Hawaii Revised Statutes
329. Uniform Controlled Substances Act
329-38.2 Prescriptions; additional restrictions.

§329-38.2 Prescriptions; additional restrictions. [Section repealed June 30, 2023. L 2018, c 153, §4.] (a) The prescription restrictions in this section shall apply in addition to the restrictions described in section 329-38.
(b) No prescriber shall prescribe a schedule II, III, or IV controlled substance without first requesting, receiving, and considering records of the ultimate user from the state electronic prescription accountability system as needed to reduce the risk of abuse of or addiction to a controlled substance, as needed to avoid harmful drug interactions, or as otherwise medically necessary; provided that this subsection shall not apply to any prescription:
(1) For a supply of three days or less that is made in an emergency situation, by an emergency medical provider, or in an emergency room;
(2) That will be administered directly to a patient under the supervision of a health care provider licensed to practice within the State; provided that a medically-indicated query of the electronic prescription accountability system is made when the patient is initially admitted for inpatient care at a hospital;
(3) That is an initial prescription for a patient being treated for post-operative pain; provided that the prescription is limited to a three-day supply with no refills;
(4) For a patient with a terminal disease receiving hospice or other types of palliative care; provided that for purposes of this paragraph, "terminal disease" means an incurable and irreversible disease that will, within reasonable medical judgment, produce death within six months;
(5) Prescribed while the state electronic prescription accountability system is nonfunctional; or
[(6)] Written pursuant to chapter 327L.
(c) The administrator of the state electronic prescription accountability system shall promptly disclose only the requested data to the requesting prescriber or the requesting prescriber's delegate. Disclosure as required under this section is permissible under the duty of confidentiality imposed by section 329-104. To the extent that this section conflicts with other state confidentiality and disclosure laws, this section shall prevail.
(d) A violation of this section shall not be subject to the penalty provisions of part IV of chapter 329; provided that a violation of this section may result in disciplinary action by the appropriate licensing authority. [L 2018, c 153, §2; am L 2019, c 251, §2 and c 256, §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 19. Health

329. Uniform Controlled Substances Act

329-1 Definitions.

329-2 Hawaii advisory commission on drug abuse and controlled substances; number; appointment.

329-3 Annual report.

329-4 Duties of the Hawaii advisory commission on drug abuse and controlled substances.

329-11 Authority to schedule controlled substances.

329-12 Nomenclature.

329-13 Schedule I tests.

329-14 Schedule I.

329-15 Schedule II tests.

329-16 Schedule II.

329-17 Schedule III tests.

329-18 Schedule III.

329-19 Schedule IV tests.

329-20 Schedule IV.

329-21 Schedule V tests.

329-22 Schedule V.

329-23 Republishing and distribution of schedules.

329-31 Rules.

329-31.5 Clinics.

329-32 Registration requirements.

329-33 Registration.

329-34 Revocation and suspension of registration.

329-35 Order to show cause.

329-36 Records of registrants.

329-37 Filing requirements.

329-38 Prescriptions.

329-38.2 Prescriptions; additional restrictions.

329-38.5 Opioid therapy; informed consent process; requirement for written policies.

329-39 Labels.

329-39.5 Opioid warning label.

329-40 Methadone treatment programs.

329-41 Prohibited acts B--penalties.

329-42 Prohibited acts C--penalties.

329-43 Penalties under other laws.

329-43.5 Prohibited acts related to drug paraphernalia.

329-43.6 Overdose prevention; limited immunity.

329-44 Notice of conviction to be sent to licensing board, department of commerce and consumer affairs.

329-45 REPEALED.

329-46 Prohibited acts related to visits to more than one practitioner to obtain controlled substance prescriptions.

329-49 Administrative penalties.

329-50 Injunctive relief.

329-51 Powers of enforcement personnel.

329-52 Administrative inspections.

329-53 Injunctions.

329-54 Cooperative arrangements and confidentiality.

329-55 Forfeitures.

329-56 Burden of proof; liabilities.

329-57 Judicial review.

329-58 Education and research.

329-59 Controlled substance registration revolving fund; established.

329-61 Substances subject to reporting.

329-62 Proper identification.

329-63 Person required to keep records and file reports.

329-64 Exceptions.

329-65 Penalty.

329-66 Theft, loss, and discrepancy reports.

329-67 Permit for conduct of business; applications; forms; fees; renewal; violations.

329-68 Protection of records; divulging confidential information prohibited; penalties.

329-69 Subpoena powers.

329-70 Forfeiture.

329-71 Requirements when selling specific chemicals.

329-72 Rules.

329-73 REPEALED.

329-74 Unlawful transport of pseudoephedrine.

329-75 Sales of products, mixtures, or preparations containing pseudoephedrine; reporting requirement for wholesalers.

329-81 to 91 REPEALED.

329-101 Reporting of dispensation of controlled substances; electronic prescription accountability system; requirements; penalty.

329-102 Central repository.

329-103 Designated state agency.

329-104 Confidentiality of information; disclosure of information.

329-121 Definitions.

329-122 Medical use of cannabis; conditions of use.

329-123 Registration requirements; qualifying patients; primary caregivers.

329-123.5 Registration requirements; qualifying out-of-state patient; caregiver of a qualifying out-of-state patient.

329-124 Insurance not applicable.

329-125 Protections afforded to a qualifying patient, primary caregiver, qualifying out-of-state patient, or caregiver of a qualifying out-of-state patient.

329-125.5 Medical cannabis patient and caregiver protections.

329-125.6 Protections afforded to an owner or qualified employee of a licensed medical cannabis dispensary.

329-126 Protections afforded to a treating physician or advanced practice registered nurse.

329-127 Protection of cannabis and other seized property.

329-128 Fraudulent misrepresentation; penalty.

329-129 Prohibited acts; flammable solvents.

329-130 Authorized sources of medical cannabis.

329-131 Prescription and pharmacy requirements not applicable.