Sec. 8. (a) Any corporation organized before January 1, 1985, under IC 23-1 (the Indiana General Corporation Act) may elect to accept this chapter, and avail itself of the rights, privileges, immunities, and franchises provided by this chapter, by filing in the office of the secretary of state the election described in subsection (b), together with amended articles of incorporation allowing it to operate under this chapter.
(b) The board of directors of a corporation desiring to accept this chapter shall, by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the board, approve a written election setting forth:
(1) the name of the corporation;
(2) the location of its principal office;
(3) the name and post office address of its resident agent;
(4) the date of its incorporation; and
(5) a declaration that it accepts all of the terms and provisions of this chapter.
(c) The resolution of the board of directors electing to accept this chapter and the corporation's amended articles of incorporation shall be submitted to a vote of the shareholders of the corporation entitled to vote on those proposals at a designated meeting called for that purpose. The affirmative votes of the holders of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding voting shares of the corporation are required for adoption of the election and the amended articles of incorporation. If the election and the amended articles of incorporation are adopted, they shall be signed in duplicate by a current officer of the corporation, verified and affirmed subject to penalties for perjury, and presented in duplicate to the secretary of state at the secretary of state's office.
(d) Upon the presentation of an election and amended articles of incorporation adopted under this section, the secretary of state shall endorse an approval upon both of the duplicate copies of each document, if the secretary determines that they conform to law. If all fees have been paid as required by law, the secretary shall also:
(1) file one (1) copy of each document in the secretary's office;
(2) issue a certificate of election to the corporation; and
(3) return the remaining copies bearing the endorsement of the secretary's approval to the corporation.
(e) Upon the issuance of a certificate of election to a corporation by the secretary of state under subsection (d):
(1) the election becomes effective;
(2) the corporation is entitled to all of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, and franchises, and is subject to all of the penalties, liabilities, and restrictions granted to or imposed upon credit corporations organized by this chapter; and
(3) the amendments to the corporation's articles of incorporation become effective.
As added by P.L.236-1985, SEC.1.
Structure Indiana Code
Title 23. Business and Other Associations
Article 6. Public Corporations and Associations
Chapter 4. Indiana Business Development Credit Corporation Law
23-6-4-1. "Credit Corporation" Defined
23-6-4-2. "Lending Agreement" Defined
23-6-4-3. "Lending Institution" Defined
23-6-4-4. "Loan Limit" Defined
23-6-4-6. "Member Loan" Defined
23-6-4-7. "Small Business Concern" Defined
23-6-4-9. Purposes of Corporations
23-6-4-10. Powers of Corporations
23-6-4-12. Lending Institutions as Members; Loans
23-6-4-13. Lending Agreements; Time of Membership; Evidence of Loans; Interest
23-6-4-14. Duration of Membership; Withdrawal of Membership
23-6-4-15. Powers of Members and Shareholders; Voting Rights
23-6-4-16. Board of Directors; Loan Committees
23-6-4-17. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
23-6-4-19. Period of Existence; Dissolution of Corporation
23-6-4-20. State Development Company
23-6-4-21. Exemptions; Securities Registration; Taxation; Financial Institutions Regulation