Florida Statutes
Chapter 17 - Chief Financial Officer
17.42 - Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.

(1) The Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund is created within the department.
(2) Funds to be credited to the Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund shall consist of payments received by the state from settlements reached with distributors as part of In re Mallinckrodt PLC, Case No. 20-12522 (Bankr. D. Del. 2021) and any other similar settlements in opioid-related litigation or bankruptcy. Funds received from such settlements and deposited into the trust fund are exempt from the service charges imposed under s. 215.20.
(3) Funds deposited into the Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund shall be subdivided as follows:
(a) Regional subfund.—The following amounts shall be deposited into the regional subfund each year:
1. From 2022 to 2027, inclusive, 47 percent.
2. From 2028 to 2030, inclusive, 41 percent.
3. From 2031 to 2033, inclusive, 40 percent.
4. From 2034 to 2036, inclusive, 39 percent.
5. From 2037 to any subsequent year, inclusive, 35 percent.

(b) State subfund.—The state subfund shall be funded with all remaining funds after funds allocated for the regional subfund are deposited.

(4) The department is authorized to draw warrants for amounts for which the Department of Legal Affairs notifies the Chief Financial Officer to draw warrants and withdraw such amounts from the regional subfund to pay amounts due pursuant to the terms of any allocation agreement or settlement to a county within the state that:
(a) Has a population of at least 300,000 according to the United States Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, 2019, released March 2020, or the United States Decennial Census of 2020, released August and September 2021;
(b) Has an opioid task force of which the county is a member or operates in connection with its municipalities or others on a local or regional basis. As used in this paragraph, the term “task force” includes any department, committee, commission, or bureau established by the county to collect information related to substance abuse disorders in the county and provide that information to the county, along with recommendations on responding to the opioid epidemic, so long as the department, committee, commission, or bureau allows municipalities and others to participate in whatever process is undertaken;
(c) As of December 31, 2021, has an abatement plan that has been adopted or is being used to respond to the opioid epidemic;
(d) As of December 31, 2021, provides or contracts with others to provide substance abuse prevention, recovery, and treatment services to its citizens; and
(e) Enters or has entered into an interlocal written agreement with a majority of the municipalities located within the county’s boundaries. As used in this paragraph, the term “majority” means more than 50 percent of the population of the municipalities located within the boundaries of a county. For purposes of calculating a majority, individuals living in unincorporated portions of a county may not be counted.

(5) The department shall disburse funds from the state subfund, by nonoperating transfer, of the Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund to the opioid settlement trust funds of the various agencies, as appropriate, as provided in the General Appropriations Act.
(6) Funds disbursed or transferred under this section shall be used by the state, its agencies, its contractors, and its subdivisions and their contractors to abate the opioid epidemic.
(7) Pursuant to s. 19(f)(3), Art. III of the State Constitution, the Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund is exempt from the termination provisions of s. 19(f)(2), Art. III of the State Constitution.
History.—s. 1, ch. 2022-161.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title IV - Executive Branch

Chapter 17 - Chief Financial Officer

17.001 - Chief Financial Officer.

17.002 - Definition.

17.011 - Assistant Chief Financial Officer.

17.02 - Place of Residence and Office.

17.03 - To Audit Claims Against the State.

17.031 - Security of Chief Financial Officer’s Office.

17.04 - To Audit and Adjust Accounts of Officers and Those Indebted to the State.

17.0401 - Confidentiality of Information Relating to Financial Investigations.

17.041 - County and District Accounts and Claims.

17.0415 - Transfer and Assignment of Claims.

17.0416 - Authority to Provide Services on a Fee Basis.

17.05 - Subpoenas; Sworn Statements; Enforcement Proceedings.

17.075 - Form of State Warrants and Other Payment Orders; Rules.

17.076 - Direct Deposit of Funds.

17.08 - Accounts, etc., on Which Warrants Drawn, to Be Filed.

17.09 - Application for Warrants for Salaries.

17.10 - Record of Warrants and of State Funds and Securities.

17.11 - To Report Disbursements Made.

17.12 - Authorized to Issue Warrants to Tax Collector or Sheriff for Payment.

17.13 - To Duplicate Warrants Lost or Destroyed.

17.14 - To Prescribe Forms.

17.16 - Seal.

17.17 - Examination by Governor and Report.

17.20 - Assignment of Claims for Collection.

17.21 - Not to Allow Any Claim of State Attorney Against State Until Report Made.

17.22 - Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.

17.25 - May Certify Copies.

17.26 - Cancellation of State Warrants Not Presented Within 1 Year.

17.27 - Microfilming and Destroying Records and Correspondence.

17.28 - Chief Financial Officer May Authorize Biweekly Salary Payments.

17.29 - Authority to Prescribe Rules.

17.30 - Dissemination of Information.

17.32 - Annual Report of Trust Funds; Duties of Chief Financial Officer.

17.325 - Governmental Efficiency Hotline; Duties of Chief Financial Officer.

17.41 - Department of Financial Services Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.

17.42 - Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.

17.43 - Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund.

17.51 - Oath and Certificate of Chief Financial Officer.

17.52 - Moneys Paid on Warrants.

17.54 - Annual Report to Governor.

17.55 - Examination by and Monthly Statements to the Governor.

17.555 - Division of Treasury to Keep Record of Warrants and of State Funds and Securities.

17.56 - Division of Treasury to Maintain All Warrants Paid.

17.57 - Deposits and Investments of State Money.

17.575 - Administration of Funds; Treasury Investment Council.

17.58 - Deposits of Public Money Outside the State Treasury; Revolving Funds.

17.59 - Safekeeping Services.

17.60 - Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.

17.61 - Chief Financial Officer; Powers and Duties in the Investment of Certain Funds.

17.62 - Interest on State Moneys Deposited; When Paid.

17.63 - Chief Financial Officer Not to Issue Evidences of Indebtedness.

17.64 - Division of Treasury to Make Reproductions of Certain Warrants, Records, and Documents.

17.65 - Chief Financial Officer to Prescribe Forms.

17.66 - Securities in Book-Entry Form.

17.67 - Federal Grants Trust Fund.

17.68 - Financial Literacy Program for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities.