Kansas Statutes
Article 2 - State Governmental Ethics
46-269 Same; public record; content of report; contribution to a single special legislative event; reports by lobbyists; requirements; maintenance of records; inspection by commission.

46-269. Same; public record; content of report; contribution to a single special legislative event; reports by lobbyists; requirements; maintenance of records; inspection by commission. Each report required to be filed by K.S.A. 46-268, and amendments thereto, is a public record and shall be open to public inspection upon request. Such report shall disclose the following:
(a) The full name and address of each person who has paid compensation for lobbying to the lobbyist or has paid for expenses of lobbying by the lobbyist during the period reported.
(b) The aggregate amount or value of all expenditures made, except for expenses of general office overhead, by the lobbyist or by the lobbyist's employer for or in direct relation to lobbying during the reporting period, if such expenditures exceed $100. Individual expenditures of less than $2 shall not be required to be reported under this subsection. Every lobbyist shall keep detailed accounts of all expenditures required to be reported pursuant to K.S.A. 46-268, and amendments thereto. The expenditures shall be reported according to the following categories of expenditures:
(1) Food and beverages provided as hospitality;
(2) entertainment, gifts, honoraria or payments;
(3) mass media communications;
(4) recreation provided as hospitality;
(5) communications for the purpose of influencing legislative or executive action; and
(6) all other reportable expenditures made in the performance of services as a lobbyist.
With regard to expenditures for entertainment or hospitality that is primarily recreation, food and beverages, only amounts expended on a state officer or employee or state officer elect or on an employee or officer or officer elect of the judicial branch or on such officer or employee's spouse shall be considered to be for or in direct relation to lobbying. Notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection and subsection (d), no lobbyist shall be responsible to report any expenditure by the lobbyist's employer of which such person has no knowledge.
(c) (1) In addition to the information reported pursuant to subsection (b), each lobbyist expending an aggregate amount of $100 or more for lobbying in any reporting period shall report any gift, entertainment or hospitality provided to state officers or employees or state officers elect or to members, members elect or employees of the judicial branch of government. Such report shall disclose the full name of the legislator or legislator elect, member, member elect or employee of the judicial branch or the state officer or employee or state officer elect who received such gift, entertainment or hospitality, the amount expended on such gift, entertainment or hospitality and the date the gift, entertainment or hospitality was provided.
(2) No report shall be required to be filed pursuant to this subsection (c) for the following:
(A) Meals, the provision of which is motivated by a personal or family relationship;
(B) meals provided at public events in which the person is attending in an official capacity;
(C) meals provided to a person subject to this section when it is obvious such meals are not being provided because of the person's official position;
(D) food such as soft drinks, coffee or snack foods not offered as part of a meal; and
(E) entertainment or hospitality in the form of recreation, food and beverages provided at an event to which the following have been invited:
(i) All members of the legislature or all members of either house of the legislature; or
(ii) all members of a political party caucus of the legislature or all members of a political party caucus of either house of the legislature.
(d) Except as provided by subsection (c), whenever an individual lobbyist contributes to a single special event, such lobbyist shall report only the aggregate amount or value of the expenditure contributed by such lobbyist.
(e) Whenever more than one lobbyist is employed by a single employer, the reports required by this section relating to such employer shall be made by only one such lobbyist and that lobbyist shall be the lobbyist who is most directly connected with the particular expenditure or gift, honoraria or payment. No expenditure or gift, honoraria or payment required to be reported by this section shall be reported by more than one lobbyist.
(f) All accounts, records and documents of the lobbyist which relate to every expenditure reported or which should have been reported shall be maintained and preserved by the lobbyist for a period of five years from the date of the filing of such report or statement and may be inspected under conditions determined by the commission.
History: L. 1974, ch. 353, § 55; L. 1975, ch. 272, § 20; L. 1981, ch. 171, § 45; L. 1983, ch. 173, § 2; L. 1987, ch. 199, § 1; L. 1990, ch. 306, § 12; L. 1991, ch. 150, § 44; L. 1997, ch. 155, § 1; L. 2000, ch. 124, § 3; L. 2018, ch. 51, § 6; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 46 - Legislature

Article 2 - State Governmental Ethics

46-214a Title.

46-215 Application of definitions.

46-216 "Compensation" defined.

46-217 "Economic opportunity" defined.

46-218 "Preceding calendar year" defined.

46-219 "Legislative matter" defined.

46-220 "Legislator" defined.

46-221 State officer or employee, candidate and state officer elect defined.

46-222 "Lobbyist" defined; exceptions.

46-223 "Person" defined.

46-224 "State agency" and "rules and regulations" defined.

46-225 "Lobbying" defined; exceptions; employment of legislator as a lobbyist prohibited.

46-226 "Representation case" defined.

46-227 "Associated person" defined.

46-228 "Special interest" defined.

46-229 "Substantial interest" and "client or customer" defined.

46-230 "Business" defined.

46-231 "Contract" defined.

46-232 Lobbying by state officer or employee; prohibited acts; exception.

46-233 Contracts involving state officer or employee or legislator; prohibited acts, exceptions; challenging constitutionality of legislative action or enactment by legislator; prohibited acts.

46-234 Restrictions on appointments of state officers to other state offices.

46-235 Restrictions on compensation of state officers and employees.

46-236 Certain solicitations by state officers and employees, candidates for state offices and state officers elect prohibited; exceptions.

46-237 Gifts to state agencies, state officers and employees, candidates for state office and state officers elect, members, members elect and employees of the judicial branch; limitations and prohibitions; exceptions; hospitality; honoraria; gifts f...

46-237a Gifts or meals solicited or accepted by certain state officers, employees and members of boards and commissions; limitations and prohibitions; penalties.

46-238 Restrictions on sale or lease of property and furnishing services by state officers and employees and candidates for state offices.

46-239 Disclosure statements; state officers and employees accepting representation cases; legislators contracting to perform services for state agencies; state agencies contracting with legislators or legislators' firms, reports by; time and procedu...

46-240 Same; restrictions on compensation.

46-241 Disclosure or use of confidential information by state officer or employee.

46-242 Restrictions on acceptance of representation case and conduct therein by state officer or employee.

46-243 Censure or forfeiture of office or employment for violation.

46-244 Same; commencement and final determination of action.

46-246a Nepotism; exceptions.

46-247 Individuals required to file written statements of substantial interests; exception.

46-248 Statements of substantial interests; information required; time for filing; filed with secretary of state.

46-248a Same; failure to file on time; notice.

46-249 Same; content of statement.

46-250 Same; forms; amendments.

46-251 Failure to file true statement of substantial interests defined and classified as crime.

46-252 Same; availability for public examination and copying; procedure.

46-253 "Commission" defined; rules and regulations.

46-254 Opinions; effect of compliance with opinion; filing, publication and disposition.

46-255 Verified complaints; filing with commission; conditions; transmittal of copy to respondent.

46-256 Same; confidentiality and determination of sufficiency; investigation; notification of attorney general of violation of other laws; dismissal or hearing on complaint; remedies and protections for state employees filing complaints.

46-257 Same; examination and copying of evidence and hearing transcript by respondent; subpoenas; hearing before subcommittee of commission; powers of presiding officer; witness fees and mileage; depositions; contempt.

46-258 Hearings by commission; limitations on oral evidence; rights of parties; open to public.

46-259 Record of commission's investigations, inquiries and proceedings; confidentiality of records, complaints, documents and reports; release of information or material to prosecutor; report of criminal law violations; public records; classificatio...

46-260 Investigations by commission; administration of oaths and subpoena of witnesses, documents and records.

46-261 Withdrawal of complaint by complainant; civil action, when; admissibility of certain evidence.

46-262 Statement of commission's findings of facts after hearing; disposition.

46-263 Action upon commission's findings.

46-265 Registration of lobbyists; form and contents; lobbying concerning legislative matters, copies of registrations and reports; fees; termination statement; failure to pay civil penalties, registration prohibited.

46-266 Alphabetical listing of lobbyists by secretary of state; supplemental indices; public inspection of registration papers and reports; printing, publication and distribution of lists and indices.

46-267 Lobbyists; contingent fees and referral fees prohibited; lobbying contracts.

46-268 Reports filed electronically by lobbyists; form, time of filing and contents; filed with secretary of state.

46-269 Same; public record; content of report; contribution to a single special legislative event; reports by lobbyists; requirements; maintenance of records; inspection by commission.

46-270 Name tags for registered lobbyists; dimensions and specifications; duties of secretary of state; tags to be worn in state capitol.

46-271 Lobbying restrictions; gifts or contributions; hospitality; exceptions.

46-272 Same; purchase or lease of property or acquisition of services from state officer or employee, candidate for state office or associated person.

46-273 Same; improper influence over state agency in representation case.

46-274 Unlawful lobbying defined and classified as crime.

46-275 Giving false lobbying information defined and classified as crime.

46-276 Violations of certain sections classified as crimes.

46-277 Intent required for act, action or conduct to constitute violation.

46-278 Severability.

46-280 Failure to register or file reports; late filing; civil penalty.

46-281 Application of definitions in 46-282 to 46-285.

46-282 "Designee" defined.

46-283 "Major policy making" position defined.

46-284 "Consultant" defined.

46-285 Heads of state agencies to submit lists of designees; additional information regarding designees required; organizational chart; certification; filing with secretary of state.

46-286 Participation by state officer or employee in licensure, regulation or in any contract with any organization with which such person holds a position prohibited; exceptions.

46-287 Advertising to influence legislative action; prohibited acts.

46-288 Violations of state governmental ethics laws; civil fine.

46-289 Same; cease and desist order; emergencies.

46-290 Same; injunction; restraining order; mandamus.

46-291 Same; consent decree.

46-292 Same; appeal of commission orders.

46-293 Severability of chapter 150 of the Laws of 1991.

46-294 Contracts involving state universities; state employee; restrictions.

46-295 Lobbying; governmental entities; report required.