Hawaii Revised Statutes
206E. Hawaii Community Development Authority
206E-5.6 Public hearing for decision-making; separate hearings required; contested case hearing; judicial review.

§206E-5.6 Public hearing for decision-making; separate hearings required; contested case hearing; judicial review. (a) When rendering a decision regarding:
(1) An amendment to any of the authority's community development rules established pursuant to chapter 91 and section 206E-7; or
(2) The acceptance of a developer's proposal to develop lands under the authority's control,
the authority shall render its decision at a public hearing separate from the hearing that the proposal under paragraph (1) or (2) was presented.
(b) The authority shall issue a public notice in accordance with section 1-28.5 and post the notice on its website; provided that the decision-making hearing shall not occur earlier than five business days after the notice is posted. Public notice issued pursuant to this subsection for public hearings on the acceptance of a developer's proposal to develop lands under the authority's control shall state that any written motion to intervene as a formal party to the proceeding shall be received within twenty days after the publication date of the public notice.
(c) Prior to rendering a decision, the authority shall provide the general public with the opportunity to testify at its decision-making hearing; provided that members of the public who are not intervenors in the proceeding shall not be considered formal parties to the proceeding.
(d) The authority shall notify the president of the senate and speaker of the house:
(1) Of any public hearing upon posting of the hearing notice; and
(2) With a report detailing the public's reaction at the public hearing, within one week after the hearing.
(e) When considering any developer's proposal to develop lands under the authority's control that includes any request for a variance, exemption, or modification of a community development plan or of the authority's community development rules, the authority shall consider the request for variance, exemption, or modification at a public hearing, noticed in accordance with section 1-28.5, separate from and subsequent to the hearing at which the developer's proposal was presented; provided that the authority may consider all requests applicable to a single proposal at the same public hearing. The authority's decision on requests subject to this subsection shall be rendered at the decision-making hearing on the developer's proposal.
(f) No final decision of the authority on a developer's proposal shall be issued until after all proceedings required by this section are finally concluded.
(g) Proceedings regarding the acceptance of a developer's proposal to develop lands under the authority's control shall be considered a contested case hearing.
(h) Any party aggrieved by a final decision of the authority regarding the acceptance of a developer's proposal to develop lands under the authority's control may seek judicial review of the decision within thirty days. Chapter 91 shall apply to the judicial review except where chapter 91 conflicts with this chapter, in which case this chapter shall apply. Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, including chapter 91, any contested case under this chapter shall be appealed from a final decision and order or a preliminary ruling that is of the nature defined by section 91-14(a) upon the record directly to the supreme court for final decision. Only a person aggrieved in a contested case proceeding provided for in this chapter may appeal from the final decision and order or preliminary ruling. For the purposes of this section, the term "person aggrieved" includes an agency that is a party to a contested case proceeding before that agency or another agency.
(i) The court shall give priority to contested case appeals of significant statewide importance over all other civil or administrative appeals or matters and shall decide these appeals as expeditiously as possible.
(j) The authority shall not approve any developer's proposal to develop lands under the authority's control unless the authority finds that the proposed development project is reasonable and is consistent with the development rules and policies of the relevant development district. In making its finding pursuant to this subsection, the authority shall consider:
(1) The extent to which the proposed project:
(A) Advances the goals, policies, and objectives of the applicable district plan;
(B) Protects, preserves, or enhances desirable neighborhood characteristics through compliance with the standards and guidelines of the applicable district rules;
(C) Avoids a substantially adverse effect on surrounding land uses through compatibility with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area; and
(D) Provides housing opportunities for all income groups, particularly low, moderate, and other qualified income groups;
(2) The impact of the proposed project on the following areas of urban design, as applicable:
(A) Pedestrian oriented development, including complete streets design;
(B) Transit oriented development, including rail, bus, and other modes of rapid transit; and
(C) Community amenities such as gathering places, community centers, culture and arts facilities, and the full array of public facilities normally provided by the public sector;
(3) The impact of the proposed project on the following areas of state concern:
(A) Preservation of important natural systems or habitats;
(B) Maintenance of valued cultural, historical, or natural resources;
(C) Maintenance of other resources relevant to the State's economy;
(D) Commitment of state funds and resources;
(E) Employment opportunities and economic development; and
(F) Maintenance and improvement of the quality of educational programs and services provided by schools;
(4) The representations and commitments made by the developer in the permit application process. [L 2006, c 251, pt of §1; am L 2014, c 61, §6; am L 2016, c 48, § §8, 14; am L 2017, c 12, §76 and c 99, §1; am L 2019, c 213, §1]
Repeal and reenactment of section on July 1, 2019, by L 2017, c 12, §76 and c 99, §1, as shown in the main volume, deleted by L 2019, c 213, §1.
The source note to this section is supplemented by "am L 2017, c 12, §76 and c 99, §1; am L 2019, c 213, §1".
Judiciary report to 2019 legislature on change in judicial proceedings made by L 2016, c 48. L 2016, c 48, §11.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 13. Planning and Economic Development

206E. Hawaii Community Development Authority

206E-1 Findings and purpose.

206E-2 Definitions.

206E-3 Hawaii community development authority; established.

206E-4 Powers; generally.

206E-4.1 Assignment of powers and duties prohibited.

206E-4.2 Reserved and workforce housing units; transfer to qualified nonprofit housing trust.

206E-4.5 Urban gardening programs.

206E-5 Designation of community development districts; community development plans.

206E-5.5 Community and public notice requirements; posting on the authority's website; required.

206E-5.6 Public hearing for decision-making; separate hearings required; contested case hearing; judicial review.

206E-6 District-wide improvement program.

206E-7 Community development rules.

206E-8 Use of public lands; acquisition of state lands.

206E-8.5 Developments within special management areas and shoreline setback. (a) Notwithstanding chapter 205A, all requests for developments within a special management area and shoreline setback variances for developments on any lands within a commu...

206E-9 Acquisition of real property from a county.

206E-10 Condemnation of real property.

206E-10.5 Relocation.

206E-11 Construction contracts.

206E-12 Dedication for public facilities as condition to development.

206E-13 Public projects.

206E-14 Sale or lease of redevelopment projects.

206E-15 Residential projects; cooperative agreements.

206E-16 Hawaii community development special fund.

206E-16.5 Expenditures of special funds under the authority exempt from appropriation and allotment.

206E-17 Exemption from taxation.

206E-18 Assistance by state and county agencies.

206E-19 Annual report.

206E-20 Court proceedings; preferences; venue.

206E-21 Issuance of bonds.

206E-22 Violations and penalty.

206E-31 Kakaako community development district; purposes.

206E-31.5 Prohibitions.

206E-31.6 Lease of projects.

206E-32 District; established, boundaries.

206E-33 Kakaako community development district; development guidance policies.

206E-34 Cultural public market.


206E-36 Roads; county standards.

206E-101 Definitions.

206E-102 Rules; eligible loans.

206E-103 Revenue bonds; authorization.

206E-104 Revenue bonds; payment and security.

206E-105 Revenue bonds; interest rate, price, and sale.

206E-106 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds, and redemption.

206E-107 Trustee; designation, duties.

206E-108 Trust indenture.

206E-109 REPEALED.

206E-110 Reserved housing loan programs; procedures and requirements.

206E-111 Reserved housing loan programs; general powers.

206E-112 Reserved housing loan programs; self supporting.

206E-113 Reserved housing loan programs; fees.

206E-114 Reserved housing loan programs; evidence of eligible loan or eligible project loan.

206E-115 Loans to lenders program.

206E-116 Loan to lenders program; collateral security.

206E-117 Purchase of existing loans program.

206E-118 Advance commitments program.

206E-119 Eligible loan and eligible project loan funding program.

206E-120 Loans; service and custody.

206E-121 Loans; sale, pledge, or assignment.

206E-122 Loans; insurance and guarantees.

206E-123 Loans; default.

206E-151 to 206E-159 REPEALED.

206E-171 to 206E-173 REPEALED.

206E-181 Definitions.

206E-182 Powers.

206E-183 Findings and determination for special facility leases.

206E-184 Special facility lease.

206E-185 Special facility revenue bonds.

206E-186 Special facility revenue bonds; special funds.

206E-191 Barbers Point Naval Air Station redevelopment; power to redevelop established.

206E-192 Designation of the Kalaeloa community development district

206E-193 District established; boundaries.

206E-194 Kalaeloa community development district; development guidance policies.

206E-195 Kalaeloa community development special fund.

206E-196 Assessment for operating costs.

206E-197 Complaints.

206E-198 Remedies.

206E-199 Reports.

206E-201 Definitions.

206E-202 District established; boundaries.

206E-203 Heeia community development district; policies to guide development.

206E-204 Heeia community development special fund.

206E-205 Rules; adoption.

206E-221 Stadium development district; purpose; findings.

206E-222 Definitions.

206E-223 District; established; boundaries.

206E-224 Development guidance policies.

206E-225 Stadium development district governance; memorandum of agreement.

206E-226 Annual comprehensive report.