Hawaii Revised Statutes
87A. Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund
87A-9 Legal adviser.

§87A-9 Legal adviser. The attorney general shall serve as legal adviser to the board and shall provide legal representation for the Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund. [L 2001, c 88, pt of §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 7. Public Officers and Employees

87A. Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund

87A-1 Definitions.

87A-5 Composition of board.

87A-6 Term of a trustee; vacancy.

87A-7 Chair, vice-chair, and secretary-treasurer.

87A-8 Compensation and expenses.

87A-9 Legal adviser.

87A-10 Meetings; notice.

87A-11 Quorum; board actions; voting.

87A-12 Records and minutes.

87A-15 Administration of the fund.

87A-16 Health benefits plan; carriers.

87A-16.3 Prescription drugs; mail order opt out option. A Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund health benefits plan shall permit each beneficiary to fill any covered prescription in accordance with chapter 431R. [L 2013, c 226, §3]

87A-17 Group life insurance benefits or group life insurance program.

87A-18 Long-term care benefits plan; carrier or third-party administrator.

87A-19 Plans for part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual employees.


87A-21 Eligibility.

87A-22 Benefits plan information and enrollment.

87A-23 Health benefits plan supplemental to medicare.

87A-24 Other powers.

87A-25 Other duties.

87A-26 Rules; policies, standards, and procedures.

87A-27 Actuarial investigation; valuations.

87A-30 Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund; establishment.

87A-31 Trust fund; purpose.

87A-31.1 Public employers; defined. For the purposes of this part, "public employer" means a governmental entity whose employees', beneficiaries', and retirees' health benefits coverage is provided through the fund. [L 2013, c 268, pt of §6]

87A-31.5 Employer contributions irrevocable.

87A-32 State and county contributions; active employees.

87A-33 State and county contributions; retired employees.

87A-33.5 State and county contribution; reimbursement for retired employees.

87A-34 State and county contributions; retired employees with fewer than ten years of service.

87A-35 State and county contributions; employees hired after June 30, 1996, but before July 1, 2001, and retired with fewer than twenty-five years of service.

87A-36 State and county contributions; employees hired after June 30, 2001, and retired.

87A-37 Group life insurance benefits plans for retired employees; contributions.

87A-38 State and county contributions not considered wages or salary.

87A-39 Reimbursement for state contributions.

87A-40 Employee-beneficiary contributions; health benefit plans.

87A-41 Employee-beneficiary or qualified-beneficiary contributions; long-term care benefits plan.

87A-42 Other post-employment benefits trust.