Hawaii Revised Statutes
87A. Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund
87A-30 Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund; establishment.

§87A-30 Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund; establishment. There is established outside the state treasury, a trust fund to be known as the "Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund". The fund shall consist of contributions, interest, income, dividends, refunds, rate credits, and other returns. It is hereby declared that any and all sums contributed or paid from any source to the fund created by this part, and all assets of the fund including any and all interest and earnings on the same, are and shall be held in trust by the board for the exclusive use and benefit of the employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries and shall not be subject to appropriation for any other purpose whatsoever. The fund shall be under the control of the board and placed under the department of budget and finance for administrative purposes. [L 2001, c 88, pt of §1; am L 2006, c 57, §3]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 7. Public Officers and Employees

87A. Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund

87A-1 Definitions.

87A-5 Composition of board.

87A-6 Term of a trustee; vacancy.

87A-7 Chair, vice-chair, and secretary-treasurer.

87A-8 Compensation and expenses.

87A-9 Legal adviser.

87A-10 Meetings; notice.

87A-11 Quorum; board actions; voting.

87A-12 Records and minutes.

87A-15 Administration of the fund.

87A-16 Health benefits plan; carriers.

87A-16.3 Prescription drugs; mail order opt out option. A Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund health benefits plan shall permit each beneficiary to fill any covered prescription in accordance with chapter 431R. [L 2013, c 226, §3]

87A-17 Group life insurance benefits or group life insurance program.

87A-18 Long-term care benefits plan; carrier or third-party administrator.

87A-19 Plans for part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual employees.


87A-21 Eligibility.

87A-22 Benefits plan information and enrollment.

87A-23 Health benefits plan supplemental to medicare.

87A-24 Other powers.

87A-25 Other duties.

87A-26 Rules; policies, standards, and procedures.

87A-27 Actuarial investigation; valuations.

87A-30 Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund; establishment.

87A-31 Trust fund; purpose.

87A-31.1 Public employers; defined. For the purposes of this part, "public employer" means a governmental entity whose employees', beneficiaries', and retirees' health benefits coverage is provided through the fund. [L 2013, c 268, pt of §6]

87A-31.5 Employer contributions irrevocable.

87A-32 State and county contributions; active employees.

87A-33 State and county contributions; retired employees.

87A-33.5 State and county contribution; reimbursement for retired employees.

87A-34 State and county contributions; retired employees with fewer than ten years of service.

87A-35 State and county contributions; employees hired after June 30, 1996, but before July 1, 2001, and retired with fewer than twenty-five years of service.

87A-36 State and county contributions; employees hired after June 30, 2001, and retired.

87A-37 Group life insurance benefits plans for retired employees; contributions.

87A-38 State and county contributions not considered wages or salary.

87A-39 Reimbursement for state contributions.

87A-40 Employee-beneficiary contributions; health benefit plans.

87A-41 Employee-beneficiary or qualified-beneficiary contributions; long-term care benefits plan.

87A-42 Other post-employment benefits trust.