Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Indiana Business Development Credit Corporation Law
23-6-4-21. Exemptions; Securities Registration; Taxation; Financial Institutions Regulation

Sec. 21. (a) Any securities issued by a credit corporation are exempt from registration under, or compliance with, IC 23-19.
(b) Any tax exemptions, tax credits, or tax privileges granted to banks, savings and loan associations, trust companies, and other financial institutions by Indiana law are granted to a credit corporation.
(c) A credit corporation is exempt from regulation under, or compliance with, IC 28-1-1 through IC 28-1-23. However, the department of financial institutions shall conduct an annual examination of the credit corporation for the purpose of determining its financial condition.
As added by P.L.236-1985, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.27-2007, SEC.22.