Georgia Code
Article 2 - Imposition, Rate, Computation, Exemptions, and Credits
§ 48-7-40.2. Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities in Tier 1 Counties

provided, however, that credit allowed and used pursuant to subdivision (II) of this division and pursuant to subdivision (c)(2)(B)(ii)(II) of Code Section 48-7-40.3 shall not exceed $10 million in aggregate for all taxpayers for any calendar year. The commissioner shall establish an application process to ensure that the $10 million aggregate maximum and the $1 million per taxpayer maximum are not exceeded. If applications for such credit exceed $10 million for the calendar year, the commissioner shall allow for the credit to be applied to all eligible applicants in prorated amounts among such applicants, not to exceed $10 million for the calendar year.
(2.1) (A) Any credit claimed prior to January 1, 2020, pursuant to this Code section by a taxpayer that remains unused by such taxpayer may be applied pursuant to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph for any taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2020, for which such credit may be carried forward pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection provided that within a single taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2020, such taxpayer:
(B) Subject to the requirements established by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, a taxpayer may elect to apply such credit that has been carried forward as allowed pursuant to division (ii) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of this Code section.
(C) (i) Qualified investment property purchased or acquired in connection with division (ii) of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph may be eligible for credit granted under subsection (b) of this Code section, provided that the conditions for such credit are met independently of this paragraph. Any such new credit earned shall be applied as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(ii) For the taxable year in which the jobs that are required to be maintained in division (i) of subparagraph (A) of this subsection are maintained, such jobs shall not be eligible to be used or claimed as the basis for any other tax credit or benefit allowed by state law.
(D) This paragraph shall not extend the carry forward period for any credit.
(E) This paragraph shall stand repealed by operation of law on the last moment of December 31, 2024;
History. Code 1981, § 48-7-40.2 , enacted by Ga. L. 1994, p. 928, § 4; Ga. L. 1995, p. 10, § 48; Ga. L. 1995, p. 585, § 2; Ga. L. 1996, p. 220, § 5; Ga. L. 1997, p. 461, § 3; Ga. L. 1998, p. 1224, § 3; Ga. L. 2019, p. 661, § 3-1/HB 224; Ga. L. 2021, p. 922, § 48/HB 497.
The 2019 amendment, effective June 1, 2019, inserted a comma following “form” in the middle of paragraph (a)(1); inserted a comma following “to” in the first sentence of paragraph (a)(3); added paragraph (a)(7); inserted the second occurrence of “a” near the middle of the first sentence of subsection (b); added the proviso at the end of the second sentence of paragraph (c)(1); redesignated the first and second sentences of paragraph (c)(2) as subparagraphs (c)(2)(A) and (c)(2)(B), respectively, added the division (c)(2)(B)(i) designation and added division (c)(2)(B)(ii), and redesignated the third sentence as subparagraph (c)(2)(C); added subparagraph (c)(2)(D); added paragraph (c)(2.1); in paragraph (c)(3), inserted a comma following “subsection” in the middle, substituted “the amount required by paragraph (1) of this subsection” for “$50,000.00” at the end; and, in subsection (d), deleted the paragraph (1) designation, substituted “No taxpayer” for “Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, no taxpayer” at the beginning, and deleted former paragraph (d)(2), which read: “For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1995, and ending on or prior to December 31, 1998, a taxpayer shall be authorized to claim on a tax return for a given project the credit provided for in this Code section and to claim, if otherwise qualified under Code Section 48-7-40, the tax credit applicable to tier 1 counties under Code Section 48-7-40, subject to the following limitations:
“(A) Not less than 250 new full-time employee jobs must be created in the first taxable year and maintained through the end of the third taxable year in which the taxpayer claims both credits as authorized under this paragraph; and
“(B) An otherwise qualified taxpayer shall not be entitled to receive the additional tax credit authorized under Code Section 36-62-5.1 in any taxable year in which that taxpayer claims both of the tax credits as authorized under this paragraph.” See Editor’s notes for applicability.
The 2021 amendment, effective May 10, 2021, part of an Act to revise, modernize, and correct the Code, revised punctuation in paragraph (a)(3).
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 1994, p. 928, § 1, not codified by the General Assembly, provides: “This Act shall be known and may be cited as the ‘Georgia Business Expansion Support Act of 1994.’ ”
Ga. L. 1994, p. 928, § 8, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that the 1994 amendment “shall be applicable to all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1994.”
Ga. L. 1995, p. 585, § 10, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that the 1995 amendment “shall be applicable to all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1995.”
Ga. L. 1996, p. 220, § 11, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that the 1996 amendment “shall be applicable to all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1996.”
Ga. L. 1997, p. 461, § 10, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that the 1997 amendment “shall be applicable to all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1997.”
Ga. L. 2019, p. 661, § 4-1/HB 224 not codified by the General Assembly, provides that Parts II and III of this Act “shall be applicable to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 48 - Revenue and Taxation

Chapter 7 - Income Taxes

Article 2 - Imposition, Rate, Computation, Exemptions, and Credits

§ 48-7-20. [Effective Until January 1, 2024. See note.] Individual Tax Rates; Credit for Withholding and Other Payments; Applicability to Estates and Trusts

§ 48-7-20. [Effective January 1, 2024. See note.] Individual Tax Rates; Credit for Withholding and Other Payments; Applicability to Estates and Trusts

§ 48-7-20.1. One-Time Tax Rebates for Qualified Taxpayers

§ 48-7-21. Taxation of Corporations

§ 48-7-21.1. Compensation Paid by Taxpayer Disallowed as Business Expense; Applicability

§ 48-7-22. Taxation of Fiduciaries; Rate; Taxable Net Income of Estate or Trust; Exemptions; Computation of Net Income; Determination of Taxable Year; Tax as Charge Against Estate or Trust

§ 48-7-23. Taxation of Partnerships; Computation of Net Income; Disallowance of Charitable Contributions; Individual Liability of Partners; Individual Returns of Distributive Shares; Taxable Years; Elections

§ 48-7-24. Nonresident Members of Resident Partnerships; Resident Members of Nonresident Partnerships; Profits; Distributive Shares; Taxability; Applicability

§ 48-7-25. Exempt Corporations and Organizations; Procedure for Obtaining Exempt Status; Revocation of Exempt Status; Grounds; Retroactivity; Statute of Limitations; Information Returns; Unrelated Business Income; Deductibility of Death Benefit Payme...

§ 48-7-26. [Effective Until January 1, 2024. See note.] Personal Exemptions

§ 48-7-26. [Effective January 1, 2024. See note.] Personal Exemptions

§ 48-7-27. [Effective Until January 1, 2024. See note.] Computation of Taxable Net Income

§ 48-7-27. [Effective January 1, 2024. See note.] Computation of Taxable Net Income

§ 48-7-28. Reciprocity

§ 48-7-28.1. Tax Repayments and Benefits

§ 48-7-28.2. Employer Social Security Credits

§ 48-7-28.3. Expenses From Transactions With Related Members

§ 48-7-28.4. Adjustments to Taxes; Disallowing Expenses Paid to Certain Real Estate Investment Trusts; Procedures, Conditions, and Limitations

§ 48-7-29. Tax Credits for Rural Physicians

§ 48-7-29.1. Tax Credits for Retrofitting Certain Single-Family Homes With Accessibility Features

§ 48-7-29.2. Tax Credits for Qualified Caregiving Expenses

§ 48-7-29.4. Tax Credits for Disaster Assistance Funds Received

§ 48-7-29.6. Tax Credits for Qualified Low-Income Buildings

§ 48-7-29.7. Tax Credits for Depository Financial Institutions

§ 48-7-29.9. Tax Credits for Qualified Life Insurance Premiums for National Guard and Air National Guard Members

§ 48-7-29.10. Tax Credits for Qualified Child and Dependent Care Expenses

§ 48-7-29.11. Tax Credits for Certain Teleworking Expenses

§ 48-7-29.12. Tax Credits for Qualified Donation of Real Property

§ 48-7-29.13. Tax Credits for Qualified Health Insurance Expenses

§ 48-7-29.14. Tax Credits for Clean Energy Property

§ 48-7-29.15. Tax Credits for the Adoption of Foster Children

§ 48-7-29.16. [Effective Until January 1, 2023. See note.] Tax Credits for Contributions to Student Scholarship Organizations

§ 48-7-29.16. [Effective January 1, 2023. See note.] Tax Credits for Contributions to Student Scholarship Organizations

§ 48-7-29.17. Tax Credit for the Purchase of One Eligible Single-Family Residence

§ 48-7-29.18. Tax Credits for Purchasers of Alternative Fuel Heavy Duty and Medium Duty Vehicles

§ 48-7-29.19. Procedures, Conditions, and Limitations on Amount of Tax Credits for Purchasers of Alternative Fuel Heavy-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles

§ 48-7-29.20. [Effective Until January 1, 2023. See note.] Tax Credits for Contributions to Rural Hospital Organizations

§ 48-7-29.23. Tax Credits for Teachers in the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Program

§ 48-7-29.24. Tax Credits for Contributions to Foster Child Support Organizations

§ 48-7-29.25. Tax Credits for Contributions to Law Enforcement Foundations

§ 48-7-30. Taxation of Nonresident’s Entire Net Income Derived From Activities Within State; Separate Accounting Possible; Applicability; Allowed Deductions; Applicability of Provisions for Corporations to Nonresidents

§ 48-7-31. Taxation of Corporations; Allocation and Apportionment of Income; Formula for Apportionment

§ 48-7-31.1. Conditions for Allocating Taxpayer’s Income Pursuant to Agreement; Public Inspection; Criteria for Evaluating Proposals

§ 48-7-32. Taxation of Railroad and Public Service Corporations; Computation of Net Income Where Business Is Within and Outside State; Net Income for All Other Such Corporations

§ 48-7-33. Annual Accounting Periods

§ 48-7-34. Returns of Corporations and Nonresidents Based Upon Books of Account; Application to Commissioner; Time; Contents

§ 48-7-35. Application for Permission to Use Other Method of Allocation by Corporation or Nonresident; Contents; Effect of Failure to Receive Notice of Rejection

§ 48-7-36. Tolling of Time Limits for Filings by Reason of War Related Service in Armed Forces

§ 48-7-37. Taxes Due From Members of Armed Forces Dying on Active Duty; Applicability of Tax to Particular Taxable Years; Assessment of Unpaid Taxes; Abatement; Credit or Refund of Collected Payments

§ 48-7-38. Deduction for Payments to Minority Subcontractors; Certification as Minority Subcontractor

§ 48-7-39. Depreciation of Property Placed in Service in Prior Tax Years

§ 48-7-40. Designation of Counties as Less Developed Areas; Tax Credits for Certain Business Enterprises

§ 48-7-40.1. Tax Credits for Business Enterprises in Less Developed Areas

§ 48-7-40.1A. Additional Job Tax Credits for Manufacturers of Personal Protective Equipment

§ 48-7-40.1B. Tax Credit for Jobs Created by Manufacturers of Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Pharmaceuticals, or Medicine

§ 48-7-40.2. Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities in Tier 1 Counties

§ 48-7-40.3. Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities in Tier 2 Counties

§ 48-7-40.4. Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities or Manufacturing and Telecommunications Support Facilities in Tier 3 or 4 Counties

§ 48-7-40.5. Tax Credits for Employers Providing Approved Retraining Programs

§ 48-7-40.6. Tax Credits for Employers Providing Child Care

§ 48-7-40.7. Optional Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities in Tier 1 Counties

§ 48-7-40.8. Optional Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities in Tier 2 Counties

§ 48-7-40.9. Optional Tax Credits for Existing Manufacturing and Telecommunications Facilities or Manufacturing and Telecommunications Support Facilities in Tier 3 and 4 Counties

§ 48-7-40.12. Tax Credits for Qualified Research Expenses

§ 48-7-40.14. Calculation of New Full-Time Jobs

§ 48-7-40.15. Alternative Tax Credits for Base Year Port Traffic Increases

§ 48-7-40.15A. Increased Job Tax Credit Based on Increase in Port Traffic

§ 48-7-40.16. Tax Credits for Alternative Fuel, Low-Emission and Zero-Emission Vehicles, and Electric Vehicle Chargers

§ 48-7-40.17. Tax Credits for Establishing or Relocating Quality Jobs

§ 48-7-40.18. Tax Credits for Businesses Headquartered in State; Full-Time Jobs

§ 48-7-40.20. Tax Credits for Businesses Engaged in Manufacturing Cigarettes for Exportation; Amount; Required Information

§ 48-7-40.21. Tax Credits for Existing Business Enterprises Undergoing Qualified Business Expansion; Recapture; Application of Credit

§ 48-7-40.22. Tax Credits for Business Enterprises for Leased Motor Vehicles; Daily Ridership; Implementation

§ 48-7-40.23. Election to Count New Jobs on Calendar Year Basis

§ 48-7-40.24. Tax Credits for Jobs Associated With Large-Scale Projects

§ 48-7-40.25. Tax Credits for Investment in Expanding Existing Manufacturing Facilities; Enhancements for High-Impact Aerospace Defense Projects

§ 48-7-40.26. Tax Credits for Film, Gaming, Video, or Digital Production

§ 48-7-40.26A. Tax Credits for Postproduction Expenditures

§ 48-7-40.27. Tax Credits for Qualified Investments in a Research Fund

§ 48-7-40.28. Limitation on the Aggregate Amount of Tax Credits Allowed for Qualified Investments in a Research Fund

§ 48-7-40.29. [For Effective Date, See note.] Tax Credits for Certain Qualified Equipment That Reduces Business or Domestic Energy or Water Usage

§ 48-7-40.30. Tax Credits for Certain Qualified Investments for Limited Period of Time

§ 48-7-40.31. Tax Credits for Employing Qualified Parolees

§ 48-7-40.32. Revitalization Zone Tax Credits

§ 48-7-40.35. Tax Credits for Qualified Employers; Conditions and Limitations to Credit; Requirements for Being Qualified Employer

§ 48-7-40.36. Tax Credits for Timber Producers Incurring Losses From Hurricane Michael

§ 48-7-41. Basic Skills Education Program Credits

§ 48-7-42. Affiliated Entities; Assignment of Corporate Income Tax Credits; Carryover of Unused Credits; Joint and Severable Liability