Kansas Statutes
Article 17 - Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Equipment Of Vehicles
8-1717 Lights, lamps and reflectors on farm tractors; slow-moving vehicle and slow-moving vehicle emblem defined; requirements for slow-moving vehicles; unlawful acts; exception.

8-1717. Lights, lamps and reflectors on farm tractors; slow-moving vehicle and slow-moving vehicle emblem defined; requirements for slow-moving vehicles; unlawful acts; exception. (a) Every farm tractor manufactured or assembled after January 1, 1975, shall be equipped with vehicular hazard warning lights of a type described in K.S.A. 8-1722, and amendments thereto, visible from a distance of not less than 1,000 feet to the front and rear in normal sunlight, which shall be displayed whenever any such vehicle is operated upon a highway.
(b) Every farm tractor manufactured or assembled after January 1, 1975, shall at all times, and every other such motor vehicle shall at all times mentioned in K.S.A. 8-1703, and amendments thereto, be equipped with lamps and reflectors as follows:
(1) At least two head lamps meeting the requirements of K.S.A. 8-1724, 8-1726 or 8-1727, and amendments thereto.
(2) At least one red lamp visible when lighted from a distance of not less than 1,000 feet to the rear mounted as far to the left of the center of the vehicle as practicable.
(3) At least two red reflectors visible from all distances within 600 feet to 100 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps.
(c) On every combination of farm tractor and towed farm equipment or towed implement of husbandry, the farm tractor shall be equipped as required in subsections (a) and (b), and the towed unit shall be equipped at all times mentioned in K.S.A. 8-1703, and amendments thereto, with lamps and reflectors as follows:
(1) If the towed unit or its load extends more than four feet to the rear of the tractor or obscures any light thereon, the unit shall be equipped on the rear with at least one red lamp visible when lighted from a distance of not less than 1,000 feet to the rear, mounted as far to the left of the center of the towed unit as practicable, and at least two red reflectors visible from all distances within 600 feet to 100 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps.
(2) If the towed unit of such combination extends more than four feet to the left of the center line of the tractor, the unit shall be equipped on the front with an amber reflector visible from all distances within 600 feet to 100 feet to the front when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps. This reflector shall be so positioned to indicate, as nearly as practicable, the extreme left projection of the towed unit.
(3) If the towed unit or its load obscures either of the vehicle hazard warning lights on the tractor, the towed unit shall be equipped with vehicle hazard warning lights described in subsection (a).
(d) The two red reflectors required in the preceding subsections shall be so positioned as to show from the rear, as nearly as practicable, the extreme width of the vehicle or combination carrying them. If all other requirements are met, reflective tape or paint may be used in lieu of the reflectors required by subsection (c).
(e) As used in this section:
(1) "Slow-moving vehicle" means any vehicle, farm tractor, implement of husbandry, equipment or piece of machinery designed for use at speeds of less than 25 miles per hour, or which is normally moved at speeds of less than 25 miles per hour, and includes all road construction or maintenance machinery, except when such machinery is engaged in actual construction or maintenance work and there is either a flagman or clearly visible warning signs to warn of such machinery's presence on the roadway.
(2) "Slow-moving vehicle emblem" means a triangular-shaped emblem of substantial construction having equal sides of 14 inches and an altitude of 12 inches, and such emblem shall be painted a fluorescent yellow-orange color and bordered with reflective red-colored strips having a minimum width of 13/4 inches, with the vertices of the overall triangle truncated in such a manner that the remaining altitude shall be at least 14 inches.
(f) The secretary of transportation shall approve slow-moving vehicle emblems which meet the requirements of this act, and shall compile and publish a list of approved emblems and the manufacturers thereof.
(g) A slow-moving vehicle emblem shall be mounted or affixed on the rear of the slow-moving vehicle in compliance with standard S276.2 of the American society of agricultural engineers, as such standard was revised in March, 1968.
(h) No person shall operate any slow-moving vehicle on any highway which is within the national system of interstate and defense highways, the state highway system or the state system of modern express highways and freeways, unless such vehicle is equipped with a properly mounted slow-moving vehicle emblem, which has been approved by the secretary of transportation, and which is maintained in a clean, fluorescent and reflective condition, or display a slow-moving vehicle emblem on any vehicle other than a slow-moving vehicle or display such emblem on a slow-moving vehicle which is being operated at a speed of 25 miles per hour or more, or to use such emblem in any manner other than authorized by this section.
(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a low-speed vehicle shall not be required to display a slow-moving vehicle emblem.
History: L. 1974, ch. 33, § 8-1717; L. 1975, ch. 39, § 19; L. 1975, ch. 427, § 34; L. 1984, ch. 39, § 15; L. 2000, ch. 179, § 23; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 8 - Automobiles And Other Vehicles

Article 17 - Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Equipment Of Vehicles

8-1701 Scope and effect of sections in article 17; unlawful acts.

8-1702 Approval or disapproval of equipment by secretary of transportation.

8-1703 When lighted lamps required.

8-1704 Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps; method and conditions of measuring.

8-1705 Head lamps on motor vehicles.

8-1706 Tail lamps.

8-1707 Reflectors.

8-1708 Stop lamps and turn signals.

8-1709 Application of 8-1710 to 8-1714.

8-1710 Additional lighting equipment required on certain vehicles.

8-1711 Color of clearance lamps, identification lamps, side marker lamps and reflectors.

8-1712 Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side marker lamps.

8-1713 Visibility requirements for reflectors, clearance lamps, identification lamps and side marker lamps.

8-1714 Operation of obstructed lamps not required on combination of vehicles.

8-1715 Lamps or flags required on projecting loads.

8-1716 Parked vehicles; lamps required; color; location; time for display of lighted lamps; depressing or dimming of head lamps.

8-1717 Lights, lamps and reflectors on farm tractors; slow-moving vehicle and slow-moving vehicle emblem defined; requirements for slow-moving vehicles; unlawful acts; exception.

8-1718 Lamps and equipment required on implements of husbandry, road rollers, road machinery and animal-drawn vehicles.

8-1719 Spot lamps, fog lamps, auxiliary passing lamps and auxiliary driving lamps.

8-1720 Lamps and lights on authorized emergency vehicles; alternately or simultaneously flashing head lamps.

8-1721 Stop lamps and signal lamps; color; visibility.

8-1722 Vehicular hazard warning lamps; warning lamps on police vehicles; trash trucks.

8-1723 Additional lighting equipment permitted; neon ground effect lighting; lead vehicle of funeral procession.

8-1724 Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment; visibility; direction of beam; high beam indicator.

8-1725 Head lamps; use of; exception for alternately or simultaneously flashing head lamps.

8-1726 Single-beam road-lighting equipment permitted on certain vehicles.

8-1727 Alternate road-lighting equipment on certain vehicles; limitations on speed.

8-1728 Number of driving lamps required or permitted.

8-1729 Lights and signals; restrictions; exceptions for certain vehicles including school, church and day care buses.

8-1730 Lighting equipment and warning devices on school buses.

8-1730a Definitions of "church bus" and "day care program bus"; equipment and markings.

8-1731 Lights on highway construction and maintenance vehicles; rules and regulations of secretary.

8-1734 Braking systems for motor vehicles and combinations of vehicles; performance requirements; additional braking systems, when; antique vehicles exempted.

8-1738 Horns and warning devices.

8-1739 Mufflers and noise suppressing systems.

8-1740 Mirrors.

8-1741 Windshields and windows; damaged windshields prohibited; obstruction or impairment prohibited; wipers.

8-1742 Restrictions as to tire equipment.

8-1742a Sale of unsafe tires; misdemeanor.

8-1742b Wide-base single tires; prohibitions.

8-1743 Safety glazing material requirements; limitation on registration; misdemeanor.

8-1744 Flares or warning devices; vehicles subject to requirements; use, when required; unlawful acts; compliance with federal requirements.

8-1745 Display of vehicular hazard warning signal lamps and warning devices by certain stopped or disabled vehicles.

8-1746 Vehicles transporting hazardous materials; regulations by secretary, compliance; markings of and equipment on vehicles; misdemeanor.

8-1747 Air-conditioning equipment.

8-1749 Safety belts and shoulder harnesses.

8-1749a One-way glass and sun screening devices; requirements; exceptions; penalties.

8-1749b Sun screening devices; definitions.

8-1749c Unlawful installation of sun screening device; penalty.

8-1759 Spot inspections by highway patrol; penalties.

8-1759a Inspection by highway patrol upon reasonable cause; notice of defects; penalties.

8-1761 Improper compression release engine braking system.

8-1762 Transportation network company lighting device; city ordinance; requirements.