Iowa Code
Chapter 572 - MECHANIC’S LIEN
Section 572.21 - Foreclosure of mechanic’s lien when lien on land.

572.21 Foreclosure of mechanic’s lien when lien on land.
In the foreclosure of a mechanic’s lien when there is a superior lien, encumbrance, or mortgage upon the land the following regulations shall govern:
1. Lien on original and independent building or improvement. If such material was furnished or labor performed in the construction of an original and independent building or improvement commenced after the attaching or execution of such superior lien, encumbrance, or mortgage, the court may, in its discretion, order such building or improvement to be sold separately under execution, and the purchaser may remove the same in such reasonable time as the court may fix. If the court shall find that such building or improvement should not be sold separately, it shall take an account of and ascertain the separate values of the land, and the building or improvement, and order the whole sold, and distribute the proceeds of such sale so as to secure to the superior lien, encumbrance, or mortgage priority upon the land, and to the mechanic’s lien priority upon the building or improvement.
2. Lien on existing building or improvement for repairs or additions. If the material furnished or labor performed was for additions, repairs, or betterments upon any building or improvement, the court shall take an accounting of the values before such material was furnished or labor performed, and the enhanced value caused by such additions, repairs, or betterments; and upon the sale of the premises, distribute the proceeds of such sale so as to secure to the superior mortgagee or lienholder priority upon the land and improvements as they existed prior to the attaching of the mechanic’s lien, and to the mechanic’s lienholder priority upon the enhanced value caused by such additions, repairs, or betterments. In case the premises do not sell for more than sufficient to pay off the superior mortgage or other superior lien, the proceeds shall be applied on the superior mortgage or other superior liens.
[R60, §1853, 1855; C73, §2139, 2141; C97, §3095; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §10290; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §572.21]
2007 Acts, ch 83, §14

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code


Chapter 572 - MECHANIC’S LIEN

Section 572.1 - Definitions and rules of construction.

Section 572.2 - Persons entitled to lien.

Section 572.3 - Collateral security before completion of work.

Section 572.4 - Security after completion of work.

Section 572.5 - Extent of lien.

Section 572.6 - In case of leasehold interest.

Section 572.7 - In case of internal improvement.

Section 572.8 - Perfection of lien.

Section 572.9 - Time of lien posting.

Section 572.10 - Perfecting lien after lapse of ninety days.

Section 572.11 - Extent of lien posted after ninety days.

Section 572.12 - Time of filing against railway.

Section 572.13 - General contractor — owner notice — residential construction.

Section 572.13A - Notice of commencement of work — general contractor — owner-builder.

Section 572.13B - Preliminary notice — subcontractor — residential construction.

Section 572.14 - Liability to subcontractor after payment to general contractor or owner-builder.

Section 572.15 - Discharge of mechanic’s lien — bond.

Section 572.16 - Rule of construction.

Section 572.17 - Priority of mechanics’ liens between mechanics.

Section 572.18 - Priority over other liens.

Section 572.19 - Priority over garnishments of the owner.

Section 572.20 - Priority as to buildings over prior liens upon land.

Section 572.21 - Foreclosure of mechanic’s lien when lien on land.

Section 572.22 - Record of claim.

Section 572.23 - Acknowledgment of satisfaction of claim.

Section 572.24 - Time of bringing action — court.

Section 572.25 - Place of bringing action.

Section 572.26 - Kinds of action — amendment.

Section 572.27 - Limitation on action.

Section 572.28 - Demand for bringing suit.

Section 572.29 - Assignment of lien.

Section 572.30 - Action by subcontractor or owner against general contractor or owner-builder.

Section 572.31 - Cooperative and condominium housing.

Section 572.32 - Attorney fees — remedies.

Section 572.33 - Requirement of notification for commercial construction.

Section 572.33A - Liability of owner to general contractor — commercial construction.

Section 572.34 - Mechanics’ notice and lien registry.