Sec. 15. (a) Only the members and shareholders of a credit corporation may exercise the following powers of the credit corporation:
(1) To elect directors of the credit corporation as provided in section 16 of this chapter.
(2) To amend the credit corporation's articles of incorporation as provided in section 17 of this chapter.
(3) To dissolve the credit corporation as provided in section 19 of this chapter.
(4) To exercise such other of the powers of the credit corporation, consistent with this chapter, as may be conferred on the members and shareholders by the bylaws of the credit corporation.
(b) As to any matter requiring action by the members and shareholders of the credit corporation, the members and shareholders shall vote separately on that matter by classes. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, such a matter requires the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes to which the members present or represented at the meeting are entitled and the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes to which the shareholders present or represented at the meeting are entitled.
(c) Each shareholder has one (1) vote for each share of stock held by the shareholder, and each member has one (1) vote. However, additional votes may be granted to any member or group of members by the articles of incorporation of the credit corporation.
(d) As to any matter requiring action by the members and shareholders of a credit corporation, the members and shareholders may vote either in person or by proxy.
As added by P.L.236-1985, SEC.1.
Structure Indiana Code
Title 23. Business and Other Associations
Article 6. Public Corporations and Associations
Chapter 4. Indiana Business Development Credit Corporation Law
23-6-4-1. "Credit Corporation" Defined
23-6-4-2. "Lending Agreement" Defined
23-6-4-3. "Lending Institution" Defined
23-6-4-4. "Loan Limit" Defined
23-6-4-6. "Member Loan" Defined
23-6-4-7. "Small Business Concern" Defined
23-6-4-9. Purposes of Corporations
23-6-4-10. Powers of Corporations
23-6-4-12. Lending Institutions as Members; Loans
23-6-4-13. Lending Agreements; Time of Membership; Evidence of Loans; Interest
23-6-4-14. Duration of Membership; Withdrawal of Membership
23-6-4-15. Powers of Members and Shareholders; Voting Rights
23-6-4-16. Board of Directors; Loan Committees
23-6-4-17. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
23-6-4-19. Period of Existence; Dissolution of Corporation
23-6-4-20. State Development Company
23-6-4-21. Exemptions; Securities Registration; Taxation; Financial Institutions Regulation