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36-4-3-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter - Sec. 0.1. The following amendments to this chapter apply as...
36-4-3-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to all municipalities except consolidated...
36-4-3-1.4. Annexation Prohibited While Reorganization Pending - Sec. 1.4. If a township is a participant in a...
36-4-3-1.5. Contiguous Territory; Annexation of Public Highway - Sec. 1.5. (a) For purposes of this chapter, territory sought...
36-4-3-1.6. Territory Covered by Lake - Sec. 1.6. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the acreage...
36-4-3-1.7. Outreach Program - Sec. 1.7. (a) This section applies only to an annexation...
36-4-3-2. Territories Inside Corporate Boundaries of Another Municipality - Sec. 2. Territory may be annexed by a municipality under...
36-4-3-2.1. Public Hearing; Notice - Sec. 2.1. (a) This section does not apply to an...
36-4-3-2.2. Hearing Notice to Landowners - Sec. 2.2. (a) This section does not apply to an...
36-4-3-2.5. "Public Highway" Defined - Sec. 2.5. (a) As used in this section, "public highway"...
36-4-3-3. Annexation of Contiguous Territory; Authorization - Sec. 3. (a) The legislative body of a municipality may,...
36-4-3-3.1. Written Fiscal Plan - Sec. 3.1. (a) This section does not apply to an...
36-4-3-3.3. Application of Section 8 of This Chapter to Certain Annexation Ordinances - Sec. 3.3. (a) This section applies to a municipality that:...
36-4-3-3.5. Annexation Ordinance; Contents - Sec. 3.5. (a) An annexation ordinance adopted under this chapter...
36-4-3-4. Annexation of Noncontiguous Territory - Note: This version of section effective until 7-1-2022. See also...
36-4-3-4-b. Annexation of Noncontiguous Territory - Note: This version of section effective 7-1-2022. See also preceding...
36-4-3-4.1. Property Tax Exemption for Agricultural Property - Sec. 4.1. (a) A municipality may annex territory under this...
36-4-3-4.2. County Infrastructure Reimbursement - Sec. 4.2. (a) As used in this section, "infrastructure" means...
36-4-3-4.3. Property Owned by County Redevelopment Commission - Sec. 4.3. (a) This section applies only to real property...
36-4-3-4.5. Applicability of Ic 36-4-3-4(g) - Sec. 4.5. Section 4(g) of this chapter does not apply...
36-4-3-5. Private Lands; Petition Requesting Ordinance to Annex; Filing; Proceedings - Sec. 5. (a) This subsection applies only to a petition...
36-4-3-5.1. Petitions Signed by 100% of Landowners - Sec. 5.1. (a) Owners of land that is located outside...
36-4-3-5.2. Residential Developments - Sec. 5.2. (a) As used in this section, "homeowners association"...
36-4-3-6. Effect of Certified Copy of Ordinance - Sec. 6. (a) A certified copy of an ordinance adopted...
36-4-3-7. Publication of Adopted Ordinance; Effectiveness; Fire Protection Districts - Note: This version of section effective until 7-1-2022. See also...
36-4-3-7-b. Publication of Adopted Ordinance; Effectiveness; Fire Protection Districts - Note: This version of section effective 7-1-2022. See also preceding...
36-4-3-7.1. Trial Court Hearing on Annexation - Sec. 7.1. An ordinance adopted under section 4 or 5.1...
36-4-3-7.2. Effective Date of Certain Annexations Involving Fire Protection Districts - Sec. 7.2. (a) This section applies to an annexation that...
36-4-3-8. Terms and Conditions in Adopted Ordinance - Sec. 8. (a) This section does not apply to an...
36-4-3-8.1. Advisory Board - Sec. 8.1. (a) An advisory board shall be appointed to...
36-4-3-8.5. Tax Abatement in Annexed Territory; Ordinance; Required Provisions - Sec. 8.5. (a) A municipality may, in an ordinance adopted...
36-4-3-8.6. Repealed - As added by P.L.379-1987(ss), SEC.14. Repealed by P.L.3-1989, SEC.228.
36-4-3-9. Town Annexing Within Proximity of City - Sec. 9. (a) A town must obtain the consent of...
36-4-3-9.1. Annexation of Territory Within County; Requirements - Sec. 9.1. A municipality may annex territory within a county...
36-4-3-10. Liability of Annexing Municipality for Indebtedness or Other Obligations of Township; Payment - Sec. 10. (a) If the township from which a municipality...
36-4-3-11. Remonstrances; Filing; Determination of Signatures; Hearing - Sec. 11. (a) This subsection applies only to an annexation...
36-4-3-11.1. Filing of Remonstrance With County Auditor; Notice; Locations for Signing Remonstrance - Sec. 11.1. (a) This section applies only to an annexation...
36-4-3-11.2. Remonstrance Signature Requirements; Remonstrance Forms; Procedure - Sec. 11.2. (a) This section applies only to an annexation...
36-4-3-11.3. Signatures Required to Stop an Annexation; Signatures Required to Permit a Trial Court Hearing on Annexation - Sec. 11.3. (a) This section applies only to an annexation...
36-4-3-11.4. Signature Requirements for Annexation Involving an Economic Development Project - Sec. 11.4. (a) This section applies only to an annexation...
36-4-3-11.5. Waiver of Remonstrance Not Required - Sec. 11.5. A landowner in an unincorporated area is not...
36-4-3-11.6. Attorney's Fees and Costs for Prevailing Remonstrators - Sec. 11.6. (a) This section applies to a remonstrance filed...
36-4-3-11.7. Remonstrance Waivers; Expiration; Notice to Property Owner - Sec. 11.7. (a) This subsection applies to any deed recorded...
36-4-3-11.8. Voids Certain Annexation Ordinances; Terminates Certain Annexation Actions; Prohibits Certain Annexation Actions - Sec. 11.8. (a) This section does not apply to an...
36-4-3-12. Remonstrances; Hearing; Judgment - Sec. 12. The circuit or superior court shall: (1) on...
36-4-3-13. Remonstrances; Hearing; Order; Requirements - Sec. 13. (a) Except as provided in subsection (e), at...
36-4-3-14. Remonstrances; Hearing; Change of Venue; Status of Annexation Pending - Sec. 14. In a hearing under section 12 of this...
36-4-3-15. Remonstrances; Judgment; Repeal of Annexation; Effective Date of Annexation - Sec. 15. (a) The court's judgment under section 12 or...
36-4-3-15.3. Prohibition Against Annexation; Settlement Agreement - Sec. 15.3. (a) As used in this section, "prohibition against...
36-4-3-15.5. Appeals After Final Publication of Annexation Ordinance; Procedure - Sec. 15.5. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b): (1)...
36-4-3-15.7. Appeal of Annexation Pending on January 1, 2014 - Sec. 15.7. A municipality located in the same county as...
36-4-3-16. Complaint Alleging Injury From Failure to Implement Plan; Limitation Period; Relief; Requirements; Change of Venue; Costs - Sec. 16. (a) Within one (1) year after the expiration...
36-4-3-17. Disannexation; Petition; Remonstrances; Hearing; Order - Sec. 17. (a) The owner or owners of: (1) fifty-one...
36-4-3-18. Disannexation; Appeal of Order; Bond; Scope of Order - Sec. 18. (a) An order under section 17 of this...
36-4-3-19. Disannexation; Certified Transcript of Proceedings; List of Lots Affected; Certified Judgment; Effective Date of Disannexation - Sec. 19. (a) If disannexation is ordered under this chapter...
36-4-3-20. Disannexation; Limitation on Subsequent Proceedings - Sec. 20. After the termination of a disannexation proceeding under...
36-4-3-21. Contracts With Owners or Lessees of Designated Properties in Lieu of Annexation - Sec. 21. (a) In lieu of annexing contiguous territory or...
36-4-3-21.1. Expiration of Municipal Utility Service Contracts for Properties Outside Corporate Boundaries; Continuation of Service; Payment of Rates; Arbitration - Sec. 21.1. (a) This section applies if: (1) one (1)...
36-4-3-22. Filing and Recording Annexation Ordinances; Copies; Tax Records - Sec. 22. (a) The clerk of the municipality shall file:...
36-4-3-22.1. Notice to Chairman of Alcohol and Tobacco Commission of Licensed Premises - Sec. 22.1. Not later than ten (10) days after an...
36-4-3-23. Repealed - As added by P.L.113-2010, SEC.120. Repealed by P.L.104-2022, SEC.161.
36-4-3-24. Legalization of Certain Annexation Ordinances Adopted in Tippecanoe County Before March 1, 1990; Legalization of Declaratory Resolution of Redevelopment Commission; Assessment Date - Sec. 24. (a) This section applies to a second class...