same; one driver's license restriction.

8-2,130 Same; driver must notify division and employer of traffic violations or suspensions, revocations or cancellations of driver's license; information required to be provided by driver to employer.

8-2,131 Same; requirements which must be complied with by employer of commercial driver.

8-2,132 Same; driver of commercial vehicle must have a commercial class driver's license to operate vehicle; violations; penalty.

8-2,133 Same; issuance of license; knowledge and skills test; administration of skills test.

8-2,134 Same; applying for commercial license; replacement license, when; requiring state license, when.

8-2,135 Same; commercial driver's license, contents; endorsements or restrictions; expiration; renewal.

8-2,136 Same; prohibiting driving with alcohol in person's system; out-of-service order.

8-2,137 Same; tests for alcohol or drugs; consent implied.

8-2,138 Same; notification of conviction of traffic control to licensing state.

8-2,139 Same; division to provide information to certain persons; fee.

8-2,140 Same; rules and regulations.

8-2,141 Same; exemption from state license.

8-2,142 Same; disqualification from driving commercial vehicle; suspension, revocation or cancellation of license; notification.

8-2,143 Commercial driver's license; surrender of license issued by another state; hazardous materials endorsement.

8-2,144 Driving a commercial motor vehicle under the influence; penalties.

8-2,145 Tests for alcohol or drugs; notices; certification by officer; hearing; disqualification of driver.

8-2,146 Seasonal commercial driver's license; conditions and limitations; definitions; rules and regulations.

8-2,147 Commercial drivers' licenses; farm custom harvesting operations; age.

8-2,148 Nonresident commercial driver's license; requirements.

8-2,149 Commercial driver's licenses; school bus endorsement; waiver of driving skills test; requirements.

8-2,150 Commercial driver's licenses; diversion agreements not allowed.

8-2,151 Commercial driver's licenses; hazardous materials endorsement; requirements; hazmat fee fund.

8-2,152 Commercial driver's licenses; civil penalties.

8-2,153 Commercial driver's licenses; violation of act; penalty.

8-2,154 Commercial driver's license drive test fee fund; use of moneys.

8-2,155 Commercial driver's license drive test fees; disposition and use of moneys.

8-2,156 Hazardous materials endorsement; exception.

8-2,157 Commercial driver's licenses; training in human trafficking identification and prevention required; approval by attorney general; rules and regulations.

8-2,158 Driver's license, instruction permit or non-driver's identification card emergency contact information; confidentiality; procedure.