Iowa Code
Section 49.105 - Ordering arrest.

49.105 Ordering arrest.
Any precinct election official shall order the arrest of any person who behaves in a noisy, riotous, tumultuous or disorderly manner at or about the polls, so as to disturb the election, or insults or abuses the officials, or commits a breach of the peace, or violates any of the provisions of this chapter. If the person so arrested is a registered voter of the precinct which that polling place serves, and has not yet voted, the person shall be permitted to do so before being removed from the polling place.
[C51, §253; R60, §488; C73, §613; C97, §1128; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §822, 823; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, §49.105, 49.106; C75, 77, 79, 81, §49.105]
94 Acts, ch 1169, §64

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 49.1 - Elections included.

Section 49.2 - Oversight by the state commissioner.

Section 49.3 - Election precincts and districts.

Section 49.4 - Precincts drawn by county board.

Section 49.5 - City precincts.

Section 49.6 - Power to combine township and city precincts.

Section 49.7 - Reprecincting schedule and filing requirements.

Section 49.8 - Changes in precincts.

Section 49.9 - Proper place of voting.

Section 49.10 - Polling places for certain precincts.

Section 49.11 - Notice of boundaries of precincts — merger or division.

Section 49.12 - Election boards.

Section 49.13 - Commissioner to appoint members, chairperson.

Section 49.14 - Substitute precinct election officials.

Section 49.15 - Commissioner to draw up election board panel.

Section 49.16 - Tenure of election board panel.

Section 49.18 - Vacancies occurring on election day.

Section 49.19 - Unpaid officials, paper ballots optional for certain city elections.

Section 49.20 - Compensation of members.

Section 49.21 - Polling places — accessibility — signs.

Section 49.23 - Notice of change.

Section 49.24 - Schoolhouses as polling places.

Section 49.25 - Equipment required at polling places.

Section 49.26 - Commissioner to decide method of voting — counting of ballots.

Section 49.28 - Commissioner to furnish registers and supplies.

Section 49.29 - Voting by ballot or machine.

Section 49.30 - All candidates and issues on one ballot — exceptions.

Section 49.31 - Arrangement of names on ballot — restrictions.

Section 49.32 - Candidates for president in place of electors.

Section 49.33 - Single voting target for certain paired offices.

Section 49.35 - Order of arranging tickets on lever voting machine ballot.

Section 49.36 - Candidates of nonparty organization.

Section 49.37 - Arrangement of ballot.

Section 49.38 - Candidate’s name to appear but once.

Section 49.39 - Dual nomination.

Section 49.40 - Failure to designate.

Section 49.41 - More than one office prohibited.

Section 49.42 - Form of official ballot.

Section 49.42A - Form of official ballot.

Section 49.42B - Form of official ballot — candidates for president and vice president.

Section 49.43 - Constitutional amendment or other public measure.

Section 49.44 - Summary.

Section 49.45 - General form of ballot.

Section 49.46 - Marking ballots on public measures.

Section 49.47 - Notice on ballots.

Section 49.48 - Notice for judicial officers and constitutional amendments.

Section 49.49 - Certain sample ballots prohibited.

Section 49.50 - Endorsement and delivery of ballots.

Section 49.51 - Commissioner to control printing.

Section 49.53 - Publication of ballot and notice.

Section 49.54 - Cost of publication.

Section 49.55 - Delivery of supplies to officials.

Section 49.56 - Maximum cost of printing.

Section 49.57 - Method and style of printing ballots.

Section 49.57A - Form of official ballot — implementation by rule.

Section 49.58 - Effect of death of certain candidates.

Section 49.63 - Time of printing — inspection and correction.

Section 49.64 - Number of ballots delivered.

Section 49.65 - Packing ballots — delivery — receipts — records.

Section 49.66 - Reserve supply of ballots.

Section 49.67 - Form of reserve supply.

Section 49.68 - State commissioner to furnish instructions.

Section 49.70 - Precinct election officials furnished instructions.

Section 49.71 - Posting instruction cards and sample ballots.

Section 49.72 - Absentee voters designated before polling place opened.

Section 49.73 - Time of opening and closing polls.

Section 49.74 - Voters entitled to vote after closing time.

Section 49.75 - Oath.

Section 49.76 - How administered.

Section 49.77 - Ballot furnished to voter.

Section 49.78 - Voter identity and signature verification.

Section 49.79 - Challenges.

Section 49.80 - Examination on challenge.

Section 49.81 - Procedure for voter to cast provisional ballot.

Section 49.82 - Voter to receive one ballot — endorsement.

Section 49.83 - Names to be marked on election register.

Section 49.84 - Marking and return of ballot.

Section 49.85 - Depositing ballots.

Section 49.86 - Failure to vote — surrender of ballot.

Section 49.87 - Prohibited ballot — taking ballot from polling place.

Section 49.88 - Limitation on persons in booth and time for voting.

Section 49.89 - Selection of officials to assist voters.

Section 49.90 - Assisting voter.

Section 49.91 - Assistance indicated on register.

Section 49.92 - Voting mark.

Section 49.93 - Number of votes for each office.

Section 49.94 - How to mark a straight ticket.

Section 49.95 - Voting part of ticket only.

Section 49.96 - Offices with more than one person to be elected.

Section 49.97 - How to mark a mixed ticket.

Section 49.98 - Counting ballots.

Section 49.99 - Writing name on ballot.

Section 49.100 - Spoiled ballots.

Section 49.101 - Defective or wrong ballot does not nullify vote.

Section 49.102 - Defective ballots.

Section 49.103 - Wrong ballots.

Section 49.104 - Persons permitted at polling places.

Section 49.105 - Ordering arrest.

Section 49.107 - Prohibited acts on election day.

Section 49.109 - Employees entitled to time to vote.

Section 49.110

Section 49.111

Section 49.113 - Official neglect or misconduct.

Section 49.119 - Penalty.

Section 49.120 - Promise of position.

Section 49.121 - Promise of influence.

Section 49.123 - Courthouse open on election day.

Section 49.124 - Training course by commissioner — continuing education program.

Section 49.125 - Compensation of trainees.

Section 49.126 - Manual by state commissioner.

Section 49.127 - Commissioner to examine equipment.

Section 49.128 - Commissioner filings and notifications.