Illinois Compiled Statutes
815 ILCS 615/ - Dating Referral Services Act.

(815 ILCS 615/1) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-1)
Sec. 1.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the Dating Referral Services Act.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/5) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-5)
Sec. 5.
In this Act:
"Dating services enterprise" or "enterprise" means any person or business
entity offering dating referral services to the public for compensation.
"Dating referral services" means those services primarily intended to
introduce or match adult persons for social or romantic encounters, or
members in any group formed by a dating referral enterprise for any of the
above purposes, and includes those activities frequently referred to as
computer dating and video dating services. The term "dating
referral services" does not include arrangements where one party is
compensated for engaging in the social activity, such as escort services.

(Source: P.A. 87-450; 87-895.)
(815 ILCS 615/10) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-10)
Sec. 10.
(a) Governmental and not-for-profit entities are exempt from the
requirements of this Act.
(b) The provisions of this Act are not exclusive, and do not exempt any
contract for dating referral services, nor the parties thereto, from any
other applicable law, nor prohibit the enforcement by any person or any
right otherwise provided by law.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/15) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-15)
Sec. 15. Written contract required. Every contract for
dating referral services shall be in writing and shall be
subject to this Act. All provisions, requirements, and prohibitions
that are mandated by this Act and the Internet Dating, Internet Child Care, Internet Senior Care, and Internet Home Care Safety Act shall be contained in the written
contract before it is signed by the customer. A copy of the
written contract shall be given to the customer at the time the
customer signs the contract. Dating referral enterprises shall
maintain original copies of all contracts for services for as
long as the contracts are in effect and for a period of 3 years

(Source: P.A. 102-220, eff. 1-1-22.)
(815 ILCS 615/20) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-20)
Sec. 20. Cancellation and refund requirements.
(a) Every contract for dating referral services shall provide the following:
(b) Every contract for dating referral services shall provide that
notice of cancellation under subsection (a) of this Section shall be made
in writing and delivered by certified or registered mail to the enterprise
at the address specified in the contract. All refunds to which a customer
or his or her estate is entitled shall be made within 30 days of receipt by
the enterprise of the cancellation notice.

(Source: P.A. 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
(815 ILCS 615/25) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-25)
Sec. 25. Contract requirements for planned enterprises. Every
contract for dating referral services at a planned dating referral
enterprise or an enterprise under construction shall further provide that,
in the event that the facilities and services contracted for are not
available within 6 months from the date the contract is entered into, or
within 3 months of a date specified in the contract, whichever is earlier,
the contract may be cancelled at the option of the customer, and all
payments refunded within 30 days of receipt by the enterprise of the
cancellation notice.

(Source: P.A. 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
(815 ILCS 615/30) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-30)
Sec. 30.
Prohibited contract provisions.
(a) No contract for dating referral services shall require payments or
financing over a period in excess of 3 years from the date the contract
is entered into, nor shall the term of any contract be measured by the life
of the customer. The initial term of services to be rendered under the
contract may not extend over a period of more than 2 years from the date
the parties enter into the contract, provided that the customer may be given
an option to renew the contract for consecutive periods of not more than
one year each for a reasonable consideration not less than 10% of the cash
price of the original membership.
(b) No contract for dating referral services shall require or entail the
execution of any note by the customer which, when separately negotiated,
will cut off as to third parties any right of action or defense which the
customer may have against the dating referral enterprise. No right of
action or defense arising out of a contract for dating referral services
that the customer has against the enterprise shall be cut off by assignment
of the contract whether or not the assignee acquires the contract in good
faith and for value. Such an assignee is not a holder in due course.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/35) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-35)
Sec. 35.
General provisions.
(a) All contracts for dating referral services that may be in effect
between the same enterprise and the same customer, the term of which
overlap for any period, shall be considered as one contract for the
purposes of this Act. No dating referral enterprise may sell, induce, or
permit any purchaser of dating referral service to become obligated
directly or contingently under more than one contract for services at the
same time for purposes of avoiding the provisions of this Act.
(b) Any waiver by the customer of the provisions of this Act shall be
void and unenforceable.
(c) Any contract for dating referral services which does not comply
with the applicable provisions of this Act shall be void and unenforceable.
(d) If any court finds, as a matter of law, that a contract or any
provision thereof was unconscionable when made, the court may refuse to
enforce the contract, enforce the remainder of the contract without the
unconscionable provision, or limit the application of any unconscionable
provision to avoid an unconscionable result.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/40) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-40)
Sec. 40.
Prohibited acts.
(a) Unfair or deceptive acts and practices are prohibited, including but
not limited to: use of coercive sales tactics; misrepresentation of the
quality, benefits or nature of services; misrepresenting the qualifications
or number of other members participating in the service; or misrepresenting
the success the enterprise has had in making matches or referrals favorable
to its customers.
(b) Any contract for dating referral services entered into in reliance
upon any false, fraudulent, or misleading information, representation,
notice, or advertisement of the dating referral enterprise or any of its
employees or agents shall be void and unenforceable.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/45) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-45)
Sec. 45.
Enforcement by customer.
Any customer injured by a
violation of this Act may bring an action for the recovery of damages.
Judgment may be entered for 3 times the amount at which the actual damages
are assessed, plus costs, and reasonable attorney's fees.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/50) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-50)
Sec. 50.
Enforcement by Attorney General.
All remedies,
penalties, and authority granted to the Attorney General by the
Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act shall be
available to him for the enforcement of this Act, and Sections
3, 4, 5, 6, 6.1, 7, and 10 of that Act are hereby incorporated
by reference into this Act. In addition, in any action brought
by the Attorney General to enforce this Act, the court may order
that the person who incurred actual damages be awarded 3 times
the amount at which actual damages are assessed.

(Source: P.A. 87-450; 87-895.)
(815 ILCS 615/55) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-55)
Sec. 55.

This Act does not apply to any contract for dating referral
services entered into before the effective date of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)
(815 ILCS 615/105) (from Ch. 29, par. 1051-105)
Sec. 105.
This Act takes effect upon becoming law.

(Source: P.A. 87-450.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


815 ILCS 5/ - Illinois Securities Law of 1953.

815 ILCS 10/ - Uniform TOD Security Registration Act.

815 ILCS 105/ - Promissory Note and Bank Holiday Act. (Part 1)

815 ILCS 115/ - Actions to Enforce Payment Act.

815 ILCS 120/ - Illinois Fairness in Lending Act.

815 ILCS 121/ - Consumer Legal Funding Act.

815 ILCS 122/ - Payday Loan Reform Act.

815 ILCS 125/ - Foreign Corporation Lending Act.

815 ILCS 130/ - Revolving Charge Billing Act.

815 ILCS 135/ - Residential Improvement Loan Act.

815 ILCS 137/ - High Risk Home Loan Act.

815 ILCS 140/ - Credit Card Issuance Act.

815 ILCS 145/ - Credit Card Liability Act.

815 ILCS 150/ - Unsolicited Credit Card Act of 1977.

815 ILCS 155/ - Student Loans to Minors Act.

815 ILCS 160/ - Credit Agreements Act.

815 ILCS 165/ - Consumer Deposit Security Act of 1987.

815 ILCS 170/ - Tender Act.

815 ILCS 175/ - Illinois Loan Brokers Act of 1995.

815 ILCS 177/ - Tax Refund Anticipation Loan Reform Act.

815 ILCS 180/ - Collateral Protection Act.

815 ILCS 185/ - Loan Advertising to Bankrupts Act.

815 ILCS 205/ - Interest Act.

815 ILCS 301/ - Assistive Technology Warranty Act.

815 ILCS 302/ - Appliance Tag Act.

815 ILCS 303/ - Auction Sales Sign Act.

815 ILCS 305/ - Automatic Telephone Dialers Act.

815 ILCS 306/ - Automotive Repair Act.

815 ILCS 307/ - Illinois Business Brokers Act of 1995.

815 ILCS 308/ - Automotive Collision Repair Act.

815 ILCS 309/ - Bedbug Inspection Act.

815 ILCS 310/ - Bottled Water Act.

815 ILCS 312/ - Car-Sharing Program Act.

815 ILCS 315/ - Check Cashing Act.

815 ILCS 318/ - Companion Animal Cremation Act.

815 ILCS 320/ - Consignment of Art Act.

815 ILCS 325/ - Recyclable Metal Purchase Registration Law.

815 ILCS 330/ - Cotton Duck or Canvas Act.

815 ILCS 333/ - Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.

815 ILCS 338/ - Fair Food and Retail Delivery Act.

815 ILCS 340/ - Farm Implement Buyer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 345/ - Fine Prints Disclosure Act.

815 ILCS 350/ - Fraudulent Sales Act.

815 ILCS 355/ - Hot Water Heater Efficiency Act.

815 ILCS 356/ - Illinois Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers (INFORM Consumers) Act.

815 ILCS 357/ - Animal Parts and Products Ban Act.

815 ILCS 360/ - Lay Away Plan Act.

815 ILCS 362/ - Modular Housing Buyer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 365/ - Motor Fuel Sales Act.

815 ILCS 370/ - Motor Fuel and Petroleum Standards Act.

815 ILCS 375/ - Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales Act.

815 ILCS 380/ - New Vehicle Buyer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 385/ - Ophthalmic Advertising Act.

815 ILCS 390/ - Illinois Pre-Need Cemetery Sales Act.

815 ILCS 393/ - Plastic Bulk Merchandise Container Act.

815 ILCS 395/ - Platinum Sales Act.

815 ILCS 398/ - Resale Dealers Act.

815 ILCS 400/ - Resident Course Act.

815 ILCS 405/ - Retail Installment Sales Act.

815 ILCS 406/ - Retail Sale and Distribution of Novelty Lighters Prohibition Act.

815 ILCS 407/ - Sale or Pledge of Goods by Minors Act.

815 ILCS 408/ - Sale Price Ad Act.

815 ILCS 410/ - Second-hand Watch Act.

815 ILCS 413/ - Telephone Solicitations Act.

815 ILCS 414/ - Ticket Sale and Resale Act.

815 ILCS 415/ - Transportation Ticket Fraud Act.

815 ILCS 417/ - Title Page Act.

815 ILCS 420/ - Travel Promotion Consumer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 423/ - Uneconomic Practices Act.

815 ILCS 425/ - Illinois Union Label Act.

815 ILCS 430/ - Unsolicited Merchandise Act.

815 ILCS 435/ - Used Lubricant Act.

815 ILCS 440/ - Waste Oil Recovery Act.

815 ILCS 445/ - Yo-Yo Waterball Sales Prohibition Act.

815 ILCS 505/ - Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.

815 ILCS 510/ - Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

815 ILCS 511/ - Electronic Mail Act.

815 ILCS 513/ - Home Repair and Remodeling Act.

815 ILCS 515/ - Home Repair Fraud Act.

815 ILCS 517/ - Internet Caller Identification Act.

815 ILCS 518/ - Internet Dating, Internet Child Care, Internet Senior Care, and Internet Home Care Safety Act.

815 ILCS 520/ - Pay-Per-Call Services Consumer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 525/ - Prizes and Gifts Act.

815 ILCS 530/ - Personal Information Protection Act.

815 ILCS 535/ - Taxpreparer Disclosure of Information Act.

815 ILCS 601/ - Automatic Contract Renewal Act.

815 ILCS 602/ - Business Opportunity Sales Law of 1995.

815 ILCS 603/ - Contractor Prompt Payment Act.

815 ILCS 605/ - Credit Services Organizations Act.

815 ILCS 610/ - Dance Studio Act.

815 ILCS 615/ - Dating Referral Services Act.

815 ILCS 616/ - Educational Planning Services Consumer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 617/ - Euro Conversion Act.

815 ILCS 620/ - Illinois Fair Invention Development Standards Act.

815 ILCS 625/ - Fire Damage Representation Agreement Act.

815 ILCS 628/ - In-Office Membership Care Act.

815 ILCS 630/ - Job Referral and Job Listing Services Consumer Protection Act.

815 ILCS 633/ - Military Personnel Cellular Phone Contract Termination Act.

815 ILCS 635/ - Illinois Membership Campground Act.

815 ILCS 636/ - Motor Vehicle Leasing Act.

815 ILCS 637/ - Music Licensing Fees Act.

815 ILCS 640/ - Personal Injury Representation Agreement Act.

815 ILCS 645/ - Physical Fitness Services Act.

815 ILCS 650/ - Private Seal Abolishment Act.

815 ILCS 655/ - Rental-Purchase Agreement Act.

815 ILCS 665/ - Building and Construction Contract Act.

815 ILCS 670/ - Illinois Residential Building Code Act.

815 ILCS 675/ - Snow Removal Service Liability Limitation Act.

815 ILCS 705/ - Franchise Disclosure Act of 1987.

815 ILCS 710/ - Motor Vehicle Franchise Act.

815 ILCS 715/ - Illinois Equipment Fair Dealership Law.

815 ILCS 720/ - Beer Industry Fair Dealing Act.