Sec. 10. In furtherance of its purposes and in addition to the powers conferred on corporations by IC 23-1, a credit corporation may:
(1) borrow money from any lending institution or from any agency established under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (Public Law 85-699, 72 Stat. 689), as amended, or under other federal or state statutes;
(2) do all things necessary or desirable to secure aid, assistance, loans, and other financing from its members (whether as member loans or otherwise);
(3) issue bonds, debentures, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, whether secured or unsecured, and secure any of those instruments by a mortgage, pledge, deed of trust, or other lien on any property, franchise, rights, or privileges of the credit corporation, without securing member or shareholder approval;
(4) lend money to, and guarantee, endorse, or act as surety on the bonds, notes, contracts, or other obligations of, or otherwise assist financially, any person, firm, corporation, limited liability company, or association;
(5) establish and regulate the terms and conditions of transactions entered into under subdivision (4) and the charges for interest and services connected with those transactions;
(6) acquire any interest in the goodwill, business rights, real and personal property, and other assets of any persons or corporations and assume, undertake, or pay the obligations, debts, and liabilities of that person or corporation;
(7) acquire improved or unimproved real estate for the purpose of constructing industrial plants or other business establishments;
(8) acquire, construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, maintain, operate, sell, convey, transfer, lease, or otherwise dispose of industrial plants or business establishments;
(9) acquire, subscribe for, own, sell, hold, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of the stock, shares, bonds, debentures, notes, or other securities and evidences of interest in or indebtedness of any person or corporation and, while the owner or holder of such a property interest, exercise all the rights, powers, and privileges of ownership, including the right to vote;
(10) acquire and dispose of an interest in any other type of real or personal property, including any real or personal property acquired by the corporation from time to time in the satisfaction of debts or as a result of the enforcement of obligations;
(11) mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber any property, right, or thing of value acquired by the credit corporation as security for the payment of any part of the purchase price for the acquired item;
(12) cooperate with and avail itself of the facilities of the United States Department of Commerce, the Indiana economic development corporation, and any other similar state or federal governmental agencies;
(13) cooperate with, assist, and otherwise encourage organizations in the various communities of Indiana in the promotion, assistance, and development of the business prosperity and economic well-being of those communities, Indiana, or any political subdivision of Indiana;
(14) make, amend, and repeal bylaws, not inconsistent with its articles of incorporation or with the laws of Indiana, for the administration and regulation of the affairs of the corporation, which bylaws may:
(A) establish internal governance procedures and standards, including procedures for voting by proxy at and for giving notice of meetings of directors and of members and shareholders, procedures and standards for the payment of dividends, and procedures for the delegation by the board of directors of its authority under the articles of incorporation and this chapter to one (1) or more committees of the board or to officers of the corporation; and
(B) give the board of directors or committees of the board the power to pass resolutions necessary or convenient to carrying out the purposes of the corporation; and
(15) do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carrying out the powers expressly granted in this chapter.
As added by P.L.236-1985, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.8-1993, SEC.318; P.L.4-2005, SEC.132.
Structure Indiana Code
Title 23. Business and Other Associations
Article 6. Public Corporations and Associations
Chapter 4. Indiana Business Development Credit Corporation Law
23-6-4-1. "Credit Corporation" Defined
23-6-4-2. "Lending Agreement" Defined
23-6-4-3. "Lending Institution" Defined
23-6-4-4. "Loan Limit" Defined
23-6-4-6. "Member Loan" Defined
23-6-4-7. "Small Business Concern" Defined
23-6-4-9. Purposes of Corporations
23-6-4-10. Powers of Corporations
23-6-4-12. Lending Institutions as Members; Loans
23-6-4-13. Lending Agreements; Time of Membership; Evidence of Loans; Interest
23-6-4-14. Duration of Membership; Withdrawal of Membership
23-6-4-15. Powers of Members and Shareholders; Voting Rights
23-6-4-16. Board of Directors; Loan Committees
23-6-4-17. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
23-6-4-19. Period of Existence; Dissolution of Corporation
23-6-4-20. State Development Company
23-6-4-21. Exemptions; Securities Registration; Taxation; Financial Institutions Regulation